son of a bitch [three]

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Absolute. Complete. C H A O S. Is what the quintet was met with once they reached the sidewalk. People were running away from the approaching 'wind-storm' caused by the massive fucking circle ship in the sky. Out of the corner of Spencer's eye, Stark was helping someone up who'd fallen and Spencer stepped up next to her dad as they performed a double set of The Winds of Watoomb to put an end to the destruction cause by the landing of the alien ship.

"Hear me, and rejoice--"

"Oh, for fucks sake, really?!" Flew out of the young woman's mouth, already sick and tired of the phrases smacking her back in the face every 15 minutes...and desperately wishing she had stayed in bed. The alien's hands were folded respectfully at his naval as he addressed the group.

"You are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing—" That ain't no child, but ok. Sure, Jan.

"i'm soRRY, EARTH IS CLOSED TODAY. You better pack it up and get out of here." Tony cut off the somber, insulting speech.

"Stonebringer, does this chattering animal speak for you?" The heightened alien asked, utterly disgusted, toward Stephen.

"Certainly not. I speak for myself. You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Stephen and Wong fashioned out the protective shields whilst Spencer snatched the Staff of the Living Tribunal from her belt loop, swiftly pulling it apart making the crackle echo out and then cracked it against the ground like a badass whip.

"Show off." Wong murmured to the woman next to him.

"That means get lost, Squidward!" Tony fended off the group with that phrase. Roll credits—

"He exhausts me." The more muscular and dangerous looking alien roared in response, brandishing his big-ass axe weapon.

"Bring me the stone." Spencer's eyes flickered to Stephen, who looked at her too. 

"Uh, Bruce, we could use the green guy right about now." Banner rubbed his hands together, trying to anger himself up, but the massive alien was also stalking towards them too.

"Seriously, you're embarrassing me in front of the wizards."

"C'mon, c'mon man!" Pep-talk didn't do diddily squat, but A for effort, we're now all dead! The magic trio was still in position, waiting comedically for something to happen with Bruce.

"Where's your guy?"

"I dunno, he and I are having a thing—"

"This is NO time to be having a thing, that's the thing right there!" He gestured wildly to the attacker. Tony, fed up, pulled some strings on his jacket, tapped the arc reactor cover on his chest, and BAM! The iconic Iron Man suit was upgraded and sliding over his body like hot butter. Firing at the bigger threat with the new attachments to his suit, Ebony Maw lazily raised his palm up and dodged it, no problem.

"Where'd that come from?!"

"It's nano-tech, you like it--?"

"OKAY, fashion show is over. Let's kick his ass!" Yeeting her staff forward that was sitting tightly in her hand, a line of electricity shot out at Maw. Nicking him in his shoulder, he grimaced then sneered at the young witch. Tony went up against Ebony for...3 minutes. Before being knocked the fuck out. Maw took bricks scattered over the streets, and with a tingle of his fingers, they became sharp deadly stakes. Shooting them forward, the automatically open inter-dimensional portals, swallowing them elsewhere.

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