My what a team ....

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We were all sitting down watching the team we were going against warm up , and they were good like professionals , two guys from there team came up "hey girls" they said and karp tried going after them so we had to grab him "Karp no!" pete shouted as we tried to hold him back they skated back to there team and i scoffed rolling my eyes "Jerks" i said "when i get on that ice imma teach those little cake-eaters what a girl really can do" i said and connie joined in on that idea .

Coach came to where we were and the team we were going against called the Hawks begain chanting "win , win , win , win" which seemed dumb , after they stopped coach begain chanting what they said which left us all confused "win,win,win?" i said confused like the others , "Yea were all fired up" coach said saractically and we skated out to the ice , we all began hitting goldberg in the leg and skated away like the other team was doing only goldberg was complaining . "oh great good concept guys . Nice- ouch!" he said as fell making me laugh "nice goin ; fool!" he said trying to get up "sorry i didnt mean to do that" Charlie i think apoligized , i couldnt see who it was due to the trashy helmet thing? , "oh yea "sorry i didnt mean to do that" " goldberg mocked the Char , then char began puprosly hitting goldberg "sorry goldberg , i didnt mean it goldberg, sorry goldberg" the kid said i let out a small laugh "would you get off me before i clock you!" goldberg said trying to get up .

We were at the line , i was behind Terry and jesse "lets go Jesse , go Terry" there dad shouted at the stands , i looked around for my dad to see that he wasnt here , he was probably busy or forgot .... Again . "whats this the oreo line?" the kid from the hawks team said making Jesse mad as he tried to go after him , "hey cmon lets play hockey" the ref said pushing Jesse so he would back off , i scoffed and skated to my postion , i play two ways but defense was something i was better at . The game started and people began falling , well people from my team , i was going after somone who was trying to make a goal , the shirt said banks on it , i was close until someone slammed me into the near by wall making me groan as i fell , the kid skated and laughed "jerk!" i yelled getting up painfully .

Kids from the Hawks team switched places quickly , and a song "we will rock you!" echoed everywhere . We continued the game and the Hawks scored another point . It was 5 to 0 and i kept getting slammed against the wall making my arm hurt , it was making me pissed . Connie was up in the center but the guy got the puck and her stick fell out her hand , and they made another goal , after a 30 seconds it was 8 to 0 . We went back to where coach was and goldberg was drinking water till he snatched it from goldberg "How lazy can you be , there killing us out there" he said pissed "how many times do i have to tell you , get those rebounds!, get your heads up , get those loose pucks . Get-just-, just get the hell outts here!" he added .

The game started again and i believe it was Charlie who had the puck , but the hawks were right behind him , i pushed one of them hard as they slammed into the ice then another one , Charlie went to hit the puck but missed as he slipt and slid on the ice crashing into the wall and groaned , i went over to where he was to see if he was okay , but a kid made me slam into Charlie making us fall  , i was hurting bad , me and Charlie skated back over to coach "nice fan, Charlie . Keep swingin maybe you'll give em a cold" coach said , seriously this man is why people created the middle finger . I sat down and watched as the Hawks scored yet another goal and seen coach take a pill , clearly getting a headache , "im so embarressed" connie said "we need a knew goalie" averman said "for once i agree with Averman" i said with arms crossed "really? Wow im shocked Amelia because usally you would just-" he began ratting and i gave him a death glare making him shut up "yea imma go" he said walking off . The buzzer went off 17 to 0 , i cant even imagine what coach is gonna say . Everyone at district five began talking or agruing with each other about the game but i sat back i was way to tired and in pain to argue , "hey shut up!" coach bombay yelled making me jump and sit straight , "you guys stink!" he added , "i thought we came here to play hockey!" coach said

"you know i knew we forgot somethin" pete said with a smile making me let out a small laugh , "oh you think this is funny , you think loosing is funny!" coach said nearly yelling , "Well not at first , but once you get the hang of it" Averman said and everyone agreed , "were the ones getting our butts kicked" Jesse said to coach "yea its not like you coached us or anything at least we tried" terry added and coach let out a huff "you didnt listen to a word i said" "i said keep your heads up , you kept them down . I said hustle you went slower" "that was the slopiest playing i ever seen!" "why wont you just listen to me!" coach yelled out loud and Jesse stood up "why the hell should we!" he said i stood up and joined him "yeah besides you been coaching us for a day teaching us nothin but how to complain to a bunch of kids , look man they were ready they got trained properly by a good coach we didnt , so why not just leave since clearly you cant coach" i said i shook my head , everyone began leaving but i stayed "and a word of advice that my momma always told me , if you dont have a good coach then you wont have a good team, so instead of hating us coach get to know us and maybe by the end of the season you'll start to like us and have a good hockey team , so seriously man dont be a jerk so much ease up a little" i said "see you around Coach Bombay" i said and left the freezing cold man in the cold rink .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now