15. Saving My Family

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While everyone was having a severe death-match with the ghouls and their puppet Zombies, a being was storming over the oceans with two caped individuals who wore goggles against the harsh wind while sitting behind some scales. The being, while flying over to Asai was having some of his memories haunt his mind. Kuro killing him, deserting him, was the biggest blow of all. But compared to that, he had seen many things that happened after that. He saw the other Eve's and servamp's - to which he was now a part of the family - and was surrounded by other nice people. He had seen what happened to Kuro after..that.. as well.

While being emotionally awkward with the idea of officially seeing them all again, he had made a decision and will not stand for them getting decimated by mere 'new-borns' who haven't even lived one-tenth of their suspected lifespan.
...Not that he would be one to talk.

He listened in on the fighting through Sakuya's markings and heard how Misono, Hyde and Hugh together with Tetsu are in bad shapes if not unable to fight as they were targeted first.. must've been deemed the weakest of their elite-group. The more he heard the angrier he got. At one point, specifically when the other staff members of C3 joined in just to get swarmed by the Zombies, his last nerve snapped.

He was just about 5 km away from reaching land and 7 km from where they were. From his sudden change in behavior his two friends knew what came next and held their ears and made a barrier. He took a deep breath making his lungs grow and chest puff out and ROARED from across the oceans. It created massive waves from under him that spread across the watersurface, grew bigger till it reached the coast were the clashing shook the ground making some loose their footing. "Attention all red dragons! We have 5 ghouls on Asia's south-eastern coast! Those in vicinity engage in combat if able! This is an order from two captain's and the leader who is leading the attack PERSONALLY!"

'Are you serious!?' Sakuya who saw that as his sign to go ahead used his power making him sink into the shadows and erupt somewhere else with chains following him from the shadows. Tsubaki grew a massive grin hearing his younger brother was on the way (possibly mad) and began jumping up a few skyscrapers to see said brother approaching ...with quite the look on his face. 'Oh how much fun this will be!' though Tsubaki merrily.

Mahiru flew over their heads as his scales changed from green, to red/deep black. He spit globs of acid that formed just before his mouth at large groups of Zombies while spewing fire to form a wall between them and the humans. In the end he topped it of by releasing a massive black blast towards the ghouls while Tsubaki jumped on his back and made a barricade of his swords shoot through the previously shot fire.

On the other hand, Ryusei and Kuyuki split up. One went to the Servamp's and Eve's who were injured and/or unable to fight, while the other went to C3's staff and met up with - unknown to most - Mahiru's dad. One at a time other red caped individuals in robes appeared and released their own war-cries being partially excited to fight with their leader. Said leader dived right into the one-sided fight between his part-brother Kamiya and the ghoul who had been pummelling the poor boys head.

The moment the ghoul saw the Dragon charging at him he quickly jumped to the side barely evading the Jaws that had snapped for him. Mahiru picked C3's hound up as careful as he could and brought him over to Koyuki who was bandaging up the others and had made a barrier out of shadows with spines at the side (will immediately impale any zombie that gets to close). "Please look after him we're going for the ghouls" said Mahiru before flying away again with an exited Tsubaki on his head.

One of the zombies looked at the dragon and noticed how its eyes were red but not with a black sclera, however, he also didn't feel like the Servamp's in front of him. "What the heck is this!" yelled the ghoul jumping away from the acid claw. "Your funeral" said the dragon like it was a question while it tilted his head to the side but, his eyes... caused them to shiver.

"You know.. I need to thank you for giving these guys a lesson about what kind of Zombies exist" began the dragon making some shout "What!?" behind him. The red dragon members looked over for a quick glance 'That kind of sounded like..'.

"However.." he changed into his humanoid form making the air tense,

" he changed into his humanoid form making the air tense,

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"I won't forgive you for hurting my family like this!".

The next few moments could only be discribed with the following words: bloody, gory, violent, chaotic, loud and lastly awkward.
While the area was cleared out from any unpleasant activity, a certain gathering between two groups was less than nice to be around at. It was between the red dragons which numbered around 30 people collectivly and those under the government. Another smaller group was standing idly between the two and were consisting of Lily, Licht, Hyde, Mikuni, Jeje and all of Melancholy. Kuro was still staring at who could only be Mahiru except that he had red eyes with slits in them and a certain aura about him.

It was a stare down that lasted for 5 minutes with some occasional noises, coughs and voices here and there

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It was a stare down that lasted for 5 minutes with some occasional noises, coughs and voices here and there. Through some silent mental communication between Mahiru and C3's vice-branch-manager, most people were dismissed and only the key people of both groups were the ones standing at the clearing. Mahiru suddenly got nervous again from an the stares on him which Tsubaki noticed and moved next to him with his group as fellow emotional and mental support. Mahiru took a deep breath and looked back at the rest of his family. "Now then... could anyone please explain the current situation in detail?" asked the foster father of Kamiya who stood next to him.

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