11. A snake's Inquiry

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"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT!?" yelled a shocked and angry tiger on a certain malls rooftop looking incredulously at Mikuni like he just got shot through the head by Jeje while hugging his weird doll.

Tsubaki and said other servamp also looked at the eve but you could only tell one's opinion on it since the other..., well you can't see his face. Tsubaki's nose-wing twitched and he looked like he would cut Mikuni's head off if Jeje didn't shoot it before he gets the chance to do so.

The kudere (in regards to his brother if you ask me) eve was sipping juice on a gardenstool at the same rooftop. He put it down after having taken a sip and repeated: "A week ago I was told to find a way to get in contact with your... Organization and to somehow make you agree to meet up with our side. They want to meet you cuz:
1stly) You can fight against the Zombies on your own without any powers apparently.
2ndly) You are a big enough group of survivors that gather attention. And lastly) They want to know your 'identity or appearance' is what I wasn't supposed to say."

Mahiru stood up from his former position on the ground and began pacing "No. no!no!no!no!no! NO! Absolutely NOT! Not even an army of Zombies can get ME to go over THERE, where he is! I'd rather publicly fly around like a dragon and burn down entire Cities or stay at the bottom of the ocean as a whale!"

While Mahiru was having a small breakdown in front of the older Alicien sibling with Sakuya watching in a relaxed position from sitting on the stairs, Tsubaki was having a little talk with the ever so quiet Greed. "I sometimes really have to question what you find interesting with Eves such as that. Don't they annoy you?" asked the one in kimono and haori.

"It's.. fine... . As long as... I get to.. shoot him... later... . But why... Do you.. hang around... with him?" was replied by the other Servamp pointing at Hikaru who was attempting to ram his own head against a wall (probably wanted to pass out and then pretend he had been dreaming).

"Hmm. I'll tell you But!" he said while looking dead serious into the two holes in Jeje's paperbag "if you make him sad or hurt him -not that he can't defend himself or is weak- I will come and make you wish you were rather at that loud C3 group for millenia's. Got it? *get a nod* OK, good. As for the reason I'm with him... Foremost, You are not to tell this to anyone unless they already know or he told them himself. As your eve has realised he's actually Mahiru Shirota. After we all separated at your Eve's Manor [insert the explanation they got from Mahiru]. Now he's our youngest sibling and thus I'm taking care of him like a responsible brother should ('like you should've been with me' was left unspoken)".

Jeje remained quiet till his sleeve moved above Tsubaki's head which made the Fox tense and eye him warily 'are they that much against us? Who he shoot me in the head?', but instead of guns he was patted on the hand by actual Hands. His eyes widened and he turned his head away. "I.. See... . So we.. have one more... brother now... ... I will... help you but.. I don't.. know about.. the others."

"Oh? I will help out as well. After all I am the oldest amongst the Eves and knew about the Servamp's when I grew up, I should've watched out for him and the others and not only my own little brother. Speaking of, congrats on having your own~ also, piece of advice. 

They can be a real handful" said Jeje's Eve with a smirk much like Tsubaki when he's going nuts. Sakuya already went to grab himself some snacks and something to drink.

Jeje shot at him after retreating his hand into his sleeves and revealing his dark-orange glowing guns instead. "Hey! Don't be so mean!" said Mikuni evading the assault by his own Servamp.

Meanwhile Mahiru looked into the sky with a kinda bloody head from banging it against a wall. He sighed. "Fine" everyone stopped to look at the tiger even though he didn't exactly say it out loud but it was just his powerful voice itself that gathered attention "I will go, however, I will not be  introduced unless it's necessary and then with a nickname. Neither will I be in my human form obviously. It will be like when you two met us for this meeting. Instead of my older brother though I will be with my two friends instead."

Tsubaki grumbled while Mikuni nodded before he ran away from the rubber bullets of his Servamp who looked at Mahiru from what seems to say 'are you sure?'. He nodded which made Tsubaki leave the rooftop saying "I need to talk with my subclasses".

'... Guess I have one more older brother now' thought Mahiru before going to find Koyuki and Ryusei to inform them about it. Both literally questioned if my head - or brain rather - was still working okay and didn't regress from me turning into different animals all the time. They even made me promise to stay in my human form longer if I get the chance else they'd fight me with the powers I gave them. I wasn't to keen on that happening as not only are their powers one of my favorites but are quite deadly and mean if combined.

After I reassured them and they informed some scouts who will come with us we talked for a bit more before it was time to catch a bite. We got a few onlookers as a snake, a hamster and a fox where now on one of the Tables with the rest of our groups and eating pizza. 'Pizza! 😋 Delicious!'

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