Cheating is just another way of loosing.

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I was sitting on the bench as Goldberg got up after his fake fall and yelled at the ref "Give me a break ref did you see what he did to me!" i nearly laughed as the ref ignored and skated away , Goldberg skated back to the benches to get a drink .

"Goldberg you dont take the fall while their shooting at you" coach explained to Goldberg in which i finally let out that laugh i been bottling up in side but tamed to keep it quite .

"Oh! Well i guess you didnt explain that very well , did ya?"

I had to bite my lip as Goldberg practically yelled at coach , he wasnt wrong tho .

The ref skated over to Coach pointing his index finger at him . "Cut the acting class . One more dive , i forfit to the jets!" he said in a serious tone. He skated back onto the ice leaving coach with a dumbfounded expression .

"What! , Im insulted by that!" i laughed at coach , he may be a jerk but he can be funny sometimes .

I was back onto the ice as defence . Jesse was trying to get the puck off a player . The guy who had the puck went to pass it to his team mate but Charlie had the puck for a breif moment until someone shoved him into the walls . Jesse shoved the other player who previously had the puck and shoved him into the walls as well .

Charlie was jammed as players tried to get the puck . I skated over and shoved players away from Charlie . The ref blew his whistle , i backed away sending glares to the other team and there players , i went back to Charlie to help him up .

"You okay Char?" i gave him a concerend look and he looked up , he seemed upset and mad "yea im fine" he was frustrated and i could tell he was , i nodded looking down "you okay jess?" i asked as we skated back over to the bench "Yeah are you?" i nodded at him and coach yelled for Charlie .

I skates over as well to slush some water in my mouth to hydrate and all .

I was by Bombay and Charlie trying to get in what there listing . I didnt make it obvious and i knew it because i have done it many times with my father and his dumb phone calls so im aware what or who he is talking to and what its about .

"That guy is twice your size . The next time he gets you in the cornee like that . I want you to grab your eye and act like its cut then hit the eyes" i nearly choked at what Bombay said to Charlie but main tamed my self so it didnt look like i was eaves dropping .

"Russell!" i looked and saw coach motiong me to head over to him and Charlie , crap did i get caught! .

I skates over and gave Charlie the water "Yeah coach?" i asked nervously "When Charlie fakes his injury i want you to go up to the guy angrily and when he shoves you i want you to act hurt" i couldnt believe what i was hearing "Why?" i questioned him .

"Amelia i seen your anger you can do alot with it . Now if you want to play for the rest of the season then do what i said" i let his words echo in my head then back to my mothers and brothers . My mother would want me to do the right thing and that is not cheating but my brother would want me to play? , and so do i "Yeah i got it coach" i smiled and skated back onto the ice .

I was on the ice waiting for Charlies que even though i knew what we were doing was wrong but he's the coach and i cant scare him away .

I tighted my grip on my stick preparing myself waiting for Charlie to smack onto the ice .

When the puck realeased from the Charlie and the other boys i stood up shocked . Charlie Conway didnt agree to the plan . I smiled a bit to my self Charlie did what he knew was right .

I looked up onto the stands and saw my Dad there . What was my dad doing here? I didnt tell him we had a game tonight , i shrugged it off and played the game i thought i knew and loved until Bombay came along and made us cheat .

We were in the changing rooms . All heads down except mine and Charlies , we kept our heads up proud that we tried our best to ovoid cheating at all coast during this game and all games to come . We did what we believed was right .

"We cant even win when we cheat! , stupid cake eater tricks!" Jesse said mad which u agreed to "That was embarrsing" Connie mumbled , i sat down in between Jesse and Terry .

Coach barged into the locker room pissed "Charlie! , what the hell is the matter with you!" coach yelled i scoffed and glared at him is he serious , "When i tell you to do something , you do it! , you got it!?" Charlie kept his head down not daring to look at coach "Look at me!" Charlie looked up with a glare at him , "you got it?" coach asked again pissed .

"You cant make me cheat" my eyes widened , did he just talk back? , well he stood up for himself .

Coach turned to me mad "Russell!" he shouted making me jump "You got something to say as well for not doing what your told" Charlie looked at me and i looked at him and back at coach with a death glare . I stood up right in front of him he wasnt that tall of a guy anyways .

"Cheating is just another was of loosing" i didnt back down i kept my head high as people starred at me "Was that something your mother also told you" Bombay shot back i heard small gasp fill the room , everyone but coach knew my mother died .

I felt tears swell in my eyes but kept them back "No she didnt , but cheating isnt right . Same as how its not right to let you be our coach you cake-eater!" a tear slipped and i ran out the room , Charlie followed as i passed Jesse and Terry's dad .

I went home that day upset , i flopped on my bed crying and upset . My father knocked on the door "go away!" i cried out yet he still came into the room . "What happened pumpkin?" he questioned as he sat on my bed putting a hand on my back .

I sat up facing my dad and whiped my tears and sniffed .

"Coach Bombay i hate him so much!" i said and my father gave me a puzzled look "Why's that" he questioned yet again .

When i told him the events that happened letting little tears fall out every now and then upset . But at the end my father embraced me into a hug one that i had been wanting for the longest time . I leaned into his cheast as he hugged me and let out a sigh "Im so proud of you my little pumpkin" i heard genuine in his voice and i sniffed and looked up "How i mean we lost twiced dad" , "Its not about winning its about having fun" he said looking down at me "im proud because you stood up for what you believed in what was right and i know your brother and mother are proud of it too" i said rubbing my back and i let out a small giggle .

"After dinner i want you to vistit the Conways . I also have something to give to them" he said i let out a sigh and nodded .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now