Playing like professionals

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We walked through the doors to reveal a big big ice rink . "Woah" i sighed in amazment with my mouth gapped open. "I cant believe this" Jesse loudly said and i nudged him playfully "Better believe it man" , i looked at him as we smiled at each other . "What are we doing here?" i heard Charlie ask coach making me glance at them both . "Its a little play-offs present" coach responded back .

The big proffesional players walked passed us and some of us said Hi to them of course for once i got shy i mean there pros! . "Hey Gordo , Gordon Bombay , right?" one of the star players asked , "You remeber me?" Coach said surprised , "Sure from Pee-wees" the guy responded and turned to his team mate "This guy used to rule pee-wees" he said smugly .

"I heard you became a farmer." the man said , "Actually , i became a lawyer" bombay said . "But im coaching Pee-Wee now . And this is my team , the ducks" coach gestered too us as i smiled at them , "Ducks , this is Basil Mcrae and Mike Mondano" , we all began telling coach that we knew who they were very smugly .

"Alright ducks . Listen to this guy he knows what he's talking about" the man said and turned back to coach "If you ever want a shot . I'll get you a tryout , in the minor league clubs" , "Thanks" . The two men and bombay gladly said there goodbyes .

"Alright lets have some fun!" coach smacked his hands together as we cheered and smiled and went to the ice .

I skated on the ice backwards and saw Connie and Guy holding hands . She's lucky too have someone .

Me , Pete , Jesse , Charlie , Karp and Tommy raced each other skating around the rink , Charlie and I skated side by side and i gave him a smile in which he returned and i grabbed his arm and purposly dropped on my knees pulling him with me and glided on them and soon the others joined in . Tammy spinned on the ice and i reluctently joined her and spinned like she did .

I laughes and skated by Jesse's side from behind the goal and man this is the happiest i ever felt with the ducks! .

Were at the game watching the pros play . I sat next to Charlie who sat by coach and Averman sat on my left . Everyone began cheering and j was confused so i playfully tapped Charlies shoulder giving him a confused look as he pointed to the score board . My eyes widen and soon i too began to cheer the score board read "Welcome Gordon Bombay and The Ducks" .

Pete tapped on Goldbergs arm and i saw Averman snatch a fry and i quickly did too and he gave me a smug look "Oh shut up Lester" he hated when people called him by his first name . I looked over and saw two of the hawks player look at us or someone . Adam hid himself from them , i rolled my eyes as Jesse glared .

I pulled my attention back to the game just in time to see the team we were routing for make a goal , i cheered and soon we all began dancing standing man i loved moment like this.

W.M ~ soo im going to inform you guys so i dont get plagurized bc i dont believe i did it right .

I dont own the mighty ducks or any of the charactors nor there lines all the creadit goes to Stephan Herek the director as well as Steven Brill the wrtiter i only own Amelia Russell and her plot and lines thank you .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now