10. The Fox meets the Cowboy

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Sakuya's POV

Someone has been helping the scattered groups of survivors... I don't know what their goal is but they are sure to have some kind of motive. As I was thinking about it I was contacted through my mark which coincidentally looked like a fox (Me: imagine sth like Ban's tattoo from the 7 deadly sins but with two tails instead).

[Yes?] I asked.
[Hello Captain. I'm from the base in Tokyo... A few survivors asked a shout to come to their base. Apparently, the one that's been helping them and some others is requesting a meeting with a leading figure of our group. What should we do?] they replied back.

.. Called it! I knew there was something fishy! But! ...it might be interesting to find out who it is. I told my informant I'd take care of it and to make up a time and location where the meeting was to be held. I then went upstairs to the third floor of the mall we still stayed at (Mahiru is somewhat territorial) and came to the living room we made for ourselves. It's quite nice since we have nice furniture and paint from the shops.

"Tsubaki someone wants to meet our group. It's the helper we've been hearing about. They are in Tokyo right now, any idea what to do?" I asked him while he was playing Mario Kart on the console.

"Hmmm... Why not! I habe a feeling this will be interesting!" my boss basically said back.
'If it's interesting for you is bound to be trouble for someone else'

With that we got ready and headed off while a certain person was around Tsubaki's shoulders in an animal form and we headed through the shadows to the meeting place: Tokyo Tower.


A person was waiting on top of a tall tower with someone from the scouts. He was looking around to find where the person he was expecting would be coming from.
"Ähem" a cough from behind him made him turn around and lock on top the one standing in front of him.

"... Sakuya?" asked the person while his own hood was blown back by a gust of wind making the other group widen their eyes at who was in front of them. Sakuya blinked stepping closer to the Servamp next to him "Mikuni Alicien? What's the Eve of Greed doing here? Was it you that wanted to talk with us? With him?"

"Yes I wanted to talk with - wait. Talk with you? Are you part of that group? And who's He?" asked the Eve holding his puppet while his servamp uncurled itself from around his neck. The Snake looked at the outcast, or rather, last subject of their create when he noticed the snake that was lying on his shoulders. Both snakes looked at each other.

'Since when did he have a snake?'
'What is-! What is another Servamp doing here!? Rather, I'm not ready to meet one of them yet!'

A cold chuckle from Tsubaki interrupted their thoughts. "My, my I didn't think one of you would talk with us first... What an intreaging turn of events. And yes I'm, that is, me and my subclasses, are part of this group but we are not the leaders though we do know them."

Meanwhile Jeje couldn't help but stare at the other snake. It felt familiar, like he knew it but at the same time he didn't even if he felt like they were very similar to one another. Mahiru on the other hand was at the epitome of awkwardness. This situation was anything but simple or like one of the other meetings he had with smaller groups of survivors! He guessed his own peace and privacy was nice while it lasted...

"Hmm. If you are.. That explains your behaviour at our meetings sometimes. But since when do you have a snake with you? You never brought it to the gatherings" Mikuni said eyeing the same thing as his servamp. Tsubaki and Sakuya looked at Mahiru to see how he would like to deal with this.

It wss quiet for a while before an unusual ring tone came from Mikuni's phone. The Melancholy's raised their Eyebrows and blinked while Mahiru's eyes widened. That was! How does Mikuni have a record of him singing!? And since when?! "Why do you have it as your ringtone?" Tsubaki asked probing the only human there.
(the scout already left after the captain's arrived)

Mikuni looked at them with a sigh while scratching the back of his head "To tell you the truth... I don't want to believe he's dead. I'd rather not know that someone I know and respected just died without anyone having been there for him."

Mahiru stared at the older brother of Misono. Someone he thought as a bit crazy in the head and some kind of mental illness because of his dolls. But he never expected such a side or comment from the only adult amongst the Eves. He came to a decision right then and there. He looked at his older brother who glance at him sideways while raising an eyebrow at him. Mahiru nodded making Tsubaki get into a small fit. "Are you sure?" he asked him.

"Who are you talking to?" asked Mikuni but only Belkia heard him as the rest was focused on the snake, not thar Belkia potatoes him any mind either or even attempted to answer him. Mahiru nodded again before he slithered off of Tsubaki's outstretched arm. He shot/fell off his sleeve while transforming mid-air into his normal self with the C3 outfit on.

He slowly rose from his crouched position from the ground and looked Mikuni straight in the eye with his almost amber ones "Long time no see, Mikuni. Wasn't really planning to see one of you so soon though."

Said Eve looked momentarily shocked and almost dropped his lovely puppet when he recognized who was and had been there. He blinked while his mouth slowly closed and Jeje's head looked sideways some bags/boxes(?) were slipping of each other. It was funny to see for Tsubaki and Mahiru had to suppress a smirk.

The greed pair had to get their bearings together at some point when Mahiru fake-coughed. The greed eve looked at the person he knew who now had an aura unlike his previous one. Not naive or undecisive anymore, no. Now he had an aura of authority with a bit of a foreboding feeling. He smirked "Yes... want exactly expecting to see you either.

But how come you were a snake?"

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