Hawks vs Ducks

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My heart bumped fast of determination and nervousness as today was the day the ducks had to go against the hawks . I felt bad fot Banks having to go against old friend an old team i just hope he knows what team he's playing for . I stood behind Averman who's head was held up high , Charlie behind me and i faced one of the boys who were in the alley way , no the one who made me injure my ankle , i shot a glare at him leaving a smirk on his face , the pledge went on as we all impatently stood in line waiting for the absurd game to begin .

The cheering from the crowd was heard snapping me out of my thoughts and heard coach yell "LET'S GO!" giving me a unsettling feeling in my stomache . We went back to the benches as the Hawks fired there selves up as well as the crowd . "Ducks lets fire it up!" coach shouted all hands in "Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak! Quak!"
We all cheered even people on the stands quaked , "GOOOOO DUCKS!" we shouted .

Coach sent me since were gonna need defense but to be carefull , Jesse came up to Banks and i stood next to him "Don't forget what said your  on"  Adam rolled his eyes and skated off grabbing me and Jesse "He's a duck Jesse, he'll play like a duck" Bombay let go of Jesse and he skates off and turned to me "Now Amelia i need you to be the best defense ever but be carefull they play dirty and are gonna try to get your injured" i smiled and playfully rolled my eyes "Im a duck coach im gonna be fine" i said putting my shield on and racing off getting into positon .

Adam was at center , i concentrated waiting for the puck to drop so i can begin defense . The puck dropped and Adam immediatly got shoved by two players falling on the ice and the Hawks had the puck . Ducks fell left and right and i raced shoving Hawk after Hawk intk the boards as hard as i could or shoving them and flipping them onto the hard ice . Banks managed to get the puck which i was gratfull for , i was already tired and the game had just started , however we lost the puck and the Hawks had it and raced to the goal .

We had the puck then the Hawks it was back and forth til Adam managed to snagg it , i saw two players heading for Banks and raced over there towards him "Banks! Two comi'n in hard!" Conway shouted Banks quickly hit the puck , the Hawks shove him hard against the boards and i snuck up behind them both and shoved them . They quickly got up and went for the puck , man this guys are unstoppable i thought to myself .

Hawks managed to make a scaore "Dammit!" i muttered gripping my stick hard outta anger .

We had the puck once again but lost it and the Hawks had the puck again making it too the blue line , i raced shoving every Hawk player that came close to me . The Hawks scored once again 2 to 0 .

I slushes water and raced back on the ice . We struggled again to main tain claim of the puck . One of the Hawks went to shoot and a Goldberg saved it i cheered internally on the inside and smile grew on my face . We were going again and i went to push a Hawk only to be flipped landing on the ice , i shrugged it off and played more defense , in a blink of a eye it was 3 to 0 .

I was by the bench getting a pep talk by coach Bombay "Don't be scared of them Ducks . Thats what they want . Keep your heads high up . Play proud . LETS FLY!" We all cheered in agreement .

We heading out on the ice when i heard the Hawk coach whisper something "I want Adam and that girl out of the game!" was all i could catch i gulped and became more nervous .

I played defense harder this time . Charlie had the puck making his way to the goal and he suddenly passed it too Adam . I saw a Hawk player push Adam as he fell and slip right into the net but the buzzer still went off "YES!" I cheered . I heard skating towards me and turned to see a Hawk player charging at me like a bull , my eye widen as he got closer , in instict i crouched down and he flipped over landing hardly on the ice , i smiled at him "Don't mess with a Duck you fiflthy cake-eater"
I swirled in a circle as ice shoved into his face .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now