1. Outbreak

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It was Thursday, thus our favourite housewife Mahiru was at school with Misono, Sakuya and their 'hidden' servamps. Their 3rd period just ended. Which was a shame since they had home economics and Mahiru was, with the teachers permission, baking by himself. Both Kuro and Sakuya were daydreaming about the smells that escaped from Mahiru's oven which were a mixture of strawberry and chocolate...

Mahiru was just hanging his apron when a girl at the windows became surprised "Hey look! Is it already that late?". Most students looked outside the windows were the blue sky was starting to change purple-orange. A guy at the front looked at the clock shaking his head "No.. According to the clock it's only just 1 p.m." Mahiru's neck hair was felt sweaty as he got a bad feeling.


A scream came from outside the gates. Most instantly looked outside the windows again but Mahiru looked at a group of kids on campus where someone got a more grayish skincolour? One of them moved to a kid that was looking at the gates and bi- BIT him!? The student screamed from pain and started turning gray while the former clawed at his flesh and tore out his victims hair. The ones near them backed away when the latter went limp before both turned and moved towards them.

More screaming could be heard panic spread amongst the studens. "What happening!?", "Armageddon at school!" everyone flocked around the classroom as their teacher tried to calm them down and stay there. Mahiru and Kuro went over to Misono with Sakuya. "What's going on!? Suddenly some students are biting others! And I'm pretty sure that this isn't because of any of the Servamps!" Mahiru was pointing outside the window with a pale face, as much as he's accustomed to blood nowadays THAT'S to much.

Sakuya nodded standing next to his friend "That's for sure. And it couldn't be Tsubaki.. he said he was going to a new mall that just opened up today. If anything, this reminds me of those Zombie movies.". Before Misono could say anything, some of their classmates stormed outside the room "There's no way I'm staying here! I'm going home!" the rest followed.

"Damn!" said Misono, "as much as I wouldn't want to believe it, I think there might be some sort of Virus spreading that's making some behave like 'Zombies' and infect others through bites!" he was biting his thumb. A butterfly on his shoulder was flapping its wings in an hectic fashion, "Misono.." came the concerned voice.

"Troublesome.. I don't like this at all" the servamp of sloth was drapped over Mahiru's shoulder.
"Be serious, Sleepy Ash! This is an important issue!" grumbled Sakuya annoyed at the sloths behavior in even these kinds of situations. The were alone but the guy was still a cat!

"I suggest we go and meet the others at my place. With our subclasses there, they should keep the place clean from any infected" Misono stood up looking at a certain Butterfly atop his shoulder. It flapped its wings twice and moved to his head instead.

"Good, then let's go!" Sakuya promptly pushed Mahiru out of the classroom with Kuro now in his arms before following with the rest close by. They were now at the front doors, "OK, from what I know of Zombie movies you don't want to make any loud sounds. Zombies react to sounds as they get.. colourblind? because of... I don't know, but that's that".

Grey skinned students, with bloody appearances and uniforms, walked around occasionally tripping over their own bloody crippled feet.

Everyone nodded and slowly they crept their way out of the school grounds. Just as they were past the gate, another blood curling scream came from inside the school, looking over shortly, they saw how the Zombies had gathered in one place tugging out crimson things from something else lying under them.

Before either Mahiru or Misono screamed/vomited Sakuya grabbed both of their heads turning them to the front, he quietly hissed at them. "Don't look back, we need to get out of here! ..And I need to get in touch with Tsuba- *phone rings with an annoying backup sound* -ki. *pauses*.." he quickly grabbed his phone from his jeans typed around on it (put it on quiet) before taking the call.

'Surprised our phones still work'  Mahiru observed Sakuya unmoving as Kuro and the rest looked around. "Yes Tsubaki-san?" asks said guy as his eyes darted for any enemies that heard the ringtone. Luckily, those Zombies were currently elsewhere. [...]

"Yahoo~! Sakuya~! Say, have you also noticed *some gory sounds* what's going on? Cuz I'm interested but ("Gooaaaa..") *slash* this isn't funny.. not at all.. they give me the creeps" Tsubaki on the other end of the phone obviously had a sword in hand right now.

"No I don't know what's going on. Besides there suddenly being a bunch of Zombie's around that is. Btw, I'm with the pride, Lust and sloth-pair; we are heading over to Lust's place to regroup."

"Aah~, is that so? Then we'll come over so we'll all be together. See you there Ash~, later!" Slow beeps came from the phone indicating of the dropped phonecall, Kuro shivered.

"Well that's that," grumbled the smallest person there as another phone clasped shut. "I've called Tetsu and he said he's on his way with Licht." informed them Mahiru holding his phone with his right hand and pocketing it.

'When did he make a call?' everyone - even Kuro - wondered.

"All right, we're almost there" Misono went around a corner only to see a zombie coming out of a building near him "Wha!" cried out Lily's eve in surprise and fear. Before Lily intervened by turning humanoid, a gunshot was heard and the Zombie got a hole through the side of its head. He fell to the side with a splat and bump.

Turning around with their weapons in hand they saw Mikuni and Jeje with a sniper gun..where smoke could faintly be seen from. "Always be aware of your surroundings little Misono~, we wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we, right? Alice-chan? *Looks at his doll* Yes, I know, that's right. You are such a dear Alice-chan!". Now all their close allies were informed.

Later, they all entered the Mansion were Licht, Hyde, Tetsu and Hugh were already waiting for them. Sighing in relief they all sat down when Tsubaki entered the room in a dramatic twirl, bloody Katana in hand and the rest of his subclasses flocking in behind him. He too took a seat despite the other Servamp's looks.

Hugh coughed gaining everyone's attention, "So, let's discuss the current Situation.. Who'd like to start?". Better form a plan sooner than later.

"This is troublesome.. I'm feeling unwell with those gray people around" grumbled the lazy cat for once very awake. He was in human Form holding his stomach.

"I agree with Big Brother. They make me more wary than I usually am which is a first.." agreed Hyde from next to his annoyed but perplexed looking Eve. One after the other, all of the Servamps - even Melancholy - agreed with the statement. Sakuya was the one to voice his and the subclasses bad feeling, meaning that any vampire had it to some extent. It gave them goosebumps.

"Hmm.. I have an idea" said Lily from next to Misono. Seeing that they stayed quiet he spoke looking around "how about we go over to C3? Except World End, we'd all be there and they are aware of us and could provide more information. Not to mention... better shelter and protection for our Eves. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather not want to see my Eve turning into a.. whatever those outside have turned into."

Many nodded while Kuro looked over at Mahiru at his stripping brother's statement. His lips curled over their edge as he pulled his hood over his face.

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