A Real Pep Talk

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After a good shower i changed into one of my brothers tee-shirts and jeans and wore grey shoes and wore my moms fameous ring to top it off .

I headed down stares and put on my leather winter jacket , "Here you go pumpkin give this to miss Conway" he smiled as i nodded and practically ran next door .

I was nerveous i havnt actually been to Charlies house just at his door never really entered .

I let out a breathe of relief as i finally knocked on the door .

After what felt like forever which was only a couple of seconds someone opened the door . It revealed to be a shaggy haired boy known as Charlie Conway a boy i had a minor crush on.

"Hey Charlie" as said with a sweet smile "Amelia hi" he said back with a smile "what are you doing here?" , i showed him the goodie basket "My father wanted me to give this to your mother" , i stood akwardly and saw miss Conway behind Charlie which meant she had yet to see me yet "Charlie what are you doing , whats taking so lon-" she cut her self off with a smile when she saw me , i smiled back and become nervous at rhe realization that i never really saw Charlies mom and my eyes widened at the sight of her "wow your really pretty" i blurted out , she smiled even more , and i shifted did i say that out loud? "I-Im sorry i didnt mean to say that out loud" i blurted out again .

"Its no problem dear thank you for the compliment though" , she opened the door slightly more and looked our around behind me "Did you come alone?" she questioned , wait she has no idea who i am? .

"Yeah i did , um sorry i didnt introduce myself"

"Hi im Amelia Russell i play on the same team as Charlie im also your Neibrough" i said more camly now .

I saw her eyes light up a bit "So you must be the girl Charlie loves to talk about" she said and i looked at Charlie to see him looking down with a tint of red to his cheeks .

"Yeah i-i guess i am" i wasnt embarred but rather flattered "Is that a gift?" she asked point at the gift basket "Yeah my dad wanted me to give it to you" i blurrted out again handing it to her which she kindly took "thank you" she smiled at me which i returned , she then lookes between Charlie and I and raised her eye brows "Why dont you come inside" i nodded and walked into Charlie Conways house for the first time .

It was awkwars at first but quickly warmed up to the humble home of the Conway's . I found out my father had put cooking supplies as well as cookies which Charlie and I greedily had , well only a few of course .

Me Charlie and Casey charlies mother . We stopped when we heard a knock on the door , me and Charlie gave each other a weird look but Casey Conway went to open the door . I left the sink where i was washing dishes and Charlie left the table , we peeked out the corner to see who it was , Charlies mother peeked through the little whole and hesitated to open the door . When she opened the door she revealed Coach Bombay . I nudge Charlie as we went back to what we were doing before .

(Coach Bombay pov)

The door to the Conway's appartment opened to reveal a beautiful woman also Charlies mother i assumed "Hi" i manage to say "Charlie doesnt want... , to be on the team anymore , and he nor I have anything to say to you" she blurrted out to me . She began to close the door till i stopped her i wasnt backing down. "Well i have something to say to you" i said to the woman with confidence .

"Oh really? . Door to door mistreatment now?. Now the team can feel miserable between games too huh?" she said too me upset was heard in her voice .

"I came to apoligize , to both of you"

"what?" was all she could ask . "Apoligize" i stated to her again . "Well .... You should" she said as she slowly opened the door granting me permission to come inside her home .

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