K.O [nine]

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Whisking herself away from her pride, she portal-ed to her dad, helping him stand up,

"When did you learn the Falmes of Faltine?"

"I don't know, recently?" Stephen gave a breathy laugh at her response, unhooking his arm from her shoulder. They looked at the Spider-kid trying to catch everyone in mid-air, all of them unconscious. With a simple nod, Stephen and Spencer formed their tag-team, appearing stably in front of the Titan, who was now extricating himself from the rubble.

Moving in perfect sync, busting back out the shining caramel filigree circles, then slamming their palms down on the rock, evoking the Seven Suns of Cinnibus that shot out like lightening. It bashed from rock to rock, before crashing onto the Thanos was one, to avoid being hit, he used the erratic gravity to his benefit, jumping up and activating the Power stone to suck up the spell, spitting it right back at the pair.

"Shit!" Stephen stepped up before Spencer, blocking the plume with an entrance to the Mirror dimension, then yeeting it back to him. Shattering around Thanos, he morphed the attack into a...teen-wheeny, tiny-whiny BLACKHOLE. Spencer was the one who jerked up front, putting out a shield, covering the both of them and shifting the dark energy to a swarm of aqua butterflies, returning it to the Titan. Stephen levitated behind her, invoking the Images of Ikonn and Spencer silently applauded his audacity. His arms spouted up in numbers, resting for a moment like a Hindu deity, flushing his arms down, the dozens of Stephen's circled and caged in Thanos.

Spencer opened a petite portal behind the Titan, ready to strike as her stance shifted. Stephen fired up the fizzing cords, throwing them to successfully wrap around Thanos' torso, arms and hands. The gauntlet was now unable to function...or so they thought, using the Soul and Power stone, the copies are dissipated and only the real Stephen is left. Spencer's breath tightened as her father was pried toward the power maniac, catching his throat in the grasp of said maniac.

"You're full of tricks, Wizard." His large, orchid hand reached out to the eye.

- "No!"

- "No!"

Spencer didn't know what to do. If she attacked, he'd kill him in a second, still, the young woman stood her ground. He snapped the Eye of Agamotto off its chain and Spencer's blood ran cold,

"Yet you never once used your greatest weapon..." Crushing the metal in his bare hand, both Strange's started sweating immense bullets as Spencer cringed at the sound of plan A falling to pieces.

"A fake." Still grasping Stephen by the neck, he threw him briskly through the air, when Stephen landed, he landed hard enough that he passed out upon impact. Shit, shit, shit, why me?! Spencer gnarred her teeth, sliding through the portal and whisking out her staff, bashing it down onto Thanos' head with a corkscrew slam. The ground dented beneath the weight of the Titan, plus the force of the swing Spencer launched at him from behind. She went to strike again, firing up a mandala for extra protection, in a sprightly movement, Thanos manifested a blade with help of the stones.


The end of the blade, hit Spencer's sternum. Blood plashed up against her neck, the wine liquid scattered in droplets across the lower part of her face. Spencer gasped at the new-found pain, water wielding in her canary eyes.

The warm feeling cascaded down her front, seeping through her tunic as metal from the gauntlet struck Spencer's throat, casting her backwards, Thanos held her in the air, feet dangling. Stephen regained his consciousness and was met with that heart-wrenching sight.

"NO!" Clawing at his hand was pointless, so she glared at the Titan, one hand of the gauntlet as she very well attempted to keep her breathing under control.

"Give me the stone, child."

"No." Choked out of her mouth, words bunching in her constricted throat, blood dribbling out of her lips.

"You're pitiful. Just like that God of Mischief." Her eyes widened in fury, a vicious scream left her mouth, blood splattering on the Titan's face as he flinched. 

"SPENCER GIVE HIM THE STONE." Spencer's skin slowly tinted into a vermillion color, air leaving her lungs as her eye sticking out with tears.

"N-Never." Veins protruded around her eyes, on her forehead, down to her neck, wet tears streaking down her face as her nose twitched.

"STOP!" Stephen's throaty, damaged voice rang through the battlefield. Stark came to attack from behind, but it was fruitless.

"YOU THROW ANOTHER MOON AT ME AND I'M GONNA LOSE IT." Thanos yanked him down by the head and held him there, opting to Stephen, the strangulation of his daughter or the crushed skull to Stark. Can't we have both?

"I'm sorry, my child. You three aren't the only ones cursed with knowledge."

The grip on her throat loosened ever-so-slightly as his orchid hand clenched down on Stark's head, gasping for any air, Spencer looked at the billionaire that was diagonal to her line of vision.

Her hand tapped on the gauntlet harshly, his face twisted to the young doctor at her movement.

"I'd rather be killed...in his place. You'll have to...bury me face down, motherfucker!" With Spencer's remaining strength, she spat at Thanos, the wad of brick-tinted spit landed on his scarred cheek. Thanos dropped Stark like a sack of potatoes. The older Strange gawked at his daughter's courage. Her fucking, foolish courage. Stephen weighed his options for attacking. Conflict brimmed his eyes as he stared at his daughter, dying right in front of him, Thanos gripped down on her throat after the insult.

"Spare her life! I will give you the stone." The Titan stopped all together. Stephen slowly raised his hand, a cloud of chartreuse gathering above his quaking, scarred fingers, before manifesting the time stone. The necklace shifted to become anything less than transparent, Spencer tried her best to gaze at it but met Thanos' cold glare.

"I admire your power, little one." Shivers sent through her spine at his words as she tried to reason with her father's decision, her eyes becoming lidded as her mind fogged like an autumn morning.

"Don't---" But was cut off by the Titan, picking her up further and throwing her to the side harshly, like a rag-doll, which is what she felt like at this point.

"No tricks." Stephen wanted to ditch the stone and run to cushion Spencer's fall to the gravely ground of the destroyed planet, so the cloak of Levitation did it for him, just in time. Spencer fell into ebony darkness, as her lanky body crashed into the article of clothing, blood mixing with the tint of the fabric.      

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