trust & faith [six.five]

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Stephen had pulled Spencer aside in an absolute panic.

"What have you heard?"

"A bunch of shit! From me yelling to Stark about being utterly screwed to someone telling me I failed to another saying WE LOST. WE LOST, DAD. I-I...phew I--..." Spencer heaved in a breath, her lungs becoming tight, with clammy hands and the urge to shed tears.

"Hey, hey, Spence." Her face met the tunic of her dad's and she held onto him with all her strength, it seemed. A 25 year-old woman, scared for her goddamn life. Scared for everyone else involved in this shit show.

"It'll be alright. We stick to and follow the plan."

"Which is?" The two didn't really listen to the plan, to be honest. Stephen became silent as something glistened in his eyes. Not tears. But frightened determination. Spencer was flicking her thumb in between her fist as her anxiety grew at him not answering right away.

"Spencer. I need you to listen, and listen carefully...I will give you the stone."

"Are you insane?! Dad, I admired your faith in me, but, It's YEET OR BE YEETED at this point!"

"It's a plan B. He'll be after me, but the necklace and stone will be with you."

"So, I—you—how—How is this gonna work?" Stephen unclasped the Eye of Agamotto and placed it in Spencer's palm, she reached up around her neck, locking it in place. A surge of vigor buzzed through her body and it felt good. It felt good to have this power. This intensity.

"Woah." Stephen smiled, placing his finger-tip lightly on the middle of the eye, it vanished. Spencer out of reflex, put her shaking hand where it once was, think she'd feel nothing. Yet, the solid, numbing metal of the eye curved under her fingers.

The caramel orbs surveyed the empty space and then gaped at her father, her mouth open but no noise came out. Spencer was in complete shock, this was a lot to process and take on.

"Are you sure?"

"I trust you, Spencer." Stephen placed his hands on her shoulders, taking in her tired features.

"You look exhausted, Spence. Not sure that I like it." She gave a chortle, hugging his figure.

"Yeah, yeah, you too." The soft bump of her father's heart was enough to calm her, convince her this was going to turn out okay. Maybe this is that one chance we have and will succeed in fulfilling. Maybe...His hand came up and smoothed Spencer's hair, wishing she wasn't here to face this battle. The duo looked at each other at arm's length, breathing deep breaths in sync.

"This is going to work, Spence." The young woman blew air harshly out of her nose,

"The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory."     

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