7. On the other side

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Well, I'm updating. Early since I wanted to do it perhaps on the WE but someone wouldn't shut up about it so here we are. Hafe fun either way. Also I'm writing some Exams this and next week so I'm gonna be busy so please don't expect to much.



~C3 HQ, two weeks prior~

"Hello? C3? Open up its us" said Hugh who was standing on Tetsuya's shoulder with the greed pair behind them in a one-sided fight currently.

A hatch on the ceiling opened and a wired camera came out with its binocular closing in on them.
/Confirmed identity/ came from the camera which didn't have to run a scan when it saw how the greed Eve was beating his servamp with purple-glowing boots.

A hatch opened in the wall leading the two pairs into the underground organizations building /Welcome back pair of greed and pair of pride/.

They wandered through the passageways till they opened up a giant pair of doors where a meeting table was with two chairs each in the sake colour. "Seems like we're the first ones here" said Licht-San sitting down on one of the orange chairs while Tetsuya sat down on the opposite side in a night-blue one.

"Wouldn't be so sure of that" spoke a female voice that made Hyde shiver and with a shaking gaze look at the door were two woman were standing. One with long purple hair and a kinda tattered dress, the other looked like a mechanic with short brown hair and googles on her head in a jumpsuit with the hold-up strips hanging by her sides.

"Hello Mother" greeted Hugh when the only female among the servamp's stepped into the room with her eve (who works in C3).

"Hello Hugh, hello you stupid hedgehog" greeted Freya in return to her two brothers while her Eve greeted the other Eve's and sat down in a purple chair to which Freya took a seat next to.

They waited 45min when the door opened again and Mikuni and Jeje stepped through "hello everyone~ is Misono here yet?" asked the envy Eve while his servamp became a snake on his shoulders after greeting the others.

While Mikuni sat down in a bright yellow armchair Tetsuya replied:
"No, he isn't yet. They should take awhile to get here. But with Mahi-nii and big brother Sloth they should be here in an hour or so."

While drinking and eating and discussing about the zombies, a eerie laughter came outside of the door before it opened with C3's hound, Tsurugi Kamiya, in front and the Melancholy group behind him. "I 'escorted' your sibling here (meaning: made sure he didn't cause trouble). Now if you don't mind I need to head out again. See you guys later!"

With that he left and Tsubaki took a seat in a bloody red chair while Sakuya sat in the one reserved fur Eve's (even if he isn't one) and threw his legs over the arm rest

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With that he left and Tsubaki took a seat in a bloody red chair while Sakuya sat in the one reserved fur Eve's (even if he isn't one) and threw his legs over the arm rest. Apparently Tsubaki messed with the Zombies on the way there and was finding something funny.

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