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I get a text from Ben saying that he'll be at my apartment in a hour or so. I drop my phone, eyes wide, and jump of the couch. "What now?" Athena asks, not taking her eyes off of the screen that is now playing re-runs of the first season of American Horror Story. "Shit." I murmur running into the kitchen starting to clean up. She finally looks over at me and furrows her eyebrows laughing slightly. "What are you doing?" She asks getting up and leaning against the refrigerator. "I forgot Ben was coming." I mutter under my breath looking around at our slightly messy apartment. "Ben?" She says confused. I look at her briefly, "Um yea, Ben, he's from college and we're working on an assignment together." I run into the living room and start throwing my stuff into my bedroom. "Hot?" She asks following me." I look up at her blank expression. "Huh?"

"Ben, is he hot?" I think about it for a minute. "I don't know, he's really sweet though." She seems to think for a minute before starting to help me pick up. "Well what does he look like if you 'don't know' if he's hot or not." I look at a cardigan and pick it up raising an eyebrow at Athena holding it up. "Mine." She murmurs, taking it, and throwing it in her room. She  quickly turns around waiting for my answer. "He has gauges, brown hair, and he's about this tall." I raise my hand up to signify about 5'11. She smiles, "Then I'm looking forward to meeting him." I laugh, "please don't flirt with him while I'm here," I whine playfully. "Fine I'll wait till you leave to do something." I give her a short sarcastic laugh.

An hour later after Athena and I frantically picked up the apartment a loud knock comes. I run to the door, but Athena somehow gets in front of me. She smoothes out her hair and opens the door slowly. Ben looks at her confused, "Do I have the wrong apartment?" He asks looking down at his hand that has our address written on it. "I'm looking for Violet." Athena looks at him for a bit longer before shaking her head slightly. After snapping herself out of some kind of spell she smiles. "Oh, no, you've got the right apartment. I'm her roommate, Athena." She side steps to let him in. He finally sees me and says a small "Hey" before turning back to Athena. He stretches his hand out, "I'm Ben, beautiful name by the way." He says while shaking her hand. She looks down blushing, "Thank you." She softly says. I smirk, I don't think I have ever seen her blush before, I think to myself.

I wave him over and pat the couch, "Come on we need to figure out this project."

After a hour of making decisions, arguing a few times, and Athena and Ben exchanging little smiles, we finally are half way done. "I'm so tired. My brain hurts." Ben says and flips back on the couch, but not before flipping his hair causing Athena to practicality swoon. I roll my eyes flopping down beside him. "I'm tired too."

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. "Athena, can you be a lamb, and pretty please go get the door?" I look over at her batting my eyes. "Yeah." She exasperatedly sighs and gets up disappearing to the door.

I look over at Ben and roll over onto him a little. "Imma go to sleep, k?" I say jokingly closing my eyes and putting my head on his chest. "Ok." He hums. I smile nuzzling into his chest. I hope Athena doesn't get mad that I'm cuddling with her boy- "What the hell?" That's definitely not Athena. I sit up quickly making me light-headed causing my eyes to blur. An angry Shane comes into focus holding several red roses. He looks over at Ben and then me. "Violet?" He says lowly, his voice wavering. "Shane, I swear-" He puts his hand up "Stop, save it." He throws the flowers on the couch. "Your welcome." He bitterly says and turns around walking out. He slams the door and I'm left wide-eyed and speechless.

Hero (A Shane Dawson Story) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now