8. The Surviors saviour

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Currently the group that was brought into C3 are in a room with surprise! White walls... and Disposable mirror/mirror glass. On the other side were the ones previously in the control roof except the two adults who were with the group and while staff. "Now. Please state your name, affiliation, age and anything else we should know about" said the prof Shuhei Tsuyuki sitting on a chair with a clipboard and a pen in hand sitting cross-legged.


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"Ähm.. So... To start with, my name is Takato Hitzugi. I'm 62 years old and I was the one who lead this group into the building above. I am a security guard at XX corporation" began the leader to which the professor noted down on his clipboard.

"And the rest? Do you have some form of identification we could see to varify your claim?" asked them the megane looking up from his papers. While to put their phones while introducing themselves while others got out their Portemonnaie and showed their passes. Each was scanned by a staff member who then left the room.

"Thank you for your corporation. We will now be conducting a health check up to make sure you have not gotten in contact with some kind of trigger that could potentially turn you into one of the 'Zombies' outside. But before that I need to ask you about how you found this place and the person who told you what to say to be met in unconditionally. You see this place it a government secret and not many are supposed to know about it. We would just like to confirm if it is a member of the staff here or someone we don't know about."

"Well we were all at the mall when suddenly people started turning into Zombies. At first we barricaded ourselves in one of the shops until the next day where we wanted to search for any safe places or other survivors. On our way outside our group accidentally made some noise which made the Zombies come near us. We were so frightened we didn't make anymore noise which made the Zombies snow down a bit. It was about 14 o'clock back then and I suddenly saw this boy near a plant pot. He grabbed a ball and threw it into another direction making the Zombies turn away from us and chase it" recounted Hitzugi-san the events.

The two adults nodded before the one in the suit asked "Did this boy introduce himself? Was he alone?"

The two adults nodded before the one in the suit asked "Did this boy introduce himself? Was he alone?"

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The older guy shook his head. "No he wasn't alone. He said he was with 3 others but I don't know how old they were or anything else about them. He said he was going to a safe place and that he knew someone who had contacted him the day before and was in a bunker with some others. It was about 4km away from the place we were at which is where this place was. He had also given us a map with instructions on how to find this place. He said that as long as we enter the building and say "C3" we will be guided to the shelter. And that if it didn't work we were supposed to say either 'Eve of sloth' or that we were sent by him. As for his name.. I believe he said it was Shirota Mahiru."

"What happened afterwards? Was there anything else noteworthy?" asked Taishi Toma-San who was the guy-in-suits end Vice-branch manager. (Funny thing/Spoiler~ he is Mahiru's father but he never knew he had a son till he was confronted by Mahiru's uncle after said kid's mother died!)

"Well we went outside and were about to go our own ways when a few Zombies suddenly fell from the malls roof and some of us started to scream which attracted the Zombies.....
He told us to go ahead. I wanted to protest as he had no way to defend himself and would be completely alone then but he gave me a look I wouldn't imagine seeing from a boy his age. ...I was stunned and I couldn't do anything more than leave the place and turn the next corner" the 60 year old man said hanging his head in shame.

Some bit their lip, clenched their fists or narrowed their eyes. "Was that the last thing you saw?" was asked by Shuhei (the prof).

"Ye-". "No it wasn't! Me and my friend saw something unbelievable but they don't believe us!" interrupted a girl who was standing next to her friend. Everyone besides the group looked interested and before someone could shush her she was asked to tell them what she saw.

"Well just when we were at the corner I wanted to see the boy one last time since.. well he was kinda brave and all.. if a bit weird.. But anyway! When I turned around I saw him fighting the Zombies with a blue glowing broom like he was dancing! My friend can tell you she saw the exact same thing! Heck he even jumped over them and stuff but at some point he noticed us and told us with handmotions to get moving so we had to leave.. " the girl excitedly tells them making some raise their Eyebrows and get a slight twitch of the lip at, a certain boy, possibly being compared to a dancer or the fact of Mahiru having a fan.

"Please don't mind her she is just-"
"Believing in what she saw" cut him off Licht who rammed the wall down with his boots with Lawless close behind him. The group was shocked how a boy just stomped the wall down like it was a chair while the adults groaned and the rest sighed in exasperation at Lichts behaviour.

"Okay I will cut this short people. As this is a dire situating listen well cuz this is basically a government secret and no. You don't have the option of not hearing this with the things you have already witnessed, heard and said" said the professor before going on a detailed and as short as possible explanation of the Eve's and Servamp's.

"The one you mentioned is the Eve of the oldest Servamp and our brother, sleepy Ash, who's the servamp of Sloth. Currently he... is missing" said Hyde which got Kamiya (the hound) to look at them in absolute shock. "Mahiru is missing!? But didn't you tell me that... you hadn't says his name...only Kuro's.." said C3's Ace.

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