New coach?

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We were playing hockey , just messing around , we were definetly terrible at hockey , "keep it down please" Goldberg said standing in front of the goal "hey, cmon , theres no need for this , were friends arent we?" Goldberg said , i rolled my eyes "cmon Goldberg at least try to stop it! , im tired of chasin the puck!" terry said , he was Jesse's little brother , "be careful man it almost hit me that time!" he said i crossed my arms and Charlie skated up taking off his helmet "Goldberg your the goalie its supposed to hit you" charlie said "does that sound stupid to anyone else" he said i rolled my eyes "you know what does sound stupid Goldberg" i said "a goalie who cant even defend the goal" i said and he rolles his eyes , i skated away and all of district five where in one big cluster skating towards a limo that showed up , which around here we hardly see any fancy cars , the car skated onto the ice and we all began mumbling things as we slowly skated closer , i stood next to Jesse who was like a brother to me , "you dont know what your doin' " pete said camly to Jesse "chill alright imma take care of it" a man got out the car and we all stopped in front of him , he stared down at all of us "yo dude your oblivously in the wrong hood" Jesse said to the man "this is my dominion , a drug free zone do ya understand . We aint buy'in nothin" he said "now im feelin genrous today so imma let you get your sorry vaniella behind bootie on outta here" he said "before we start usin your eyeballs as hockey pucks" i added crossing my arms glaring slightly and everyone began laughing but the man seemed to be unfased "but im not going home till i take care of buisness" he said reaching into his coat and everyone backed away "whos this guy think he is a hitman?" i said and got nudged by jesse others said "he got a gun" or "back up" , but he pulled out a piece of paper and charlie let out a breathe of relief , and we got closer to the man .

"district five pee wee hockey team. Im Gordon Bombay , im the new coach" he said making us all laugh "what a joke" i said , we quite down a bit "yea right" Jesse said with a smile "im afraid so dude" the guy said , i glared and furrowed my eyebrows with arms crossed "oh yea" i said making him look at me "prove it ya cake-eater" i said "got the roster right here" he said and i shook my head . "Averman Lester Dave Karp , Conway Charlie , Hall Terry , Russell Amelia" he said adding the rest of peoples names and we all began whispering in disbelief  "heres the long and short of it , i dont like hockey and i hate kids" he said "whats that supposed to be pep talk" Pete said "ya man why dont you just leave and the rest of us can be on our merry little way minding our own business just like you should be" i said and he glared at me "im sure this will be a real bonding expirence" he said practically telling me he aint goin anywhere "maybe one day one of you will right a book about it in jail" he said "yea that someones gonna be Lia over here" averman said i elbowed him again in the gut "shut it averman" i said and he groaned "exactly my point" he said in pain i let a small smirk form on my face "funny" Pete said "there a goalie" the guy now known as coach bombay asked "only for a little while my familys movin back to philly" Goldberg said "not like your good at it anyways" i mumbled and got a slight nudge from Charlie saying to shut up or stop it "thank you for sharin that" coach said and goldberg nodded "All right get on the ice , let me see what you can do" coach said and we all turned away to the ice "uh, just so you know , we really do suck" i heard Averman say ,jesse and Charlie were next to me "what ya think about the knew coach" Charlie asked me and Jesse "he is a total joke" jesse said with a scoff i looked back at coach "No way am i gonna give him a chance , besides you heard what he said , he probably just gonna ditch us in about a week" i said turning back to charlie "yea or your gonna scare the man off" jesse said putting on his helmet "yep like you did to the other five coaches" charlie added "oh shut up , not my fault our coaches are nothin but a bunch of prissy drama queens" i said putting on my helmet and got into my positon .

We started the game trying to get the puck but the others fell to the ground , once they got up i got the puck and made my way to the goal and passed it to Jesse and shoved pete to the ground . We eventually gathered back around by coach "what we do now coach" someone asked "what did your old coach have to do" he asked us all "he just yelled alot" charlie said "ya manly at Amelia over there" someone said and coached looked at me "and why's that" he asked me "probably because shes a big smart mouth and trying to scare away the coaches" Averman said , i turned around and glared at him "for the last time Averman shut up!" i said pushing him "anger issues much" he said groaning "thats how he hurt his arm" Terry said getting coaches attention "his arm?" he asked "yea , one minute he was yelling at us" "Little bastards , where'd you learn to play , oh you suck , you! Skate , you little bast-" pete said and then placed his hand where his heart was and made a hurt sound "heart attack great" coach said "all right look , i gotta make a phone call keep screamaging" he said "you you and you against you four" he added opening his car door "we got names you know" someone said "im sure you do , and i'll bet there wonderfull names . I might even learn them" he said making me scoff what a jerk "for now imma be in my office and if you need anything fax me" he said getting into his car "what a jerk" pete said "where do they find these coaches anyways" someone said "proabably in washed up white trash land where everyone is nothin but a bunch of cake-eaters" i said scoffing "and you know what" i said throwing my stick down "im tired of them telling us what to do why they sit around all day making pointless phone calls sipping on there hot tea" i said and people agreed with me and i glimbed on the roof of the car and shook it as others joined me , and coach began shouting at us telling us to get off the car , Jesse managed to get in the car i sat down next to him and he took the phone coach had , Karp and connie squeezed in next to us and eventually everyone was in the car , connie began chanting "we wana ride" and everyone joined in "we wanna ride , we wanna ride, we wanna ride" and after annoying coach he told the driver to let us go for a spin and we cheered , i got pushed out of my place and fell on the floor and onto charlie "sorry" i said getting up and got on my knees , "man i feel like madonna" connie said "you wish you were madonna" i said back to her , then we all sniffed around smelling something funky "Goldberg!" we all side disgusted "it wasnt me alright" he said defending himself "oh man someone crack a window!" i said swatting my hand by my nose , after people complaining Charlie looked up "ah man its my mom" he said and i looked and there was his mom trying to stop the car "she looks pissed!" he said and coach pushed him to the ground she opened the door i was leaning against making me fall out the car and onto the ice hard "ouch!" i said and rubbed the back of my head "alright everyone out!" she said in a motherly tone , i may not of had a mother but thats not a good sign .

Once coach got out Miss. Conway pulled him by his coat mad "are you out of your mind!" she said and Charlie got out the car "what were you thinking putting that car on the ice!, my son was in that car!" she said pissed off "lady lady relax." coach said to Charlies mom , by now everyone was in the car "one crack on the ice thats all it would have take . One crack" Charlies mom said upset and angry "who do you think you are" she added and asked coach angrily "im Gordon Bombay their new coach" he said calmly "they send you over and you nearly indangered there lives" she said pissed "what danger i grew up on the ice lady, i know when its safe to drive on" coach said defenending himself "how do you know" charlies mom said "i just know okay!" coach said irratted "well listen to me Mr. Zen master , you may be in tune with the ice universe , but when it comes to my kid i just know doesnt cut it" she said pissed off "Charlie , Amelia lets go" i stood there shocked why the hell did i have to leave Charlie said sorry to the team about his mother ruining practice , sad thing of all was we had a game which i was dreading deeply .

After the walk home with Charlie and His mom i made dinner for my dad , i wasnt hungry so i just showered and changed and was so exhuasted that i was out the second i hit my soft mattress thinking how the games gonna go espeically with our prissy knew coach ugh.

W.H - sorry for the long chapter but yea i hope you enjoy this story was 1731 words

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now