4. Saving Melancholy

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Mahiru's POV

"Who are you?" Tsubaki pointed his blade at me with his subclasses (-1) standing behind him seemingly (?) at the ready.

I sighed before changing into a different and slightly smaller form to calm their nerves. Really, I'm not a squirrel threatening others or anything of the sort.

(Me: Sun-set tiger, cool right? Credibility goes to the creator)

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(Me: Sun-set tiger, cool right? Credibility goes to the creator)

I was now basically standing around Sakuya with him lying on me and my wing on him. The non-human group looked surprised but wary of me and to my change of form.. but I just gave them a look "That is quite rude to ask don't you think? Especially seeing that I came here to help you guys... Well more like help Sakuya here."

Tsubaki raised his eyebrow "And why would a creature such as you do that? And how do you know his name?" he may my eyes coldly. If I didn't know any better, or doubted it once before, I would now surely have the impression that he truly cares for his subclasses. Each and every one I'm not sure, but these five most likely. Since they're the ones that stick to him quite often.

"My current name is Hikaru, Servamp of Melancholy, and I came here because a certain bird told me you were in trouble. As for how I knew his name.. let's say I know your group fairly well. But do tell, are you currently in contact with anyone from C3 or your older siblings?" I asked back for a change looking at them a bit warily. Sakuya loosened his hold of the sword as I spoke getting to tired from his injury. I covered him with my wing more.

"I don't like talking with those people often, as for my siblings... Depends on who but some contact me at least once a month. So in short, no. Why do you ask?" he  scoffed in my direction.

"Just didn't want to be overheard..." I said thinking to myself for a bit. "! I know how you might be able to trust me. You would at least tolerate me if someone from your group vouched for me right?" I regarded him with a raised eyebrow and an idea in mind. He looked at me and his subclasses who all looked confused, Belkia told Tsubaki that they shouldn't listen or talk to an animal and just get Sakuya back. Tsubaki however gave me the benefit of the doubt for my 'interesting assumption'.

I looked at Sakuya and said something only 'I' or Ryusei and Koyuki should know. "In your second grade of school you had a crush on a girl and wanted to ask her to go out with you: already to my fake knowledge. Later on you wanted to impress her and talk with her during gym class but didn't know we had swimming lessons that day so you had to go in borrowed pink trousers which had duc-"

"Okay that's enough!" interrupted me a red faced tomato. Belkia, who figured out how that was gonna end laughed while Tsubaki's lips were pulled down into a corner of his mouth concealing a slight smirk from his subclasses embarrassing moment. Sakuya groaned with his hands in front of his face, then he jolted. He  stopped his hiding from shame drama and spoke something to me, that made me want to hit my head with my own tail when I heard it.

"But wait.. how do you know that? And how come you even had me in your list (that app).. and can use a phone?" my friend - at least I still hoped we were - asked me. I flinched at his observation which didn't go unnoticed. 'Maybe I shouldn't have used that story and rather told him something our whole class knew...' *sigh*

".. I'll give you two hints to those questions of yours Sakuya.
First: I wasn't an animal in the first place, I'm...  a mutant.
Second: Cuz I'm was there and saw it from start to finish."

"You were a human then?" asked the guy with the only suit on. I remained quiet and looked at Sakuya.. but apparently I wasn't hiding my emotions well enough cuz the doctor lady spoke to me. "Why do you look like your sad?" I didn't reply to either one of their questions and waited, hoped for Sakuya to figure it out.

"? The only ones who should know that it was a borrowed one and I had a crush at the time were my friends from school...  .. ...Wait" he blinked before looking at me straight in the eyes while dropping Tsubaki's weapon. His minor injuries were healing but the hole was still quite a bummer.

"You said you weren't originally an animal. Rather you are a human that somehow turned into a Mutant... right?".

"Yes... that is correct.  ...Do you recognize me?" I looked right back. He looked into my brown-crimson eyes for a while before gasping and standing up, only to fall down again if it wasn't for me catching him with my wing once again.

"Sakuya? Perhaps you know him? Care to tell us who he is?" asked Tsubaki politely and a little less coldly seeing that I helped Sakuya. He looked at me shaking before I nodded my head at him knowing what he was thinking.

"Those eyes...

Mahiru?" he asked with tears. If I looked behind me I'm pretty sure I would've seen the fox's eyebrows vanish into his hairline same as the others with us. "Yes it's me. Sorry to scare you Sakuya. I came as soon as I got the notice about your situation" I hugged him with my head while he hugged it as best as he could with his wounded arms.

We talked for a bit more, 'Though honestly it was more like an interrogation' much to Tsubaki's visible amusement as he cackled in the background at my obvious displeasure. We came to terms at some point.. that I would bring them back with me, and that they could regroup a bit more. I didn't tell them how I died, just what I had been doing before I came here for the rest of last week. Sakuya meanwhile looked like he was a Zombie rather than a vampire, his eyes were basically plopping out of his skull when I told them who else was there.

They all climbed on my back when I turned into a dragon again and we flew off to the shopping centre. Apparently, most of them either liked the new transportation, weren't really bothered by it, or screamed like Belkia from the speed.

I know I probably shouldn't but I got some beef with Belkia so I cut a few sharp corners or flapped my wings too strongly making him scream louder. Tsubaki, who was leaning on my head smirked "I know what you're doing~, wouldn't have picked you for the petty type, kekeke~".

I ignored his comment to me being a possible sadist. On the other hand I talked with Sakuya about how I've been and me living in a mall with a few other human surviors. Little did I want them to find out about my ability to make 'pacts', or how I died after we had departed from Misono's two weeks ago.

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