Ducks and mall skating

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I was outside trying to built a snowman when i felt something hit my right shoulder . I turned around to see who it was to reveal Charlie Conway with a smile plastered on his face "Oh hey Charlie" i smiled back "Cmon get your skates on your going to the mall" , i furrowed my eye brows at him "Just go get them cmon" he repeated , i rolled my eyes with a scoff and ran inside quickly sliding  on my roller skates  and tied them as quickly as i could . I raced Charlie to the mall where the others where waiting why? I had no idea yet .

~SMALL time skip~

We busted through the mall doors yelling as we skated together . I know learned we had a new team member names Fulton Reed , he was a teenager and couldnt skate but man could he shoot 1 outta 5 according to Coach .

I stood by Fulton just in case he needed help . In a flash Fulton was going down the stairs and i raced after him , he pushed a later into the water fountain and apoligized still a little wobly , so i caught up and grabbed his arm helping him for some balance "Bend your knees Fulton it gives you balance and if you want spread your arms to help out but avoid grabbing onto things" i shouted with a smile , he nodded and i slowly let go skating backwards watching him as i passed Coach he shouted "Cmon Fulton lets go!" , I turned around assuring my self that Fulton surely got the hang of it .

I was skating behind Charlie and watched as Goldberg took a churro from some one who got mad making me laugh .

We were now in a room , i sat next to Jesse with my jeans and jacket on pete down below me and Goldberg behind , some parents were here and Charlie sat by his mother my father was busy at the shop of course . Coach Bombay helled up a green and yellow shirt with a duck holding a hockey stick , "The ducks" Jesse said in a weird discussed tone "Were the ducks" i added which sounded more like a question , "Man what brain dead jerk came up with that name" pete said almost with a laugh , Coach folded the jersey .

"As a matter of fact i did . But i didnt have a choice . Were being spondered" Coach said making my roll my eyes , "By who Donald and Daisy" i asked laughing as others did as well , "Hey you rather be district 5 some stupid number?" Coach scoffed a little my smile dropped a little .

"Better than some stupid animal" pete said with his laid back and cool self . "i'll have you know Peter that the duck is one of the most noble . Agile and intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom" Bombay said proudly receaving ooo's from around the room .

"But there wimpy" Connie said "And dont have teeth" Guy added . "Niether do hockey players" Coach defended . Some laughed , "Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation , Its beautiful . Pretty awsome the way they all stick together" , "Ducks never say die . Ever seen a duck fight?" Coach added others shook there heads , "No way . Why? Because the other animals are afraid ." , i scoffed at him "with all due respect coach but who would be afraid of a duck i mean its a duck" , Coach squinted his eyes at me .

"Well because Amelia , the other animals know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta mess with the whole flock!" well that answered my question pretty well i mean i like the idea of it alot ducks are gracefull and elligant and strong , they know they can be pretty easy prey by there appearence so the act fierce strong and brave not to mention ducks are never alone because they have a flock a family and bound there loyalty and life to the flock to pretect each other and win the battle that not many other creatures do , so i guess being a duck wont be so bad .

I heard a bunch of laughing snapping me back into reality and saw that coach was wearing a duck jersey , "Im proud to be a duck , and id be proud to fly with any one of you ." , "So how about it whos a duck?" Coach added everyone glanced at each other , no one moved , i sighed and stood up with confidence and proudness "I'll be a duck" i said walking to coach with a smile in hopes others will join , "I'll be a duck too" i turned to see Fulton lean his stick on the wall and walked over , "Yeah me too" Charlie added with a smile and walked over as well , i grabbed my jersey as people began joining in finding there jersey , i unfolded my jersey and looked at the number on it , i smiled number 17 , that was my mothers number when she played hockey . I looked up to see Coach smiling at me , he must have known that 17 was my mothers number , i smiled wider and mouthed thank you at coach and took my sit .

"Now were the ducks" Coach shouted , "The Mighty Ducks" he added shouting again as we all cheered , "What are we" Coach yelled "The Mighty Ducks!" we shouted back .

I was proud to be a duck , im making a vow to myself a secrete one to the team like my mother did , I Amelia Cerise Russell vow to myself that i shall always be a duck not just a duck but a Mighty Duck and shall stay by my team or captain no matter what as long as i can .

W.H ~ hey lovelies yes yes i know its probably been awhile since i posted a short chapter but i gotta know should i make short or small chapters and sorry if there sloppy im rushing and all and only young and still have school to worry about along with my own life but enough about that i hope you had a nice winter break and ugh school tmr but im getting braces tuesday cant wait but thanks for reading and im ending this chapter off with 1043 words!

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now