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I look up the address to the club and quickly copy and paste it into my GPS on my phone. "Turn right onto blackwood drive then proceed straight for .9 miles." The automatic voice starts. I anxiously drum my fingers on the steering wheel watching the night life start to form in the streets.

I finally make it there right on time and I stumble out of my car. Damn these heels.

I lock my car and start walking to the loud; humming building in front of me. My stomach drops as I smell the stench of alcohol. Shit this is intense.

I look around suddenly feeling paranoid. My head jerks forward when I see a shadow move. I don't see anything and let out a relieved breath.

Someone grabs my shoulder and I turn around screaming. A shocked Elaine stands in front of me looking at me strangely. "Jesus, sorry Elaine, you scared me."

She smiles a huge red lipped smile, "I can tell. Someone's a bit jumpy tonight aren't they."

I bite my lip looking around again before speaking, "This place is sketchy." I whisper looking back at Elaine with wide scared eyes.

She snorts and slaps my shoulder, "Don't be such a baby! Come on, let's go before you start crying too." She walks away still cackling at her joke.

I frown and sigh already feeling self conscious. I quickly catch up with her walking with my head down while she talks about how 'cool' this club is. "I heard that people do body shots on the bar and there's these girls in cages, like go-go dancers," She rushes out excitedly.

I raise my head looking at her shocked as to why she's excited about some poor girl dancing in a cage. Before I can say anything we get to the entrance and a tall bald buff guy grabs my wrist stamping a purple inked stamp on top. He does the thing to Elaine and she bites her lip looking up at him; flirting. God, the more time I spend with this girl the more I dislike her.

I groan pulling her inside and immediately want to cover my ears. The beating sound feels like it's vibrating all of my organs. Orange and yellow lights shine on cages and like Elaine said; their all occupied with skinny girls wearing very revealing outfits. "Jesus christ," I sympathetically murmur looking at the girls who have dark circles under their under their eyes. Some even have light bluish bruises on their jaws from what looks like someone hitting them.

I look down before I start crying, vomiting, or both. So far this is just depressing, not fun.

Elaine grabs my wrist pulling me to the bar ordering drinks, "Violet, what do you want to drink?" She screams over the music. I lean forward closer to the bartender, so he can hear my order. "Just a coke, thank you," I smile politely. "What, no she'll take five shots, pronto." She screams again.

She smirks at me as the man quickly feels ten shot glasses in front of us. "Five for you, five for me." I strain to hear her as she picks up the shots and takes all of them in less than ten seconds. She sighs, looking at my shocked expression, "Come on, drink up." She orders picking up one of the shots shoving it in my face.

I step back a little; rolling my eyes, "I don't like vodka." I say making a sour face. She scoffs and steps forward quickly squeezing my nose shut. I gasp for air through my mouth. "What the-" She pours the shot in my mouth chuckling. I cough and she finally lets go of my nose. I grimace as I swallow the rest of the shot and breathe heavily glaring at Elaine.

"Dude, what the actual fuck?!" She just cackles, "Take the rest of the shots and I won't try to suffocate you again." She smirks while I gape at her, "Are you fucking crazy?" She raises her hand with another shot in it and chugs it down without any hesitation, "I don't know. Am I?"

I gulp and shakily pick up a shot, I throw my head back along with the shot and swallow the strong liquid. I cough slightly causing Elaine to giggle. "I'm gonna go dance! Wanna come?" She yells at me while fist pumping. I shake my head quickly, "Naw, I'm good." She sighs heavily mouthing an annoyed, "Fine."

I hang my head and take another depressing shot. I'm such a drag, jesus. I slam my hand on the table and shrug my shoulders. Why the hell not? I order a set of five more shots and the bartender quickly sets them down.

I pick one up determinedly and chug it along with the rest of them. I stare at the dance floor finding an empty space and stumble out onto it. A new song starts playing and more lights start shining down on all the hot sweaty bodies. Everyone sways to the beat; girls moving their hips and guys grinding roughly onto their butts.

I sway with the crowd and spot Elaine shamelessly grinding back onto someone while making out with them. Ew, god. I continue dancing and soon feel a presence behind me. "Can I dance with you?" A hot breath hits the back of my neck. I shrug without thinking and feel someone's crotch and stomach being pushed into my back.

I don't think anything of it as I continue dancing. I hear a deep groan/chuckle as I push back. I feel his breath travel down my neck before hard kisses are placed on the base of my neck. The kisses travel up my neck and I freeze. Hands grab my hips and push me back, "Come on, babe, don't stop now," The man's deep voice growls out. I gulp loudly and jerk out of the stranger's grip. I turn around quickly looking at the tall brunette guy, "Shit, shit, shit, no." My face pales and my stomach turns upside down. He steps closer and I take another huge step back.

I turn around and run towards Elaine. I grab at her shoulders and she finally pulls her face off of the stranger that she's grinding onto. "What?" She asks annoyed. "I'm leaving, thanks for showing me all of this." I motion around me with a disgusted look on my face. "But I decided this is definitely something I don't like."

I weave through the crowd to the door and step out quickly breathing in a long fresh breath. I close my eyes breathing steadily and I open them looking ahead of me. I squint at the person approaching me and gasp widening my eyes again. "Shane?" He's panting loudly while running towards me. He takes my face in his hands pushing me against his chest. "Jesus, Violet. You weren't answering your phone and I got so fucking worried. I'm so glad your ok." He steps back eyebrows furrowed, "What the hell are you wearing?" He asks confused looking at the tight dress.

I groan, "Don't worry about that. I want to get the hell away from here. I hate it."

"Why what happened. Did some one hurt you? Are you ok?"

I shake my head grabbing his arm, "Yes, yea I'm fine, but-"

"Violet, hey what happened?" I hear Elaine's annoying voice come from behind me and I spin around.

"Look Elaine-" I hear Shane gasp from behind me and then a strangled noise comes from him. His hands grab at my waist pulling me to him. I turn around looking up at him. His face is pale and his eyes are wide with fear. His mouth is set in such a deep frown that it looks like it hurts.

"Shane, babe, what's wrong?" He trys to speak again, but a cough just comes out. I grab his hand intertwining our hands. "Shane, talk to me." I beg looking up at him starting to shake with worry.

He just shakes his head slowly and swallows.


Ella's Shane's ex that broke his heart just to remind you guys, so yea... to be continued.

Hero (A Shane Dawson Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now