piece of cake [seven]

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The mystic pair sat on the rubble of what looked to be the steps of a plaza.

"Hm. Yeah, you're much more of a Thanos."

"I take it Maw is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission." Spencer merely beamed to herself.

"You may regret that...He brought you face to face with the two Masters of the Mystic Arts."

"Are where do you think he brought you?" Spencer clicked her tongue at the Titan.

"Let us guess...your home?"

"It was. And it was beautiful," Spencer's stomach twisted at his reminiscent smile. Seeing the candy-colored stone glow caught both their attention, Titan soon shifted to what it once was. Paradise, from the looks of it. Green lawns, full ponds with fresh water, perfectly aligned buildings and citizens. Happy citizens.

"Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution."

- "Genocide."

- "Genocide." The bile pushed up the young woman's throat at the thought, though it was shoved down forcefully as her body tensed.

"But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass."

"Huh, congrats! You're a prophet." Sarcasm dripped off her tongue like saliva itself, a second language to her.

"I'm a survivor—"

"Who wants to murder trillions."

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers and they would all cease to exist. I call that...mercy."

"Depends on who you're speaking to...Although, what then?" Stephen rose up, then Spencer, stretching her ring-baring knuckles and having her arms rest at her sides, losing some tension.

"I finally rest... and the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." It took all of Spencer's will-power not to scoff at his bullshit. For a retort, she agreed in busting out The Staff of the Living Tribunal once more and rolling it over her knuckles threateningly, with a certain flicker in her Tuscan sun eyes. Stephen raised his hands to summon the signature Mandalas, shifting to a defensive stance.

"I think...you'll find...all of our wills...equal to yours."

"All of ours?" Seconds later Thanos was eating rubble from a chunk of wreckage that was rapidly fired at him. Curtesy of Anthony Stark.

"Piece of cake, Quill!" Quill activates his mask and follows after the billionaire all the while replying with,

"yEAh, if your goal was to PISS HIM OFF!" Thanos bellowed in fury, activating the apple-colored stone once more, zapping the rubble into a flock of bats, driving them right at Tony. While Spider-boy webs at the Titan's eyes, blocking his view of Drax that snuck out to calf-slap this bitch with a few blades. Spencer and Stephen appeared behind the collapsing Titan and roundhouse kicked the back of his bald head, throwing him forward onto her father, who held up the sword of Vishanti.

Thanos held off Drax with one hand as the eldest Strange dueled his grape-ass, one punch later Drax was knocked through a ruined wall and Spencer internally groaned as the sword was shattered in one hand, while the other ripped off the web over his face. The Titan kicked at Stephen but, held up a shield to block the brunt of the force as the cloak of Levitation kept him afloat.

The marigold staff cracked against the back of Thanos' neck, making him turn his head towards the new enemy, Spencer gave a whirling backspin shot at his chest, knocking him back and as he went to retaliate, Star-Lord came outta nowhere, hopping on the apricot-colored shield platforms, advancing towards Thanos before swatting down a mine on his upper shoulders and flipping straight over his head. Before getting out of the boom-zone, Star-Lord disengages his helmet, gives Thanos the lil' 'fuck-you' finger, then fell backwards into a portal.

"BOOM!" The explosion and electrocution sent Thanos to his knees, making him dazed and have a small point of weakness.

"Don't let him close his fist." Stephen huskily whispers to the cloak, it then swoops off his shoulder and enclosed itself tightly around Thanos' hand nursing the gauntlet. Trying to get the damn article of mystic clothing off, Spencer landed next to her father and they both opened portals for the Spider-Kid's attack.

"Magic!" One punch to the head. Gone in seconds.

"More magic!" Pulling a little YAGA on Thanos and left through another portal above his head.

"Magic with a kick!" The Spider-Kid delivered a flying kick and landed feet-first into an exit, appearing once again in another entrance.

"Magic with a---" Thanos whips around, snatches him from mid-air and smashes the kid down, hand on his neck.


"Actually, I'm an arachnid!" Spencer choked on air at his ballsy reply as she was awaiting the next attack. The next attack included knocking the shit out of her dad by yeeting Peter at him,

"Oh, c'mon—" Thanos yanks off the cloak of Levitation and her frustration only fired up to the next level. Stark actually chose to join them again, bombarding the Barney bitch with fiery explosions. Alas, using the Power stone, it was thrown back at the genius, sending him flinging in the air before landing through a massive dead-to-the-world machine. F F S.

Spider-boy hopped up and strikes the gauntlet with a spew of webs, pulling it back towards him hopefully, Spencer appeared behind him ready to grab, hands-first onto the metal gauntlet with ease. Woefully, Thanos yanked that shit towards himself like there was a marble at the end of a piece of string. 

Peter got the end of the short stick and was decked in the face instead of Strange, who ducked into a portal to appear behind Thanos, sending a lunging kick right to his head. Upon impact of the move, he grabbed Spencer's ankle and Olympic style hammer-threw her out into a hefty piece of machinery. CRRSHK. 

One Strange down. Spencer blacked out. 

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