volleyball genius

596 15 1

3rd POV

The next day Annie and Shoyo arrived at practice as usual.

"Alright everyone, Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei won't be here today. They're ditching us to go on a date." Daichi announced to the team "We can still practice though, so everyone get started on drills!" Daichi had looked over to Suga and gestured for him to come over before he joined the rest of the team.

"What's up Daichi?" Suga asked

"Should we have Hinata ask Annie if she'd like to join practice?" Daichi looked over to Annie who was standing by Yachi and Kiyoko, watching intently as they talked. Kiyoko and Yachi didn't mind having an extra ear to talk to, and they didn't mind that Annie never responded or joined in the conversation.

"She'll be welcome to practice with us anytime." Suga smiled and walked over to Shoyo. "Hinata go invite Annie to practice with us."

"Really? She'd love that!" Shoyo jumped up before he ran over to Annie.

Lillianna's POV

"Come play! Dig up my spikes I dare you! The team wants you to practice with us!" Shoyo was yelling right in my face. I couldn't refuse, after all, at that point, everyone's eyes were on me again. That bothered me a lot yesterday, but I feel better about these people now. I looked over to Yachi and Kiyoko before I decided, they were motioning for me to go for it, so I did.

Shoyo's spike landed perfectly in the bed of my arms, it rebounded into the air and in its wake left a tiny sting on my forearms. That sting was what I lived for. I fell out of my daze when the ball made impact with the ground again, just next to the net, where my nonexistent setter would've been standing. I looked up at Shoyo who was running towards me from the other side of the net where he had spiked from. He grabbed my shoulders and looked me dead in the eye.

"Why have you never played in front of me before? That was awesome! It was like 'PWAH' and then it was like whoosh'" Shoyo went on. Despite me living with Shoyo and his love for volleyball for so long, this was the first time I had ever received one of his spikes. He'd asked me to toss for him before, but I can't set for the life of me, so it never worked.  He's right I had never actually shown him what I could actually do. He'd never been to any of my practices and I was never put in an actual game before so he was shocked.

"Annie, that was really good. I'm guessing you're a libero." Asahi had at some point waddled over. I nodded and smiled,

"Yeah and she's really good!" Shoyo continued. I glared at him, he'd only seen me receive once and that was just a couple of minutes before. He was talking up my ability, and it isn't anything that impressive.

Asahi's POV

Annie's receive was actually really good, that was one of the freak duo's quicks, and she saw where the ball was headed before Hinata even spiked it. That's not it though, her receive was perfectly aimed. The ball's speed slowed significantly, enough for the setter to have planned exactly where to send it. The setter wouldn't have even needed to do that, because the ball was sent right to the setter's most convenient spot to set to the ace. Annie, whether she knows it or not, is a volleyball genius.

"Sorry, Annie." Hinata lowered his head as Annie stood on her tiptoes to lightly smack him on the head. I'm not sure why she hit him, or why she stood up on her toes to do it, but it really was quite adorable so I won't complain. Honestly, I wish it was me she was hitting. She could do anything and it would be the cutest.

Lillianna's POV

Shoyo realized what he was doing and that I wasn't happy about it, so he did what he was supposed to. He lowered his head so I could hit him, I never hit him hard just a tiny smack to shame him. It was fun for me, and it made him come to his senses. I stood up on my toes to do it because that's what I've always done. I've always been a bit shorter than him, about four inches to be exact. It's been consistent ever since I've met him, I've always been four inches shorter. As of today, I stand at 154.94cm (5'1 ft).  I looked over to Asahi who was still standing there, my face grew red. He just saw me do that embarrassing thing with my brother, and he's blushing too? Is it because it's weird? Does he think I'm weird?

Asahi's POV

She's blushing, was I staring? Was I being weird just standing here watching them? Does she think I'm weird?

3rd POV

The team watched as Asahi and Annie stook there, flustered messes before Suga called out to Asahi,

"Asahi get back to drills before you pass out! You're gonna overheat at this rate" Suga and Daichi were snickering at Asahi as his face grew hotter and he ran over to them.

"You guys didn't have to call me out like that" Asahi cried in a soft whisper, which only forced Suga and Daichi to laugh louder.

Lillianna's POV

I think that I'll be okay here, I think I want to know what's going on in Asahi's mind.

910 words

Sorry, this chapter was kinda short too. I really just want to have Annie and Asahi interact more and I'm trying to play into both of their intense shyness. They are both just so cute and I really want them to get more comfortable with each other, but I promise there will be more fluff. Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think! (but remember people get sad so be nice) ☺️💕💕👍🏻

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