Cheating is sceaming

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We were all lines up on the ice , my ankle was sore but i was able to skate  maybe not turn quickly like before but at least i can skate . I decided not to tell coach but i regreted it once i found out what we were doing today for practice. Cheating , faking falls , doing this will or could add more damage to my ankle .

Karp was going to go first to make his fake fall look real , "one , two three , boom!" coach yelled and Karp jumped and fell flat on his face , i had to bite my lip and look away before i laughed , he got a bunch of "ooohs" from his painfull fall , some even laughed .

People were making fun of him and coach went up to Goldberg "what are you laughing at cream cheese boy , go!" he commanded at him well us . We got into pairs , i paired up with little pete , we were at a face off wacking our hockey sticks together like everyone else .

"if were gonna cheat we gotta make those falls look real" bombay shouted to us all . I didnt like the idea of cheating , not only was it wrong but it gives you a easy way out the game and i enjoy a challenge and cheating took that away. I tripped pete and he fell right on his back and let out a groan , same with everyone else , "score one for the spirit" i heard bombay mumbled . He walked around at us all , Karp and Averman were going at it i couldnt help but watch wondering who was going to fall first "go at him go at him , good go at him" bombay cheered .

Averman fell on his face making me laugh , "cmon make it look real! , act hurt!" i laughed again "i am hurt" Averman mumbled while he layed on his back , i laughed again and stopped when i landes on my back and hit my head ,  i lookes up and saw a smirking pete "Jerk!" i shouted at him getting up , "well in my defense Amelia you tripped me first" i rolled my eyes getting up "yea well you hurt my bad ankle pete" i said limping slightly , he looked at it concerened "then tell coach Amelia" he said and skates away .

I joined with the group as we followed coach "good , good now say it again" he ordered "take the fall act hurt get indigant!" we all shouted . "One more time!" , "Take the fall act hurt get indigant" we shouted again , "good you guys are ready" Bombay said proudly . I knew it wasnt true , we were cheating and it wasnt right coach bombay is just being a lazy coach about it . "Alright you guys are ready" i rolled my eyes , he should'nt be proud that he's teaching kids to cheat but what can i do about it . I cant get rid of the guy because district five needs a coach and i most cerntaintly dont want another lecture from my father like the five other times , my aunt wants me to live with her. My father is already conviced he told me to my face i could tell he was serious and furious "one more slip up Amelia and im sending you to your aunt Mary's house!" but that wasnt the worse thing he said . The last words he said to me when he was furious like that still rings in my head espeically on the ice "why cant you be more like your brother Amelia" and those words ring in my head .

My brothee Alexander Russell loved to play ice hockey , my mother didnt want me to play but she did teach me how to ice skate . Mother didnt want me to play hockey and force me like her mom did so instead she wanted me to choose for myself .

I wanted to play but when i went to my brothers first game i saw how agressive it was . My brothee got sent to the hopital and i never wanted to play hockey after seeing it . Every now and theb when i was younger id play by myself of course like i was there and on the ice .

My brother had a server head injury and was in pain after his first game he never got better and fell into a coma , he had a bad seizure and well passed away . My father was heart broken and the last words my brother told me before he pased was .

"Even though you cant see my i'll always be here . When you skate on the ice i will be skating by your side . If you play hockey just know im going to be cheering you on by the stands , i love Miley and i will always be stuck to you like pucks on ice"

He inspired me to play hockey and i told my mother it was time for me to follow in her footsteps . She taught me alot but not enough because she got sick and we found out she got cancer , she saw me play and win my first game and was proud of me .

Shortly after she passed and my father became a acholic and wasnt able to take care of me . My aunt Mary never liked him and saw this as a oppertunity to take me away and when my father found out he straighted up and we moved to minnapolis where i first layed eyes on Charlie Conway . I will admit i had a tiny crush on him i still do but i focus on hockey and trying to make my mother and father and brother proud alive or dead .

"Earh to Amelia" , i felt a hand touch my shoulder making me jump , i turned around and saw Charlie . I realized we were no longer in the rink but the locker room . "You okay Miley?" Charlie asked concerned "yeah , yeah im fine" i began putting my things away still feeling Charlie conways concerend eyes on me .

I stopped what i was doing and looked at him "Charlie im fine honestly i just dosed out" finally putting my hockey stick on the rack for tomarrows game "See you tomarrow at the game Conway" i smiled and walked out the locker room for a deep need of sleeping and hopefully my ankel is fully heeled.

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now