Street Mutts

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I was in a alley with a few of my friends , and Karp said he found something in the dumpster "dumpster dave coming through" Averman said in a weird tone , i roll my eyes and we help Karp get out and he asked "what do ya think"
"its trash from the dumpster thats what i think" i said standing next to little Pete "lovley Karp it goes with your eyes" averman said sarcastically "you gonna take that from him karp?" little pete said trying to get karp mad and i nudged him with a smile "remind me to bust you Averman" karp said trying to sound mean "yea right Karp you wouldnt even scare a fly better yet hurt one" i said rolling my eyes  , Charlie rolled up with a brown paper bag "did ya get it?" Karp asked as charlie began opening the bag next to averman "yea , right there" charlie said handing karp a can , and the street dog showed up just in time "here petie here boy" karp said "a little chili to keep you warm" he added and began opening the can "jeeze Karp dont sound so creepy towards the dog" i said with my arms crossed he glared at me and i raised my eye brows at him and he looked away putting the can down as and petie came towards it and began eating it .

We followed the street dog waiting for it too well you know , and someone said "i cant believe he ate it"  "i know its discusting" i said "yea kinda like you Lia" averman said from behind so i elbowed him hard in the gut saying "shut it Averman" he groans but stops as he notices the street dog sniffing  "he sniffs, he sniffs again, looking for that perfect place " "he sniffs some more , he stops , i think this is it" he said adding "lets hope so i wanna get to the fun part" i said "he is turning inna circle!" averman said way too exited as a rolled my eyes "he squats, he scores!" we all cheer at his comment and  began high fiving each other .

Averman was holding a purse full of dog crap holding it away from him at the smell , we stood back holding our noses "as fun as it is with pranking it sure does stink" i said holding my nose and Charlie laughs , we walk and put the bag down and put a dollar in it "go go go go" someone said as we ran for cover , we peeked around and saw a red car drive by and slowed down "look he's slowing down" i said squating down in between little pete and Charlie , we all began saying "yes!" our little sceam was working , we all got up and walked a bit forward to get a better few "yea theres more inside" Averman said making me laugh "he's taking off with it" little pete said and i scrunched my eyebrows "this guy deserves what he gets" he added i agreed smiling .
The man got in the car driving a little ways , we emerged away from our hiding spot and out to view i stood next to charlie , and the car slammed on the breaks throwing the bag out yelling YUCK! making us laugh and cheer in victory "Yes!" i yelled jumping up and down and began laughing with the guys , the man poked his head out of view making us all stop laughing "oh man guys he saw us" pete said "no shit sherlock" i said and turned and ran ahead of the guys , the car began chasing us , everyone was hopping over the fence and the man got out the car "move it pete he's comin" i said pushing him to go faster so the man doesnt catch me but Karp being Karp shoved me and climbed and i got up and began climbing but the man caught me ankle , "come on Amelia cmon!" they all shouted at me "let go of me you big lug!" i said pulling my ankle away which he wouldnt let go so i kicked him i the face and jumped over , he groaned , we scrunched over and went through a big pipe tunnel after i caught up with the guys , we made our way through some construction the man lagging behind , i was now behind Averman in stead of slow Karp , we walked up this metal thing and the man trailed closely behind but fell on a hitting his area hard and let out a groan and fell right into mud , we climbed onto a roof Charlie was the last one to get up top and we high fived each other out of victory of our escape .

I went back home and changed into something warmer and clean and grabbed my hockey stick and skates because i was finally going to go and play some hockey with all of district 5.

W.H - so i know it was a short chapter but this just shows what Amelia does with her inside group friends when there not playing hockey and even a playful sceam side of Amelia and her friends but next chapter is when the kids actually meet there new coach , gordon bombay 🏒

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now