9. World-wide

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~half a year later~

<We'd like all humans over the world to move to the nearest shelter. If you are in a situation where you can not change your location please try to contact someone over the phone or produce a sound that our hearing cannot hear. If you are traveling to a shelter keep looking for authorities with white-black uniforms or, in dire situations, the independent group with a red-golden symbol on their clothes. I repeat... > was going over the Radio's and international lines every 2 hours.

Other parts off the world have also reported sightings of Zombies in their own lands and the government was forced to pull C3 into the light together with the army as an elite group with special weapons and staff. One of the things the organization was pushed to announce was, the existence of the Servamp's but not necessarily the identity of their Eve's, just the 'gifts' they wield for recognition of their status.

It... has also come to light that Kuro is without an Eve.. for now Kuro has been partnered up with his siblings together with Kamiya. If the situation calls for it, they have been told to form a pact that makes them Servamp and Eve.. but not many wanted to believe the fact that Mahiru's last day.. was the day they were all together at the Aliecien Mansion. A few were listening to the song they had secretly taken back then as a form of momento but they couldn't help but be bothered when they listened to the song.. The more they heard it the more it seems like it sounded foreboding. Like the song OR the singer knew something that caused the song to sound so sad.. so pained and ominous.

That aside it has become known that only C3 -which is working under the government- and the unknown group that acts only by the orders of an unknown leader, can effectively deal with a great number of Zombies at once. The Servamp's and C3 are working on dealing with the Zombies in Japan and slowly work to the rest of the world while each country tries their best with their own forces. While that means that they wage no war with each other, that doesn't mean that something like civil- or groupwars don't occur. After all, everyone is trying to fend for themselves to survive.

On the other hand the independent force is spreading and increasing in size and it is speculated that they have one base in each country with someone who can contact the boss they follow (-> meaning Mahiru's contractors, which is everyone that was at the mall and is now grouped together in teams of 3). They contact each other through a mark that appears when they make a contract with Mahiru and they can contact each other if they've touched another's mark with their permission.

The Servamp's on the other hand gather together once each month from their base of operation to talk or relax. However, two Servamp's and one Eve have been rather uncooperative and doing their own stuff. (Me: Can you guess who?)

Mikuni and his Servamp Jeje have been doing their own things which is mostly gathering survivors at times but besides that no one knows what he's doing. As for Tsubaki, he and his group have been the most elusive and they won't listen if you tell them if they could, perhaps, clean out an area. The group does come by for the gatherings every month but otherwise the only thing the others know they do is searching for interesting things, kill Zombies, grab useful tools (or steal things from destroyed houses).

However what they really do is help Mahiru with his followers (he's their leader not some priest!) and play captain sometimes. The key members of the group stay in the Shinjuku district. The Melancholy's can easily come there cuz Mahiru made a pact with Sakuya that allows him to travel through Shadows to anywhere he has been to before.

Mahiru's POV {finally 17 y. o.}

I was currently running through some abandoned train-station's. What was I doing running through those railings if I could travel through shadows like Sakuya you ask? Well~ To be truthful I was actually running away from my brother Tsubaki who I may or may not have dumped a bucket of water on 😅. Yes I call him brother since he really made me see him as one even if I'm the stronger one in a fight but... I'm not the strongest when it comes to mental strength. Due to the shock I got because of... sleepy ash's actions I'm now very distrustful of those who'd assume things or jump to conclusions like he did back then. Tsubaki - while I would've previously called him crazy - has really been caring for me like a big brother and he's  honestly the only one besides my 3 school friends whom I trust.

I don't know what to think about the other Eve's or my new siblings anymore... would they even accept something like this? I have heard the announcement that C3 had made and how Sloth's Eve is dead.
'So I'm dead in their eyes huh...'

"Found you little brother!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt sandals in between my shoulder blades and crashed to the ground with my limbs sprawled out around me. I lifted my head to see my older brother Tsubaki who someone had apparently given a towel to dry himself from the water that I dumped on him. Looking over my shoulder I saw Tsubaki there poking me with a sword of his. I know what that meant.

He wants to fight me for revenge. The loser has to do or accept whatever the winner tells him to, that's the objective of this game of ours. His subclasses and my friends mostly watch to tell if it was fair or not. Tricks are allowed as long as you didn't get outside help which would be considered cheating. Neither one of us likes cheating, tricking someone is fun but cheating can hurt very much.

There was this one time a member of C3 almost found us playing but I disappeared in my brothers shadow and he quickly attacked a Zombie as a cover up. My foxy brother also stole a uniform of C3 for me to wear since it would put me along C3's jurisdiction rather than the army's if they found or sleighs managed to catch me...  In human form mind you, as I would only take on that form if relaxed or according to the situation at hand which forced me to. Also... because they get washed.

Anyway, I won our game by changing into a bull and ramming him square to the stomach. Luckily his breakfast stayed down but now he is not allowed to call Sakuya "Wasabi" anymore as a nickname.

Tsubaki 0 - Sakuya/Mahiru 1

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