First Victory?

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Me and now the Ducks were at the rink and we werent going  to be called district five anymore but the Ducks .

We were practicing warm ups by passing footballs back and forth to each other as players from the other team watched confused.

We went back to the benches to watch Fulton shoot his shots from a fare distance so we couldnt get hurt , an man was he amazing "Woah i think his shots are better than Amelias" Averman said from behind so i did what i did , i elbowed him in the gut slightly harder this time "Shut up Averman" i said mad , "Besides at least i can make it first try he makes it 1 out of 5" i said rolling my eyes .

After Fulton shot his shots coach came over too give us a pep talk before the actual game began , "All right lets forget the past . We lost a few games , tough , that was district five , now were the ducks!" Coach said with encouragement which we all agreed with , "and the Ducks are undeafeted ." Coach added making us cheer , "Quak Quak" coach began as we all joined in "Quak Quak Quak Quak" we repeated in a chant hands in , "gooooo Duck!" we ended off cheering .

I was out on defense well or offense both i play two-way hockey which no one else on the team can do , right now a person on the opposite team had the puck "dig it out of there" is what Coach Bombay yelled at us Charlie had the puck for a brief moment until he slammed into the board loosing the puck in which i quickly took before anyone on the opposite team could , i passed it to Fulton who caught it and passes it too Terry who passed it to Jesse who took the advantage and made a shot at the goal and , wait what? .... Omg we made a goal! I thought to myself as everyone cheered , i patted Jesse on the head "Nice one Hall!" i cheered him proudly , i went back over to slush water into my mouth and switched out so id be sitting on the bench this period , i watched as Karp was trying his best to block the guy who had the puck "Defense cmon Defense!" Coach shouted as i slushed water into my mouth again , the guy shot the puck which hit Karp right in the head making me stand up and watched as he fell on the ice .

I followed coach out onto the ice to see if Karp was okay , everyone else on the team surronding him . We took off Karps helmet as he groaned .

"Karp how many fingers am i holding up" Coach asked holding up four fingers , "He wouldnt know that anyway" i said squanting by coach , "Shut up Russell , Karp are you okay?" Coach askes turning back to Karp who looked wayy outta it , Guy gave Coach Karps helmet which had a masive dent in it from the puck "The Karp-ster, used his head to stop the puck." Averman said narrating who recieved a glare by me and a few others .

Coach began to help him up off the ice "Lets get you off the ice come on" .

Coach passed him to Charlie , "Get him on the bench Charlie" , "Okay Ducks we still have a chance here ." , "Connie, Terry , Jesse , Guy . Time for the secret weapon" , Coach turned to Fulton and whispered something and next thing i knew they were all heading out onto the ice .

Fulton had the puck , me and Charlie stood up from our seats anticipating for Fulton to shoot and hopefully not miss , it was risky 1 outta 5 . Kids from the other team shouted and moved out the way and so did the Goalie .

However Fulton passed the puck to Connie who passed to guy who passed to Terry who made a winning goal and the buzzer went off as we all cheered , "YES!" I cheered throwing my hands in the hair Charlie did the same and i got too exited and he did as well as we hugged each other in victory , we didnt win but we tied it which is something and would be in the news paper for sure .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now