Trouble in the alley ways .

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After giving coach advice i was now in the alley way with Charlie , Karp , Jesse ,and little pete , they were goinf through a box full of magezines of half naked girls , i rolled my eyes gagging , i didnt bother i was leaning against the brick wall looking away from the horrific sight . The guys started running , so i speed walked towards them as they turned and went down another alleyway , i laughed as people surrounded little Pete "im sorry im just kidding okay!" pete pleaded as the guys were trying to give him a wedgy , i let out another laugh . I noticed Karp was still looking at the magizine i turned away and gaged , "hey!" Karp said making me look back at him to see people skating past us , i noticed it was guys from thr Hawks team , i crossed my arms and glared at the three of them "Hi girls" one of them said.

"jeeze you may be dumb but at least we know your not blinde too" i mumbled , the three of them circled around us like prey "does your mommy know you have that" one of them said in a baby tone making me roll my eyes , "nah shes busy with the mailman" pete said making me laugh . I made eye contact with a cute blonde boy who smiled at me while skating , i just glared back arms crossed .

"That'll make great bathroom reading" the blonde boy said laughing , i was gonna say something till some grabbed my hand and i looked at my hand and looked back up to see who it was and it was Charlie , he gave me a look saying "dont even think about it" i let out a sigh annoyed but at the same time Charlie made me feel calm? , "thats mine you jerk i found it!" Karp said annoyed "you dont even know what to do with it , wuss-breath!" the kid shouted back .

"you gonna let him call you wuss-breath" Pete said trying to make Karp made in which he acheived and karp went to go after them , the three of them tried started pushing Karp , i went over and tried to get them off the kid , i went to push the blond boy but my he some kid pushes me and then the blonde boy pushed me shoving me to the hard ground twisting my ankle , i stood up instantley regretting it and went over to the group , slightly limping hoping no one noticed . I was in the back and the guys went over to the three of them pissed , all of them started talking smack waiting for them to throw a punch or do something . I saw someone walk up from behind the hawk boys , he pickes up two of them and throws them like nothing into the blonde hawk boy . I smiled and laughed but fell loosing my balance making my ankel hurt , i grabbed it and let out a hiss of pain doing so .

The guys yelles at the hawks as the got up and ran away from the tall guy clearly a teenager , the guys thanked him , and he just looked at us and walked away .

I tried to get up , but a shot of pain from my ankel went through out my leg making me hiss grabbing and falling to the ground again . This time all the guys noticed and looked at me concerened but i couldnt let them see me as weak im Amelia Russell i cant ever appear as weak to anyone , "you okay Amelia?" Jesse asked concerened and everyone else lookes down at me , now i definitely felt weak to everyone , it made me mad at myself . I got up trying to shrugg off the pain in my ankle and stood slightly on it putting all my weight on my other leg , "Yeah im fine" i said mad and frustrates towards Jesse and the guys , i put my hand on the wall helping my balance and helping so i would'nt put all my weight on one leg  "you sure it looks really painfull" Averman said and i shot a glare at him "yeah maybe you should go to the hospital or something" Pete said , "i said im fine okay!" i said pissed off , i wasnt mad at them i was mad at myself .

"im heading home anyways , i need a break from all of you" i said and tried to lean off of the wall and tried to walk making it seem i was okay , which i wasnt and led to me falling , the guys caught me just in time so i wouldnt hit my head or my back hard against the ground , "you should definitaly go to the hospital Amelia" Jesse said , i sat up and glared at him "Jesse im fine its just my ankle" , "yeah well your ankel looks like a blueberry" terry said "oh shut up Terry" i said and the guys helped me manage to get up and leaned against the wall for support "Terry's right Amelia your ankel doesnt look so good and with tomorrows practice it could leave permanet damage to it" Charlie said pointing to my ankel concerened , it hurt knowing he was right , i rolled my eyes at him crossing my arms "whatever" i said annoyed , "you can roll your eyes all you want Amelia" he startes making me snap my head and eyes back towards his direction with a angry expression "but im not going to let you damage your ankle even more" he said making me scoff , "Charlies right Lia you gotta sit out" Averman said next to me .

I elbowed him in the gut "shut it Avermen" i said and he fell groaning "you know for a hurt ankle your still really strong . And mean!" he said groaning around the floor , "cmon Amelia im taking you home and im not taking a no for a answer" Charlie said and wrapped his hand and arm around my waist and managed getting me off the wall , i wrapped my arm around his neck and shoulder .

We were around the same height only he was slighty taller than me by a small inch , i had to fight back the blushing sensation throughout my cheeks , me and Charlie walked down the alleyway together , "Yeah Conway take your little girlfriend home" Pete said and Jesse made kissing faces towards us , i turned around glaring at them "shut up before i beat up both of you" i said annoyed , the guys laughed and began walking away .

The walk was quite and peaceful , the pain and swelling in my ankle went down and was able to limp now but it still hurt just not as bad ,
"Charlie?" i said softley making charlie look at me "yeah?" , "why are you walking me helping me and walking me home?" i asked looking at him , he looked at the snow "i-i dont know maybe because your my neibrough and friend also my teamate" he said side glancing me with a smile and i laughed "well thanks for stating the obvious" i laughed and looked ahead of us seeing both of our houses , as we got closer it fell silent again .

Once we reached my house i turned to Charlie "i guess i'll see you tomorrow at practice" and began making my way to my front door and charlie began making his way to his house , i opened my door until i heard charlie "wait Miley" he said i turned to him confused . He came up to my porch "here" he said and pulled out the ring my mom gave me before she passed "Thanks Charlie" i said happy taking my ring i lost without noticing and slid it back on my ring finger "Bye Miley see you tomarrow" he said and ran back to his house and i smiled and went back into my house warmth consumming my body , i smiled and went to sleep putting a pain pill in my mouth . I just hope that the pain in my ankle goes away.

W.H- wow something finally happened to Amelia and her and Charlie had a small
Moment but nothin so far rlly happened

Keep in mind that there 11 so nothing really is gonna happen until there 15 but i will add a little somthing there every now and then but nothing much . Also yes i am going to make a sequel and a 3rd book if your wondering .

Another thing to keep in mind is that there all 11 in this book and in the next book there going to be 13 and the last book is going to be 15 .

But yes this is all for now and im now ending this chapter off with 1463 words!

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now