16. Bonds And Future

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Mahiru's POV

Tensions were high arms the situation was as awkward as as it could be not that I expected anything less... only thing I was questioning myself was if we would bareour teeth at each other or somewhat fight with our words. Kuro.. hadn't moved from his position next to Hugh and Hyde. He was as stiff as a board and if I wasn't looking I'm sure it's see his eyes either glued on me or anything but me. Anyway, I decided tu break up the staring going on or those who were insulting each other with their eyes. *coughing*


Mahiru succeeded in getting their attention but didn't retreat from the prying eyes on himself. "Well.. I suggest I will introduce myself as everyone else is acquainted with each other for the most part. Afterwards we can slowly get to the situation at half arms any other topics that some want to Adress. Does that sound fair?"

Some had to blink from his voice and change in demeanor. While nice it sounds more polite than friendly. The vice-branch-manager nodded looking directly at the one opposite of him which would be his actual son who isn't quite human anymore.

"Very well. Now then, my name is Hikaru and I am the leader of the red dragons. You might now know why that is the name of our group seeing how I was fighting and came to this place." Misono wanted to say something but 'Hikaru' held up a hand before his eyes momentarily shined yellow. A short 'bzzz' sound resounded from some people making some glance and look at where it came from but didn't check it out.

"Apologies but I'd rather not be recorded by those instruments you were hiding. Plus, I wouldn't like it if someone got a recording of what comes next. Just so you're aware, there is a barrier around us which dims down our voices to our surroundings. I could mute them sure, but I'd rather if we all remained civil" he said with a slight glow to his eyes and tilt to the side making some get reminded of Tsubaki and Mikuni.

He then looked at Misono and gave a nod "You can now say or ask what you wanted to earlier."

The eve of Lust looked around and bit his lower lip before looking at Hikaru. "Your name.. is it truly Hikaru? Because-" Misono said only for Hikaru to say: "I look like someone you know? *Misono gets wide-eyed* Your right it's not my birth name and neither am I - obviously - a human... anymore. I was someone who had died and got brought back as a zombie mutant that is rather akin to a servamp than a ghoul. I, am Mahiru Shirota, former eve of.. the Servamp of Sloth. It's nice seeing you all again.. Is what I'd like to say but I have some reservations but still hi!" he said with a slight toothy smile at the end.

Tetsu was the first to reply as the rest was a bit frozen at the onflood of information, he simply said" Hi. It's good to know that your still.. alive? How've you been? What happened?"

Before Mahiru could speak Tsubaki decided that that was his moment to intervene and drop another bomb on them. He went into a very distinctive play of what he heard happened after they all separated from each other with his subclasses as Lily, Misono, Kuro and the leader of the Surviors. It was interesting to watch if a bit crotesque. Tsubaki was Mahiru, Sakuya who surprisingly participated as Kuro (just wanted to hit Tsubaki), the nurse was Misono, Lily was the 🦂and Belkia the old man from the group of survivors.

Hyde wanted to criticise their act but got stompted on by Licht who said "Be quiet you demon!". "But Lichttannn~! They-!" he got hit on the head again getting told that he was interrupting the display. Mikuni had his shoulders shaking by how his brother was played by the monotone, sickly-white faced nurse who acted like her head hurt the entire time and the scorpion who was trying and failing of not attempting to think of how many times he had taken off his shirt or acted... like the servamp of Lust *shiver*.

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