14. Ambush

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Happy Silvester everyone! 🎆🧨🎊Hope it will be a good new year for all readers out there! Keep your head up (but cool❄️) and press on! 🎊


<Okay everyone. As you have probably heard we have now cleared out all of Japan from the Zombies with our united front with the red dragons. It is now time to go a step further. We will soon move to the closest base in Asia and clear out the Zombies in the surrounding area. We will go step by step. So stay calm and don't get reckless> The voice of Tsuyuki (Prof) announced to the Servamp's and Eve's which were flying in different planes.

Tetsu raised his hand looking at the screen "What about the red dragons? When will they join up with us at the base?". A pause..

"...They will follow after we have arrived there" said Tsuyuki pushing his light-reflecting glasses up his nose before telling them all that the flight will take about 2 hours and they are free to do whatever as long as it wasn't jumping out of the plane or sth (he looked at a midly offended Tsubaki at that).

Said Servamp smiled mischievously but his own Subclasses knew that look ever since the Zombie apocalypse started. ...Maybe even before that. It basically said 'Who knows? But how would a Liar even be able to stop me~?'.

'Is that so? Well neither I or Ryusei and Koyuki have been informed about going to Asia... Their superiors probably told them to get there first to promote their own image in some way seeing how Japan is the land that is 'in control' of the Servamps and C3 ..*scoff*. Well~, we'll see how long that will last... tell my big brothers Lust, Greed and Envy to stay alert and for Tsubaki-Nii to get his shit in order! I've heard reports that Zombies with a consciousness have been sighted there after all. There weren't..many of those in Japan after all~' a small giggle escaped Mahiru as Sakuya sweatdropped.

"Okay..." Sakuya said sending a message to Licht, Lust and Mikuni before - without a glimpse of remorse - kicked Tsubaki in the back. "Ack!", Tsubaki fell down before turning around to glare at the greenette. "I've been told that if you acted out of line I should tell you to get your shit in order." Sakuya then sat down and went to take a 'nap'. Tsubaki just pouted at this point and whined about a crude Sakuya (and not being with his younger brother mentally).

Finally arriving in Asia, they skydived through the air and cleared out any Zombie they found in the area before the planes landed. Most stayed on the lookout while sleepy Ash yawned with some teary eyelids leaning against a damaged brickwall because.. someone amongst his siblings just draped a parachute on him before throwing him out to flying aircraft!

 someone amongst his siblings just draped a parachute on him before throwing him out to flying aircraft!

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(The last one happened

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(The last one happened. I just couldn't bring myself to do the last without adding the other two😂)

Lily had been kind enough to show him how to open it while they were falling down but because his older brother was a heavy sleeper he just opened it for him. A certain group found it boring just waiting to land when they know how someone who dives like a maniac would be doing a roll by now. (Me: Can you guess who? No? Then you clearly haven't been reading this FF clearly! *fake gasping* Mahiru: I don't think they would forget how I made Belkia screem that time and got accused of sadism.
Me: They might've...? Mahiru: Definitely Not.)

While exploring the area, Freya's eve screamed and a wolfish howl of 'The Mother' followed shortly after. Immediately alerted (more than before) the others went over to check out what happened only to see a bunch of Zombies creeping up on the injured wrath pair. The servamp brothers and their eve's quickly joined the fight before Mikuni came to a thought 10 minutes later.

'Why aren't they all dead yet?! Why do they seem endless? ...Could it be-!' Mikuni looked around before seeing 5 figures atop the buildings. 3 guys and two girls with a black sclera and red eyes with lines coming from them (imagine like those from Tokyo ghouls!).

The hound saw Mikuni's look and gasped in shock at the Zombies he saw. "There at the buildin-!" he didn't get further as one jumped down, landed on the ground before dashing to give him a swift roundhouse kick to the head making him go flying. Jumping after him they proceeding with a knee up his stomach sending the sloth subclass flying before crashing into the ground from the following interlaced fist to the head. Most gasped in shock just from seeing the hound of C3 - who could even go 1vs1 against the Servamp's - get pummelled like a rag doll. "What, that's it? I thought these guys would have more bite than that. Didn't they wipe out the ones in Kyoto, Tokyo and the other places?" asked the still brawling Zombie sounding disappointed at his 'meal'.

The pairs went back to back as the other Zombies (I'mma just call the intelligent ones ghouls from now on cuz it's a nuisance) jumped down next to each other showing hungry grins on their blood smeared faces. Everyone gulped (except a certain minority).
'This isn't good,' thought Kuro. 'This is their home turf, they have the advantage and they know that. We also don't know what they could do. This is bad... Very bad {"You're not alone!"} ...' the oldest Servamp thought before a memory of his dead eve appeared in his mind.

He looked down with shadows covering his face

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He looked down with shadows covering his face. He clenched his fist. "I will not let them die.. I won't allow it!" getting out his long energy claws he looked up with new determination in his eyes. Hyde, who saw it, got a rush of excitement and shivered.

Somewhere else, a tiger looked up from hearing a faint sentence '...!' he knew that voice! 'Die!? Heck no! As if I'd allow that!' decisiveness showed in its vibrant amber eyes as he rose from the ground. Moving along the rooftop he slowly spread his wings "We need to go". Two figures looked at him then at each other. They stood up with one cracking his knuckles while the other grabbed a bow and followed after the one that called out to them.

~Back in the fight~

'Sure enough, without using my other power I won't be able to win!' Sakuya clenched his teeth swinging his chainsaw at the Zombies around him. Tsubaki didn't seem pleased either muttering about "Incompetent... Useless.. Idiots... Meatbags" and so on and so forth. Other fighters from C3 were dispatched to help them and even the Japanese Vice- branch-manager brought his gun out to shoot a few Zombies in their heads with deadly accuracy.

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