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Shane's POV

I watched as Violet walked through the entrance of her apartment. When I had walked out of the university she looked so upset. I was relived to find out that it was just her car and not something more drastic. When she had told me that she had to take a cab tomorrow morning I had almost offered to pick her up again, but I was almost positive that she would say no. I looked over to where she was sitting minutes ago. A small purple bag was sitting in the floorboard. She must've left it. I grabbed the purple bag and got out of my car.

Now how am I going to find her apartment? Maybe this hallway? I looked down a dimly lit hallway. Or maybe it's that one? I looked the opposite way looking down a hallway that was painted an ugly shade of yellow. I decided to go with the first hallway, knowing she would never live on a hallway the same color as mustard. I slowly walked down the creepy hallway. Hearing voices to the right, I decided to follow them.

"You just broke my phone!" That sounded like Violet. Is she OK , she sounded... scared. "Violet," I whisper/yelled. No response. Maybe it was someone else. I shrugged and turned around. "Get away from me!" OK that was defiantly Violet. I started jogging to the source of the noise. The lights above me flickered. "Shut up, bitch!" I'm running now, as I hear muffled screams. I turned the corner seeing Violet being pushed by some man. His hand was over her mouth. Her eyes were wide in fear. I ran over to them and ripped the man off of her and stood in front of her.

Violet's POV

Suddenly the man had let go of me and someone was standing in front of me. I looked up and immediately recognized that it was Shane. "Get away from her!" He roared and the creep backed away. Now he was the one that was scared. Shane stepped toward the man with his hands in fists. oh no, he's going to end up doing something he'll regret. "Shane." I tried to calmly say but it just came out as a pathetic whisper. Somehow, though, it snapped him out of his violent state. He whirled around looking at me. As soon as he looked into my eyes the angry was washed away and replaced with worry. "Oh my God, are you OK?" "I-I-I'm just um shaken up." I looked down and suddenly found my combat boots really interesting. "Can you, maybe, come in?" I asked looking back up and quickly added "I mean you don't have to, I was just wondering." "Of course. Where's your apartment?" I pointed behind him. I went to get my keys out of my bag. My bag? Where's my bag. That creepy fucker took it, didn't he? "Oh, here you forgot this in my car." I sighed in relief. Thank God, my bag.

I took my bag thanking him.

I quickly took my keys out unlocking my door. I threw my bag on the ground near the door. I sat down on my bed suddenly feeling dizzy. "Make yourself at home," I said with my head in my hands. I felt the bed dip down beside me and a hand rubbing circles on my back. "Are you sure that your OK?" I took a moment to actually think about my answer. "No," I finally said. I suddenly felt incredibly tired, but I sat up remembering that the man that just tried to drag me into his apartment is right across the hallway. "I'm never going to be able to sleep again," I said staring straight in front of me. He looked over at me confused, I just lazily pointed forward. "He's out there," I practically whispered. "Oh." After a minute of silence he spoke up. "Did he do anything else," he looked at me, "like hurt you?" His jaw clenched on the second part. I slowly stood up. I lifted up the right side of my shirt and looked at my hip to find out. Like I expected a huge bruise had already formed. I then pulled the neck of my shirt over to look at my shoulder. Just like on my hip a huge bruise was formed. He gasped and quickly got up walking over to me. "He did that." He stated more then questioned. "Ya." He started walking over to my kitchen. "What are you doing?" "Getting you ice." He walked over to my freezer seeing my ice pack and grabbing it. I started unbuttoning my shirt. "umm I ehh are." "Don't worry I have a tank top on." "Oh." He put the ice pack on my now bare shoulder. "Do you have someone's house to stay at?" I shook my head. "I'll just stay here tonight." I cringed at the thought. "No," he violently shook his head. "What?"

"Your not staying by yourself tonight."

"Where am I going to stay?"

"You can stay here, just not by yourself."

"I don't have any friends."

"I'll stay."

"You don't have any clothes and why would you want to stay here?"

"I can wear these clothes. I'm staying here because your not staying here by yourself.

I sighed knowing that he won't give up. "OK. I'm going to take a shower and try to get the filth of that perv off." He nodded. I grabbed my pajamas and started the shower. I scrubbed and scrubbed until all of the man's filth was off of me. I got out putting on my pajamas.

I walked into living room to see Shane sitting on the couch watching TV. "Shane I really wish that I could stay up, but I'm really exhausted, so if it's OK with you I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep."

"It's OK, Violet. I totally understand." He turned the TV off and took his phone out. The darkness of the room made me slightly nervous. "Can you turn the TV back on?" My voice shook unexpectedly making me mentally roll my eyes at myself. "Ya," he turned the TV back on and I slowly went to sleep listening to the soft voices on the TV.

Hero (A Shane Dawson Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now