13. Decisions Are Made, Sides Are Taken

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First of all. A happy X-mas to everyone! Hope you're enjoying it as much as you can! Cuz I'm just gonna chill with my family on the couch! And my present is a new chapter! Habe fun!


It was now 2 hours into the conference. Koyuki was basically deemed as polite while some had to compare Ryusei to a certain someone. What was a shocker was when Sakuya came in greeted both of them totally casual and then just sat down next to Tsubaki. Mahiru started snoring after barely 30 minutes had passed due to the continuous talking of C3. Sakuya had to explain that the two of them are his (and Mahiru's) friends from school! A few thus looked at the two of them which stared or glared at Sleepy Ash who was sitting with hunched shoulders since a while now.

"Could you stop staring?" A monotone voice said as both teens mentally rolled their eyes but reluctantly went to discuss with the C3 adults who tried to secretly scoop for info

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"Could you stop staring?" A monotone voice said as both teens mentally rolled their eyes but reluctantly went to discuss with the C3 adults who tried to secretly scoop for info. In the end it worked out with some drama due to an offended hedgehog (he tried to stick up for his big brother who was as unresponsive as usual).

They came to a Decision which states the following things:
1️⃣No fighting between each other!
2️⃣If help can be provided during combat it is advised to work with each other!
3️⃣There will be a meeting every two months to check the progress of killing Zombies and see/decide which areas are safe/should be dealt with and by whom.

Both shook on it formally and the moment the first person stood up Mahiru woke up from his mental chess game with his big brother Tsubaki who found the whole thing to boring. The tiger jumped onto Koyuki this time but before they left Mahiru caught a glimpse of Licht and their eyes met.

Shocked, Licht saw a giant creature with destroyed buildings behind it which seemed to surrender to the mighty beast while Mahiru saw Licht with grey wings and a spot next to him on the ground where almost white bloody feathers lay. Although Licht had to rub his eyes and thought he was dreaming; Mahiru closed his eyes with a sad smile 'Koyuki, Ryusei, wait. I... think we should inform Licht-san. He.. seems to miss me or rather, the apprentice-angel he used to work with.' 

Both boys stopped momentarily while Tsubaki and Sakuya mental shouted 'What!' into the link. Tsubaki almost shouted it from his mouth if not for his subclass suddenly stepping on his foot causing him to yelp and jump with the other one in place. "Sure!" said Koyuki turning around. "Excuse me! I'd like to talk with the greed pair about a certain area I was in charge of last month!" he said into the room. A few got a ? over their heads from the sudden request but thought of it as doing one of the things they had agreed on in their decisions/conditions.

With that both Licht and Hyde went to follow both leaders, albeit hesitantly, into a separate room. "So?" was all Licht said with a slight scowl towards the two who had basically called him out. Before anyone could say something: Mikuni, Sakuya and (surprise!) Tsubaki came into the room with Jeje. "Brother? What are you doing here? And with him off all no less" asked a doubtful Hedgehog looking from Jeje to Tsubaki. Mikuni answered for his Servamp as he would take way too long with his slow sentences. "Ohh~ nothing important! It's just, eh.. We'd also like to talk with them. Ne~? Hikaru?" Licht raised an eyebrow.

"Who's Hikaru?" questioned the greed pair almost in sync since no one was introduced with such a name. "Shut your pesky mouth Mikuni.." a growly voice said making the pianist and hedgehog blink and look around finding apperantky no-one. "*sigh* Over here, you two. I'm the one speaking." The ones getting adresses followed the voice and gapped surprised. The tiger could talk! How!??

"Yes I can talk, big deal. And big brother stop laughing to yourself in the corner I can see your shoulders shaking." The tiger turned its furrowed to Tsubaki, who was as described . "Bwahahaha! Lol!" was all that could be heard coming from the fox having such a laugh, that one had to wonder if his lungs would collapse anytime soon.

Mahiru looked back to his hopefully still friend(s. A/N: He isn't sure with Hyde I mean, he idolised Kuro pretty much soo~ what was his opinion towards the late eve?). "Hello to you two. I'm sorry for calling out to you so suddenly, or rather, my two leaders here. I just wanted to talk with you again seeing how you *points his tail at Licht* looked like you honestly would like to know of me" the tiger, jumping off of Koyuki's shoulders, grow bigger and suddenly sprouted a pair of wings!?

Both Hyde and Licht took a step back while the later one found sth odd about what the tiger had said. "What do you mean by: 'talk with us again' and why would I know you? I'm sure I'd remember talking to a tiger before" stated Licht sceptically with crossed arms and looking into the 🐯 eyes. "You do know him," said Mikuni going over to his fellow eve, "Don't tell me you don't recognise him." Licht's Eyebrows scrunched up in confusion before shooting over his hairline when the tiger suddenly grew into a humanoid appearance that looked like -!

" Licht's Eyebrows scrunched up in confusion before shooting over his hairline when the tiger suddenly grew into a humanoid appearance that looked like -!

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"Ma-!?" shouted both Licht and his Servamp before the doors opened again and Lily came in. "Hyde you forgot your-...!" Lily opened his eyes at the unbelievable scene in front of him with the door shutting behind him. A squishy sound was heard as sth dropped to the ground.

"My sandwich!" cried Hyde seeing his 3rd lunch now on the floor. Mahiru smiled a bit sheepish making it vanish and reappear in his hand with a simple flick of his fingers, he gave it to Hyde who just stared at him like 'He's an alien..'. After which all three of them had to promise not to tell the others and got informed of Mahiru's side of the story.

The result was a reaction from Licht (who had several 💢marks) that Tsubaki would've gladly joined with a few others, if they hadn't gotten tied up by some ice chains by yours truly. Hyde however almost jumped into the ceiling at the information of Tsubaki having declared Mahiru as his younger sibling with which he wasn't even completely wrong!

Both Lust and Greed had to think over their own stuff but Licht just hugged Mahiru "I'm glad that your alive my fellow angel even if you fell victim to the devil's ways (cuz he's basically a servamp but not totally)".

Hyde had a massive breakdown over the mere idea of hiding this whole thing from his older brother Sloth but he was simply silenced by a boot to the face by his beloved eve who's a fallen angel. While they didn't or rather couldn't join the ranks of the red dragons, they now had strong connections with them and would easily cooperate with them during fights against the Zombies. Lily.. complied with Mikuni's request to keep it a secret from his brother since Misono wouldn't react to such a big secret well with all the stress he's been having and giving himself. They still ended up exchanging phone numbers and adding each other to their alarm contacts on the Zombie danger app.

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