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Shane's POV

I watch as Violet peacefully sleeps on my couch in my office. I smile to myself and then look back at the student's paper in front of me. Frowning I mark another F on a paper. Ugh these students aren't picking up any of the material this unit. I close my eyes and slide my hand over my face exasperatedly. I hear a soft whimper and raise my head seeing Violet curled up with a small smile on her face while putting her hands under her head. I get up and softly pad over to her sleeping figure. I crouch beside her and run my thumb over her cheekbone down to her chin. I gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and lean forward kissing her temple. I kiss down to the shell of her ear and linger nuzzling my head into the crook of her neck. Thank god she's a heavy sleeper. I think to myself as I lift my head and stand back up. I look over at my clock and widen my eyes. 2:00.

"Violet," I softly whispered and shake her shoulder. She moans, turns over, and slides back until her backside is pressed to my legs. I bite my lip looking down at her. Maybe I should just let her sleep. She seems so peaceful. Just as I contemplate letting her sleep I hear her loud ringtone fill my office. I sprint over to my desk, so it doesn't wake her up.

I pick it up without looking at it. "Hello," I say rushed. "Shane?" I immediately recognize Athena's voice. "Yea. Do you need something?" I ask trying to keep my voice down. "Uh, where's Violet?" She asks skeptically. "She's sleeping." I say smiling slightly looking over at her. "Oh?" I sigh, walking out of my office and silently shut the door. "Yea. she's fine. No need to worry." She's quiet for a brief second before speaking again, "I trust you to keep her safe, so don't make me regret my trust." I nod, "You won't regret trusting me with her, I promise." I sit there staring at the wall waiting for a response, but one never comes. I go to hang up thinking she disconnected before she speaks hastily. "Shane." She says with urgency. "Yea?" I say confused as to why she sounds panicked. "I- well Ben and I were walking down the hallway and well we ran into the creep that lives down the hall. You know the one that tried to ra-" I cut her off clenching my fists. "Yes. Why, did he try to hurt either of you? I swear." There's a voice in the background that I can barely make out as Ben's. "No, well he tried to start something, but Ben pulled me off of him before I could punch the shit out of him. Anyways, he kind of, urm, threatened Violet." My eyes widen and I clench my jaw before gritting out "What?!"

"He said that she'll regret punching him."

"She what?! She punched him!"

"Uh yea, apparently he was messing with her, so she punched him."

"When did he mess with her?" I ask pacing back and fourth now.

"Probably when she was chasing after your irrational ass." She says coldly.

I run my hand through my hair messing it up. "Not the time for a lecture Athena. I- I'm going to go talk to her now. Bye." I hang up running back into the room just in time to see her stretching. She makes a high pitched "ump" while cracking her back and then stands straight up again. "Oh, hey." She says startled and sleepily. I narrow my eyes trying to figure out how to word this conversation. She furrows her eyebrows and frowns, "Are you mad at me, again?" I walk, maybe stomp, over to her still thinking how to word my next sentence. I rise my hand to rest it on her cheek, but I abruptly stop when I see her move back quickly. Did she just flinch away from me? I look down at her and her eyes are wide with fear. She trembles slightly taking her lip in between her teeth. "Shane?" She says shakily and cautiously. I put my hand down quickly and take one large step towards her. "Violet, I would never. You know I wouldn't do anything like that, right?"

"Why are you mad at me again?" She says strongly, but tiredly.

"I'm not mad at you I swear. Athena just called me and told me that the guy in your apartment building just threatened you."

"He what?" She asks panicked.

"Why would he threaten you, Vi?" I ask quietly hoping she would tell me without having to pry. 

She looks down and shrugs her shoulders muttering, "I don't know, he's crazy."

"Vi?" I question again, more forcibly.

"I may have punched him." She mumbles still looking at the ground.

"May?" I raise an eyebrow looking at her questionable.

"Ok, I did. I punched him, but Shane he was being an asshole."

I take a deep breath, "What did he do?"

She bites her lip again, "I told him to leave me alone, but he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I know it was a stupid use of violence, but I-I was scared and."

Her eyes water slightly and she blinks rapidly, "I shouldn't have, I'm-"

I pull her into me and snake my arms around her holding her tightly. "You were just defending yourself. Don't beat yourself up about it."

She nods looking at the floor and suddenly looks up at me. "What are we going to do?"

I roll my lips together and watch her shaking hands fidget with each other. "We'll figure it out."

Hero (A Shane Dawson Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now