12. The Conference

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<Hello, dear listeners around the world. Today's news includes the announcement of a conference between the C3, the governments most powerful force against the current threat and the red dragon. The red dragon is the recently declared name of the group of red hooded individuals that has the highest kill count of Zombies around the world. Today, a meeting between these two groups will commence and we will try to get some insights on the leading figures and their unique top fighters!> came over the radio.

Lily stood up and switched it off to get some peace and quiet in the room. It has been a while since they were all gathered together even if it was for some conference. The only difference in their group was that Kuro now had a certain hound as his subclass since he almost died. Apparently making the ones that have been bitten get turned into a subclass overrides the Zombification process. Licht was a bit bitter towards sleepy Ash after hearing that since that meant he could've saved Mahiru with that method. However, the Servamp himself also kept his own grudges against himself as his own opinion of that time came back to bite his consciousness.

Both Melancholy and Envy arrived in mere moments of one another to some people's surprise and even seemed to be on, at least, a common ground sometimes. Tetsu was the same if a little bit more wary of encountering some dangerous situations. He, Licht and their Servamp's with a few subclasses are mostly seen together and work mostly in a 5km distance of each other. Misono was stressed from the recent announcement that they would meet a delegation from the red dragons.

He once encountered a middle rank from their group (Their clothes show the rank. They are divided into: Lower, which are scouts, middle=supporters/aids, high=soldiers or knights and lastly captain=leader. But no one knows of their Boss's appearance so far) and wanted to talk with him but in the next moment he was gone. It was like he was spirited away.

"Are we sure they'll be here on time? It's almost 5 min before the appointment" asked Freya's Eve looking at her watch from her seat. "I'm sure they'll be here any moment now~" told her Mikuni with his cowboy hat in front of his face. Tsubaki was talking with his younger brother over his subclasses contract mark. Just as he opened his eyes the speakers said <A group of black robed people just appeared with the red dragon's symbol on the upper part of their sleeves. All staff focus on your duties calmly and could the Servamp's and Eve's please report to the meeting hall>

Going over to the assigned room they already saw Tsuyuki (Prof), the vice-branch manager and the hound, which was sitting next to the manager. The group took their respective seats before the electric door opened again to reveal a group of 6 people. It was the red dragon delegates consisting of 4 Knights and 2 leaders. One of the two leaders had a tail poking out from their hood which made a few blink 'do they keep pets?'.

They noticed how 2/3rd of the group remained standing while the other 2 (Koyuki and Ryusei) took a seat at the table. The adults and a few who were quite tall noticed how the leaders were not very tall which made them wonder how old they were. When the clock struck 1 p.m. the Conference was officially in session. 'I can hear some cameras. They are recording and possibly broadcasting this or our conversation via the internet and radios. Stay alert and don't let them notice to soon that you know, they'd question how you noticed it' told Mahiru his two friends telepathically with a bit of a scowl.

After the workers at C3 introduced themselves it was time for the Servamp's and Eve's. "What a bother. I am-" began sleepy Ash only to get interrupted by Ryusei who Mahiru was hiding with. "We already know of each one of you" he said pointing at the rest making some raise their Eyebrows. Kuro felt like he was getting stared at while Tsubaki grew a smirk.

"If that is so could you introduce yourselves then?" asked the professor moving up his glasses. The two looked at each other or rather, one was looking at his friend while the other moved his head towards the animal hidden under his hood. Ryusei felt a paw at his shoulder with a bit of warmth send through it. He nodded and turned his head to his friend Koyuki and nodded again. After their rows of nods which made their hosts look from one to the other leader repeatedly they both grabbed their hoods. Everyone basically peeled their eyes to get a good look at the leaders which were send to represent the red dragons the moment they drew their hoods back.

The moment the hoods fell past their ears Tsubaki could no longer hide his smirk same with the Knights who were standing to the sides of their two young captains.
The rest got a cold shiver from the animal resting on the boy with blond hair's shoulders, it was a small tiger with red eyes that felt like they could burn you alive. (Me: he could. But anyway, he was in a shrunken size of the sun-set tiger)

While the tiger went down from the boys shoulders and onto the table, the boy introduced himself by the name Ryusei and the other one simply said Koyuki with an almost lazy salut of his hand. One of the staff members of C3 froze when they thought the tiger seemed bigger than when he was when he was still with the blonde (not wrong he made himself a bit bigger for effect and comfort) and his canines looked all the more deadly when the tiger licked them. One couldn't hold his fear and screamed "Aaaaahh! Get ya fckin dog back!"

"It don't bite?" replied Koyuki with a tilt to the side. Mahiru gave a wide smile. Wrong decision, his canines were on full display and the staff member kissed the ground fainting on the spot.
"He also isn't a dog, he's a tiger" corrected Ryusei into the silent room while Tsubaki got into a laughing fit before Mahiru jumped onto his face before jumping off again making Tsubaki's chair kip over and the fox hit his head on the ground "Ow!"

Some eyed the Servamp, others the staff member and a few looked back at the supposed leaders. Kuro however, had a weird feeling from the feline and they were locked in a deadly stared own which Lily sighed at when he saw it. Hyde cheered for Kuro silently while Licht wanted to pet the tiger cub. Mahiru's actual father got a headache from all the fuss and told another guard to bring the one that fainted outside of the room. After that, they finally went on with the discussion. For mere kids those two sure knew when to zip it and not mention something. Part of which was because they had a link that was basically a real-time connection that made the older members listen in and give their opinions together with their leader.

Though... Mahiru kept staring at Kuro but actually was reading his mind and emotions. Which is why he briefly looked at Kamiya (hound) when he heard about him being Kuro's subclass since a few days ago.

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