Once a duck always a duck

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I was in class learning science which i found intresing , i always loved science its the only class that never really bores me to death , im actually really good at science but i only told Jesse that if i told Pete he'd call me a nerd .

After yesterday i known for a fact my friends hated me , they ignored me all day instead of greeting me like they did the day before man the way things can change so quickly .

I sat in behind Charlie and on my right was Pete who kept side glaring me giving me the hatred because i betrayed him  , but i took a vow to the ducks and i kept it.

"Thats right , the red is oxygen" the teacher spoke aloud , "Now what are the blue balls?" he askes the class which made us all laugh including me , "Tommy?" , "Oxygen?" Tommy said unsure making me roll my eyes , "Is correct now put them together and you get what? ..." he asked scanning the classroom i lowered my head so he wouldnt pick on me but i felt his eyes land on me "Amelia" . I sighed loudly bringing my head up annoyed .

"Molecules that make up the human body" , before the teacher said i was correct which i was there was a knock at the door causing everyone to snap there ends too the sound . "Its the principle , i'll be right back. " and the teacher walked out the classroom leaving a god awfull feeling in my stomache .

Karp turned to face Charlie "How'ed the forfeit go spaz-way?" , "Yeah did you score" Peter said mockingly making my blood boil , "Leave me alone guys , i dont want to talk about the team." Charlie said pleadingly .

"Oh yea sure coaches pet"  , god can they leave us alone already? , "Every knows he likes you best" , "Likes his mom you mean" Karp added laughing , Charlie stood up pissed off slamming his things off his desk and grabbed Karp by the shoulders , "Take it back Karp!" he demanded , i stood up pushing Karp away from Charlie , "Leave him alone" i said shoving Karp , Pete stood up and pushed me back "You have no right shoving karp" , "dont push me" i said pushing him back .

Thats when the fight began , Peter shoved me again as i pushed him to the ground mad at him only to be tripped by him , i stood up as Jesse came over "Traitor" he yelled over the other guys "Jerk" i shouted back shoulder checking him as he pushed me and my side harshly went against the desk , i turned around pissed and tried to shove him but he grabbed my arms so i grabbed his and we were pushing each other around , i got the upper hand and swiped my leg from behind his making him loose his balance as i dropped him the the ground and stood up .

I saw the teacher walk in and the principle followed behind him and she demanded us to sit which we immediatly did . I let out a gulp as everyone sat down in there seats except charlie who and the prinicple stood before us , "What do you have to say for yourselves" she demanded . I sly smirk left my face and i dont know what came over me in that moment but i i responded to her with confidence and said

"Quack" and her head snapped to me confused as others got the hint .

"Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quak!"

We chanted at her proudly as she seemed confused and shocked that her own students from her school were Quaking at her .

We got detention for quaking at the priciple . She made us right on the chalk board "I must not quak at the principle" like it was a crime or something , however whatever chance i had left in re uniting my friendship with Jesse and Peter was long gone and it hurt me deeply . I never saw it at first nor would i say this but , Charlie is a good friend and i never saw him that way as a friend , sure i had a tiny crush on him with his shaggy brown hair and hazle eyes and shy yet brave personality but i always put those feelings beside and ignored them so i only saw Charlie as the shy kid id hang out with to have some fun when we were bored .

Looking back at it now Charlie has been by my side since the day he had the guts ti say hello , i wondered if he ever thought of me as a friend and i didnt . Not once .

"What do you want" i heard Karp say to someone snapping me out of my train of thought , i smiled when i turned aroubd and saw coach "I want to talk to you guys" He responded back and i furrowed my eye browns tilting my head to the side slightly , "People" tammy corrected i guess she was big on sexism and i was too but not as bad as her i didnt mind being called guys or anything . "People right"

"Sit down all of you guys" Coacb asked but non of hs moved except shoveled our feet , "Okay dont sit down" , Coach slowly walked through the classroom and let out a sigh "Look whats done is done , i want to be your coach again" i smiled brightly were we really getting the team back together .

However that smile quickly dropped , "Your gonna coach a bunch of loosers" Averman stepped into view and i shot a glare at him , "No i want to coach the ducks" , "But what about the things you said? , you said we didnt deserve to live" Karp asked , "Karp , i was being sarcastic , Do you know what that means?" .

"Nooo" Karp responded in a sarcastic tone making me almost laugh "Okay then you do" . Coach looked around the room at us before speaking again , "I didnt mean those things the way the sounded" , "You guys know what its like to be misubderstood right?" Coach asked , "Yeah of course , were kids" Pete said sincerly . "So can you forgive me , can i be your coach again?" .

"What about banks?" Guy asked standing next to Connie and Jesse on her other side , I had to speak up i cant keep quite , "Yeah no one likes that cake-eater anyways , sure he's a great hockey player alone but all of us together id say we are just as good" i crossed my arms waiting for Bombays response , "He can be on the team if he wants , he should have been with us all year" , i furrowed my eye brows , whats he talking about? . "It was you guys who were cheated . Let's forget all that crap! , were a team right?" We all nodded and some said yeah .

"I made you guys , and im sticking with ya" Bombay said to all of us , although his eyes remained on Charlie Conway when he said that sentence . "So whats it gonna be?" , "We can play tomarrow night and still have a shot at the play-offs , Or we can forfeit again and the seasons over" ,  "Peter what do you say" .

All eyes landed on Peter i felt nervous at what he said because what eber he said depended on the future for the ducks . Yet what Peter Mark said brought a surprise yet sly genuine smile to my face "Well...I guess it would help if we practiced first"  , "Alright , let me see if i can get you out of detention" , we all had our silent cheers or did handshakes with our friends .

"You really quaked at the principle" Coach askes holding back his laugh "Yeah" some said "It was Amelia who started to quak at the prinicple first" Pete said as i turned too him , "I guess we all just joined in" he added with a smile at me . "Are we ducks or what!" Coach bombay yelled as we cheered proudly .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now