repugnantes [eleven]

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Repugnantes [V.] Latin: Keep fighting

   "Ты прав? You alright?" Kian hoisted Bucky to his feet as Steve bustled over, checking up on the killer duo. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." The static, ocean wave-like sound casted over the army of Avengers. Kian's blood ran cold when Bucky grabbed her shoulder, rubbing the flesh skin before the metal of her arm to calm her in some way. The long-time partners blinked at one another, silently conversing. Be safe. Please. Steve threateningly activated his shield at the sound and sense of ultimate danger.

"Eyes up...stay sharp!"  

Bruce in the Iron Hulk suit. Thrown aside.

Steve Rogers. Thrown aside.

Black Panther. Choked and beat down.

Sam Wilson. Shot down.

Rhodey. Crushed. 

Kian gulped, flexing her vibranium and titanium hand. Bucky ran ahead of his companion, always the protector, shooting perfect aim at Thanos, although he deflected them all. When he used the Power stone and blasted Bucky away, something was lost. Sanity. Calm. Humanity.

 Upon seeing her vision blur with the accents of vermillion, she hyped up her right arm, collecting kinetic energy and bashed it down onto the ground. The earth rippled and tore itself apart, cracks of amethyst shown through the dirt, zooming towards the massive Titan in the way of her attack. B A M. Thanos was caught off guard, thrown into a nearby tree as Kian stalked forward, fury leaking from her features. Going in for another pow-wow of a punch, she hiked up into the air with help from her new bionic leg, as her fist came down. Thanos caught it.


Bucky saw a glimpse of his companion out of the corner of his eye. CHSK! The metal arm tinted with flint and specks of indigo was torn out of her socket abruptly...harshly. Kian cried out in surprise however, it didn't hurt. It was like someone just gave a rude tug to the arm of the ex-assassin. Thanos chucked the arm to the side, then raised his fist harboring the dreaded golden gauntlet. Socking Kian in the face, she flew quite a whiles away, landing near Bucky. Skull first into the soil.

Okoye. Deflected.

Natasha Romanoff. Caged in Earth. 

Groot. Torn up.

Wanda Maximoff. Tearing at her seams. 

Vision. Being destroyed for the greater good.

Sight became blurry, Kian could barely make out the outline of Steve holding off Thanos before he met the fate of the ground like everybody else. All but one. A faint sound rung in her ear, even the other one enveloped in dirt, she couldn't pin point it and she didn't want to move. Half dead in the Earth, one foot in her grave, a wash of energy whipped her hair around her face with ease as she stayed completely still, eye-lids dropping slightly.

"Киан...Киан!" Merely shifting up towards the sound of her voice, Bucky comes into her sight of vision, shaking her worriedly.

"Я в порядке. I'm ok." Replied the super-soldier. James took the little time they were given to cradle Kian in his lap, wincing at the uncomfortable, stinging buzz of her broken prosthetic. 

"Я в порядке. Я в порядке." Her peering followed to the next clatter of a body on the surface, the grey-out Vision was unmoving. Dead. Thanos stood proudly, inserting the last stone delicately into its holding place, its final resting place. 

"что он делает? What's he doing?" Bucky didn't answer, he couldn't answer because he barely understood what the hell was going on after he was out of cryofreeze. One war after another, they never seize to stop. 

"я не знаю но это нехорошо. I don't know, but it's not good." Thor had now chosen to crash down onto the Titan, throwing his azure sparking axe at him and embedding it in his chest snuggly. Thanos gasped in pain from what Kian could hear and barely view. 

"I told you, you die for that." Shoving it further into his cavity, the Titan screeched in pain, eye wide before he relaxes in order to form words to the God.

"You should've...You should've gone for the head." A desperate scream from Thor echoed in the duo's ears, attempting to stagger up from their sitting position. Steve runs into view next to Thor, encased in the feeling of aghast. 

"Where'd he go? Thor?" Bucky's hand squeezed Kian's skin between her metal and flesh, feeling sick to his stomach but light as a feather.

"Steve?" Kian's wide gaze turned to Bucky, his arm be replaced with flakes of ash. She'd never seen anything like, nor expected anything like this to happen as a result. The worry on her features rose by 10 levels, switching between Steve and Bucky, then she felt funny herself. Starting from her insides and moving outward. 

"Джеймс? капитан? James? Captain--" Making eye contact with James, who was just a patch of his eyes visible before they were both dust in the wind. Defeated beyond belief, Steve fell onto his behind, in utter distress. He huffed out broken words, from a broken toy soldier:

"Oh, God." 

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