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I havn't posted in forever and everything due to the fact i have been unable to do so. HOWEVER the problem is fixed and i was reading and checking over THIS STORY and i am surprised MANY of you have read it.

POINT IS! I know i agreed for this story to be discontinued HOWEVER i am having second thoughts and if i do decide to continue i will be unpublished and editing and changing things

BUT i will only do it if you guys as my readers would like me to SO.

Do you guys want me to edit this story and continue it to the end, seriously let me know other wise it will stay how it is AND discontinued since i'll conclude doing so would be a waist of my time.

OTHER NEWS should i make another fanfic story since i think my writing has improves SINCE this story, If you want me to write other fanfics what universe, examples: teen wolf, marvel, harry potter etc. Up to you!!! AND who there love intrest should be.

I'll do it as long as i have seen or read the movie, show, or book. And if you have a particular way you want the OC and love intrest to have a type of love such as friends to lover, enemies to lovers, etc or not.

PLEASE LET ME KNOW, finally decison might be made may 27, 2022.


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