Eggs and pucks .

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I woke up excited that today was a going to be a good day and boy was i right! .

We were at the local hockey shop story buying what we need and i was so happy and grateful . I havnt felt this happy in a long time .

I had to stop and admire all my team mates and friends happy faces everywhere i was happy that they were happy not only but because on this side of town were district five is . Well we arent rich and no ones really nice to kids like us and we really needed this .

I felt a hand touch my shoulder making jump a little and out of my happy daise . It was Jesse "You okay Lia?" , "Yeah just admiring the sight you know? , we really needed something like this" , he nodded and pushed me a little "Cmon lets go get our stuff" he said laughing which caused me to laugh as well .

I got some things all except a hockey stick , which was were Charlie Conway was , i walked up to him and grabbed a black colored hockey stick , he turned around and faced me and gave him a small smile "What? , get your hockey stick Conway" i said and walked away laughing i heard crashing from the isle Charlie was at making me laugh even more , which made me realize i needed some pads .

I saw Averman and Jesse bumping and pushing each other and Goldberg trying to get on the Goalie pads i laughed and quickly snatched some and walked away .

I saw little Pete looking at something on the wall of the shop so i walked over to him "Hey'ya Pete what you lookin at?" as i tried to look at the articale and he pointed at it "Gordon Bombay?" he questioned looking at the artciale making me furrow my eye brows and moving him aside "what?" , i squinted and looking at the articale and my eyes widened "was a hawk" pete said looking at Bombay as i did as well .

~Time Skip~

As we got our stuff we went to the ice rink with our new gear . There were kids some i recongnized some i didnt "Dude check em' out" Goldberg said as we crowded to look , i stood next to Little Pete mark , "Holy cow!" pete said an amazment as girls and guys skated on the ice "There pretty good skaters" i added , "Anyone know who they are?" Bombay asked us .

"Thats Tommy Duncan . He's in my science class." he began and stopped looking at a girl , moments before Terry pushed passed me to get a better look so i was behind him "Thats his sister Tammy" Terry added in amazment making me laugh from behind him "Id say your in love on Tammy Terry" i mocked him and he elbowed me in the stomache "Zip it Amelia" Terry said as i groaned "Since when did i get treated like Averman" i groaned and Averman laughes "At least you know how it feels when you elbow me" .

"You think they'll play hockey with us?" coach asked and we all said "Yeaaah!" .

I groaned and went to get changed into my gear .

We put on yellow and blue jerseys i guess along with helments , i assumed Tammy and Tommy agreed to play hockey with us , we all skated out onto the ice to began our practice.

Cones were alined on the ice and coach blew his whistle , "Go! Go! , side to side shift your weight!, get comfortable on your edges!" once i was at the cones i did as coach asked my ankle had gotten way better practically healed . "Keep your balance Karp trust your edges" , i looked back behind me just in time to see Charlie fall first on the ice making me wince "Thats okay Charlie" coach reassured i wanted to go over and see if he was okay sadly we were heading over to our next warm up.

We were sitting on one knee , usually id be by Jesse or pete but i was by Averman and Charlie and coach held out a egg? , "Soft hands , you dont shoot the puck to your team mates . You sail them" his eyes turned to Karp and i had to bite my lip so i wouldnt laugh "Karp on your feet" as karp stood up Averman looked like he was going to laugh no surprise there .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now