aw man [four]

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The clinks of champagne glasses sounded in Spencer's head as she regained faint consciousness again. Surprise, surprise, there was no damn champagne, and that sound came from the hundreds of transparent shards that were milli-meters away from piercing her sickly skin.

"Hm. The stone-keeper's tool, you amaze me." Despite the aching pound in her skull, which resulted in lightheaded-ness, Spencer is without a doubt a take-no-shit kind of person.

"I'm not a tool. That's you, just a fuckin' tool to Thanos, anyway." She spat at him, describing her words and...physically. It landed smack on his feet, tinted a current color. Spencer made the almighty mistake of whipping her head to the side, only to be met with a shock to her skin as a few shards barely met the bridge of her pointed nose. The burning gaze followed past them to reveal her unconscious father, and gather around his form was the same amount of shards.

"Surely, you would know." The nasally voice cut in, though she ignored his remark. Ebony Maw ignored her glower towards his deformed face and kept inching closer to her floating figure. Spencer tried to move her neck away without being struck. A few inhales and a groan signaled the awakening of Stephen from his K.O. His daughter's full attention was directed to him as Maw chose to move towards the stone-keeper instead of the stone-keeper's tool.

"In all my time serving Thanos, I have never failed him." The alien simply stated as an accomplishment. Spencer groggily coughed out because of her fuzzy mind, from being decked by a fucking car.

"That's so disappointing." Stephen gave a side look that read, 'Shut TF up, you're in NO position to do that'. The woman only smirked dazedly, letting her head drop down a little, that soon cause the wine-colored blood to dribble out of her tawny lips, wash down her chin and drip on the floor of the donut space ship.


"Don't you fucking call me pathetic, Squidward." Spencer spat, raising her head up to face the ugly alien.

"Spencer." Stephen stern voice caused her to shut up.



Momentarily. Ebony Maw peered at her medallion orbs that were surrounded by buldging veins, challenging her eyes..he put it off. Knowing it was only wasting his time and formed a distraction from achieving the time stone.

"If I were to reach out rendezvous point on time...with the time stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person, there would be judgment." Stephen's artic orbs met Maw's and the doctor's twitching face while explaining, soon his stare set onto the younger Strange.

"You seem to be quite close to the stone-keeper. Perhaps...I shall use you." Spencer's pecan brows shifted into a furrow as Ebony twirled his lengthy fingers and the needle shards conveyed around Spencer, instead of Stephen.

"No! Please, DON'T!" The cries of Stephen reached the ears of Tony and Peter up top, as the first needles had already penetrated the surface under her eyebags.

"Mmh." Spencer inhaled sharply, her mouth slightly agape in agony. The 2nd and 3rd rounds enter deeper into the middle of her forehead, right above her eyelids. Her breathing became choppy and irregular, the 4th round set into her spine plus her legs. Spencer gave a shriek at the heavier amount of pain blooming throughout her skeleton. 

"STOP!" Spencer, with gritted teeth, didn't give in, not one bit as Stephen begged for her mercy.

"Your eyes seem to be quite magnificant, maybe I shall retrieve those as well." A thunderous screech echoed throughout the semi-empty ship as the final round stabbed into her cheekbones and all around her eye nerves. Now was the time for the shards to deeply hit her raw skin that opened up on the street of New York. 

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