now we've thrown him off his rhythm [eight]

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A space-ship decided it was time to crash land right into Thanos, nOw wE'Ve tHrOwN HiM oFf HiS rHyThM! The pilot of the said space ship, jumps out, landing a good-ass sucker punch to the Titan's face.

"Well, well."

"You should have killed me." Nebula snarled, pulling out an energy blade menacingly.

"It would've been a waste of parts!" The cyborg chose to strike first.

"Where's Gamora?!"

Meanwhile, Stephen sits next to an unconscious Spencer, shaking her as blood gushed again from her previous wound.

"C'mon...Spence, Spencer!" The groan that emitted from the young woman made Stephen fill with relief.

"Spence, you alright?"

"As good as I can be,...phew boy, concussions are a...bitch and a half to deal with." He grabbed her hand and dragged her into a standing position, to which she stumbled to, grasping onto his clothing for support.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Half of what her father said was clouded in one ear, but she understood, none the less.

"What choice do I have, man..." Stephen chuckled, the duo watching Nebula absolutely whoop Thanos' ass. Seconds later, Spencer appeared through a portal behind Thanos, as Stephen came through one in front. Collecting the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak in both hands, in a plan to pinion the gauntlet, it moved the fingers apart, smoothing an easier way to get it off. Drax slid in to kick him, knocking him off balance and chose to just wrap himself around his leg, like it was going to do anything. Star-Lord threw a device next to his un-occupied hand, the device soon developed into a tangle-field, yanking his hand down forcefully with no way out.

Spider-boy webbed around the Titan's torso, keeping him at bay as much as he could. Stephen opened a portal over his head, to which Mantis popped out of, landing on Thanos' shoulder and placed her palms on the side of his temples, he let out a howl. Stark appears out of thin-air, attempting to pull the gauntlet off, the duo of Strange's tug on the Crimson bands, making sure they were tight as can be.

"Is he under? Don't let up."

"Yeah, obviously, Stark!" Mantis started to wail, tears shining in her ebony eyes.

"Be quick, he is very strong."

"Parker, help! Get over here. LET'S GO." The nerd pair struggle to successfully pull it off and sweat dripped down Spencer's neck. Quill decided to stand in front of the alien, tauntingly.

"I thought you'd be harder to catch, man. Not so strong now, huh? Where is Gamora?"

"My Gamora..." Quill scowled, as Thanos jerked with glazed pearl orbs.

"No, BULL-SHIT. Where is she?"

"H-He is in anguish..."


"He...he mourns!" If you knew Spencer like Stephen did, you could practically hear the 'Oh, shit, c'mon man!' playing in her head, at this exact moment of realization.

"What does this monster have to mourn--?!"

"Gamora." Silence between the group at Nebula's deadpan.

"What?" Nebula's face switched to utter horror and melancolhy.

"He took her to Vormir. He came back with the Soul stone...but she didn't." The air was heavy. Quill's eyes became like two pieces of freshly cleaned glass. Tony tried his damn hardest to knock sense into his grieving mind.

"Don't, don't, don't engage! We've almost got this off—"

"Tell me he's lying...ASSHOLE! TELL ME YOU DIDN'T DO IT."


"Fucking, unbelievable." Spencer muttered under her breath, keeping a watchful eye on Mr. Emotional,

", you didn't. NO, YOU DIDN'T!" He smacks Thanos twice in the face with his pistols before anyone could react and Spencer, raised a hand, pulling him back by the Crimson bands. Though it was too late, and they were fucked.

"QUILL!" Tony launched forward to hold him back, as he became hysterical.

"Hey, stop! Hey, stop! STOP! STOP!" Peter had managed to barely swipe it off his thick fingers,

"It's coming! It's coming, it's coming! I got--I got it!" Mantis lost her grip, Thanos knocked her ass off of him by headbutting her. He yanks back and the gauntlet on and Peter is thrown off. Thanos kicked off Drax on his leg, and tugged the Crimson Bands belonging to Stephen, propelling him through the air far away. Stark and the Guardians made a shit back-up attempt to stop him but with a lil' flick of the Power Stone, they were shot away. Spencer skidded on her Vans a few meters away from the Titan, she cracked her neck to one side, staring him down. Placing her hands in position, she crouched down ready to aim and fire,

"By the Flames of Faltine!" Striking beams of sandstone and scarlet bashed out to Thanos' astounded figure, pushing him violently off his feet and soaring through the air, landing in a nasty pile of rubble. Spencer almost laughed to herself, genuinely shocked that worked...without a game plan.   

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