foreseen [one]

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Silence had fallen over the New York sanctum. Most of the manual lights were out but the few candles made an exception. The only noises faintly heard was the occasional drip from the faucet or the creak of the olden wooden floors. This is where Spencer Strange slept...very uneasily, might I add. Not the first time and certainly not the last. The canary-colored eyes were clamped shut as sections of her comforter was stuck in a vice grip, all the while she tossed and jerked.

"Hear me and rejoice." Spencer stood in place, in the middle of fucking nowhere and everywhere. Darkness was all she could seem to view, though her ears seemed to pick up the smallest amount of sound. The nimble hands grappled at her pants nervously as her figure moved forward, trying to gain any sense of where she was.

That changed real quick.

"Thanos...Thanos is coming!"

"Thor's gone." 

"If he gets his hands all six stones, Tony..." Spencer felt like she was pinched on her shoulders and thrusted into another scene at light speed. A flash of a middle-aged man with graying hair and tanned skin while speaking to a pair of adults. Brown hair, goatee along with strawberry-blonde hair and panicked eyes shifting. Cut to black.

"This is it."

"Hm. The stone-keeper's tool, you amaze me."

"You can go ahead and thank me, I'm listening."

"This is some boogaloo shit, huh?" The air knocked out of her lungs as she flung into another scene for a split second. Same man with the goatee walked towards a big open window that displayed...outer fucking space. Cut to ebony.

"I will give you the stone."

"Don't." The voices overlapped one another and kept rising in volume, which caused Spencer's heart to go ballistic, even if her vision was gone. Spencer put her hands out in front of her, trying to grasp onto anything, something.

"You can't."

"I'd rather be killed in his place. You'll have to bury me face down, motherfucker!" The sound of spit being spat outward followed after that statement, it seemed to be the loudest echo heard in this nightmare. That's because these two sentences were said by her, her own voice practically begged for something that couldn't be undone.

"We're in the endgame now." That statement made goosebumps crawl all over her arms, making the ringing in her ears louder and louder, and her heart thump faster and harder. It was her father's voice, she didn't know the context, but Spencer was frightened as to what it could mean.

The absolute wind was knocked out of Spencer was she was pushed by an unknown force, she fell on all fours at the impact. The dandelion eyes searched frantically for anything to see, for a fraction of a second, they settled on a massive figure with tinted violet skin, to make matters worse, their face was painted with one wicked-ass grin.

Spencer became a deer-in-the-headlights kind of frozen as a sharp, sickening pain filled her upper chest area, as if she was just hit with boiling water. She hissed, slamming her palm over the injury, when her hand drew back, it was covered in the thick merlot liquid. Blood. Her brain told her to look up once again, before she could have a loud snap invaded her ears and—

"FUCK." Spencer Louis Strange threw her body upward, in her queen sized bed as sweat dripped down her body, chest heaving along with it. The scream that bubbled up in her throat and burned her face, was shoved down. Confusion flew over her butterscotch orbs as her thin hands shook, her stomach twisting in fright. Pushing that aside, she swung her legs over the edge of her bed, planting her feet on the ground but then placed her whirling head in her hands.

What did I just witness?


"Seriously, you don't have any money?" Wong just shrugged and motioned to Spencer, currently in front of the two. Stephen raised a sharp eyebrow and waltzed over next to his daughter.

"So, tell me...why you're not...working?" Spencer just threw up her shoulders in response and gazed at him anxiously.

"I had a...weird dream last night. Weirder than normal. I could hear everything, see seconds of things passing by, dangerous things, people. Something must be coming, this could be nothing b-but I just...didn't want anything to happen to you if I was gone—" Stephen cut her off with a raise of his hand, then placed in gently on her shoulder, beckoning her closer to his side as they followed Wong down the stairs.

"Great reason. Entirely worrisome, Spence, but---"

"I not crazy, I swear. This just had a certain vibe..." Wong eyed Spencer, very suspiciously.

"Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual." He cut in and Stephen rolled his eyes so hard, they went off down the street.

"I'll tell the guy at the deli, maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye." Internally, Spencer shrieked to the fact he was blowing this off as if it was nothing. He should've asked her on some details that happened, what she heard and saw, what she felt.

"Oh. Wait, wait, wait. I think I have 200." Wong exclaimed, fishing in his pockets. Spencer turned around, giving him her attention,



"Which is?"

"Uh, buck and a half." Stephen sighed through his nose as his daughter chuckled at the banter between them.

"What do you want?" He caved in and asked.

"I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt."

"I'll take that metaphysical ham on rye."

"You're hilarious, Spence."

"Hah! I know." A steady, firm grip of her dad's hand broke her from her thoughts, as his ocean eyes stared at her.

"But, seriously, how sure are you about this dream, how real was it? What's coming?" Her mouth opened and closed.

"It was real. I was bleeding and I felt it." The lapis eyes followed her drifting eyes, he wanted to respond, he really did, but there was a huge fucking crash that sounded from the ceiling, landing behind Wong on the staircase. Sturdy hands grasped her forearms from behind her, as someone pulled her backwards to avoid the crash.

Stephen had placed himself in front of Spencer, shielding her. In a half of a second, the Cloak of Levitation plus, the azure Cloak of Immunity made their way to the shoulders of the father-daughter duo. They approached the hole in the floor with weapons out and squared figures, expecting like a meteor or an alien, there was a man. He had no goddamn clothes on, graying hair with...tanned complexion. He was panting and shifted his gaze between the three of them like a rapid animal.

"Thanos...Thanos is coming."

"Aw shit."   

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