2. Bitten

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Mahiru's POV

-After they slept a night-

After a night filled with light sleep we got up and did some preparations before we went over to C3. I sat down next to Misono, who sat at the head seat with Tetsu opposite to me and Licht on the other side of me. So basically half the table was the Eve's while the Servamp's sat at the other half.

Kinda like this (sry if it's crap):


Tetsuja Mahiru
Mikuni Licht👼🏻
Tsubaki Sakuya
Hugh Lily🌹
Jeje Hyde

Meanwhile the subclasses were scattered around the room but near the Servamp's they belong to. Misono pinched his nose, "So, is everyone ready?" most of us nodded in his direction.

"We are finished" I said.
"Me as well" said Licht speaking only for himself which got Hyde sad. Before Tsubaki could rile up Hyde, judging by the look he made, Sakuya spoke up for his group "All of us can go anytime".
We looked at Tetsu and Mikuni. From Misono's brother we got a closed eye smile while Tetsu nodded to Hugh "We also finished up on our part" said Hugh.

"Good then, we will leave in half an hour. Till then you can try to eat something or check whatever preparation you made again. I will see you all in the entrance hall at 12 o'clock" with that he and Lily left, probably going to talk to some of his subclasses again. Most left and Hyde dragged Kuro with him for God knows what. So simply thinking I decided to go to my room, check my backpack again for the 5th time and relax for a bit. God the Situation is stressful.

After checking my bag I lied down on the bed and hummed a tune to myself.


-5 minutes before Mahiru went on the bed and relaxed-

Mikuni was merrilywalking in the corridors when he started hearing something. He stopped, hushed the doll he was talking to and listened. He followed the soft tune till he was in the corridor where the guestrooms were. He followed the now louder humming to one of the doors on the right side and stealthy took a look inside.

There, was Mahiru lying down on the bed with his arms behind his head and... singing? 'Well that's interesting. Sloth's Eve can sing? Wonder what style.. ' Mikuni then stayed in front of the door to listen. It sounded..nostalic, like a song which makes you think back.

During Mahiru's little singing, some certain people (sorry read Servamp's, Eve's and a subclass) came over when they saw Mikuni stand unmoving in front of a door but not go in. Among them where the Greed and Lust pair, and Tsubaki and Sakuya. Though they all agreed that he had a good voice... They didn't expect such a song from someone like him. The song was, in a sense, tiresome.

'Wounds? Love?' Licht, Lily and surprisingly Tsubaki wondered.
'Signs? Who does he speak of?'.

Something was up with Mahiru that they've never noticed before. And quite frankly, Sakuya feels insulted and ashamed of that fact! However, Mahiru continued, but in a different Tempo, meaning..
'Another song? This kid really had too much time on his hands'.

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