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A deafening bash of the wall caving in, broke apart Thor and Stephen's conversation, a figure crashed on the ground and screeched.

A woman in a regal cloak smashed onto the figure with a yellow spear, yanking it out and kicking the creature in the face, knocking it unconscious as it bled out on the carpet. Standing up and rolling her shoulder out, the woman sighed deeply.

"Ugh, disgustang...I just got this cleaned!" A cough sounded from behind her, and she twirled around, placing the spear in her belt loop, then started smacking her hands off of one another. The man sporting a goatee raised his eyebrows up at her actions.

"Spence, you alright?"

"Splendid. Who's he?" Pointing to the God he smiled, holding his large fucking hand out.

"Thor, son of Odin—"

"God of Thunder? Sick." Shaking his hand, being familiar with him from another person, a body thumped next to the pair, making Spencer jump, her adrenaline still high as a kite. The man dressed in black that she'd known for a while, whipped his hair out of his face and screamed like a child,


"Yeah, try 3 hours, sweetheart." Spencer scoffed, grabbing the back of his suit and lifted the tall God up onto his feet. His parakeet colored eyes narrowed at the woman, silently discussing a plan to not know each other.

"Thank you." He snarled at her and she sneered at the other royalty.

"Don't mention it, John Wick." The black-haired giant furrowed his ebony eyebrows and stared at Spencer.

"You Midgardians truly are strange."

"Yes, we are. Spencer Strange, to be precise, your majesty." Loki stared at the hand occupying many rings of different types, studying them again.

"My name is Loki, of Asgard." He said with proudness, winked at her and shook her hand delicately then brought it up to his lips to peck it, like a gentleman. 'Cause Frigga ain't raised no swine.

"Sweet." Stephen whisked his hand away from hers and Spencer flushed, scoffing to cover up her pinkened cheekbones.

"Any who, that is your way onto seeing your father. Now, please, if you will--" As Stephen gestured, the portal moved out to the side of him. Loki, still a little pissy about being trapped, gazed at Stephen up and down, noticing the signs of magic and sorcery, he then proceeded to yank two daggers out,


"S T O P—!"

"You both think you're some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute that you second rate me—" Stephen threw his hand forward towards the now deranged God of Lies.

"Alright, buh-bye!" Spencer let out a loud laugh at her father's retort, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around her torso.

"That was hilarious." Stephen cracked a smile at his daughter and returned back to his normal, everyday clothes.


"For sure." Spencer picked at the dried blood on her knuckles, flexing her fingers along the way and wiping off her rings.

"What was that?" Patting her hands on the sides of her thighs, trying to get rid of the alien blood, she let out a puff of air.

"Just some intergalactic creature tryna kill me, y'know the usual." Stephen opened is mouth in an 'Ah, yes.' manner whilst raising his eyebrows.

"Of course...the usual."  

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