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We had won that night and we could'nt be happier . But all good things come to an end and this was the end .

Coach had his duffle bag and stood by a bus . He started off with pete "Look , dont take any bad dives okay?" Coach nodded in response and moved on next to Jesse "Just remeber keep your head up man" , "Cake-Eater" Adam said "Remebee concenstration not the strength fulton said" , "And for god sakes soft hands" Averman whisper shouted making me laugh .

"Alright any thing else" Bombay asked "Yeah have fun out there coach" Charlie said and hugged coach looked at me and smiled "And i know miss attitude would like to say something" I laughed and looked at my feet shaking my head "Yeah , i want you to play like a duck out there on the ice and dont forget ducks stick together" i looked back and smiled "Like puck on ice" i added and hugged coach .

Lastly was miss conway , "I must be crazy a tryout with minors , going up against kids half my age" Bombay said too Casey who smiled , "Jusr have a good tryout Gordon . One step at a time" "Yeah your right" .

It was time for Coach to leave but before he could he kissed Casey in frony of us and we cheered as Charlies ad widened "Bye i'll call you" Bombay said to casey , he hopped on the bus and opened the door back up "Hey! Ducks . No matter what happens we'll see you next season! . We got a title to defend" he shouted and we cheered as he went back on the bus .

Once the bus was out of sight we called down "Well what do we do now?" Pete asked as i smiled and me and Jesse gave each other a look "What we always do when our coaches leave" i shrugged "Lets have fun!" we all shouted and thats what we did all summer long just me and The Mighty Ducks .

W.M ~ well thats the end of this chapter/ season and i will be writing another season which is going to be D2 and still going to be on this book .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now