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3rd POV

Asahi and Annie had been talking to each other through text for a couple of days since he'd gotten her number. Both of them growing more and more comfortable with the other. Asahi was always very kind to Annie and she was gathering up her confidence to speak how she wanted to. Asahi's gentle nature was slowly encouraging Annie's confidence to emerge. As the days go on Annie musters up her courage, and she decides...

Lillianna's POV

I'm gonna tell him I like him. Maybe.

I really like Asahi, he's very attractive and an amazing person. He's so kind and considerate, and he seems to always know what I need or want. Asahi has calmed me down many times, he seems to always know whenever something is up. He never asks too many questions either, when I don't feel comfortable saying something, he doesn't pry into it. But best of all, his muscles.

3rd POV

Little did Annie know, Asahi was planning the same thing...

Asahi's POV

I'm gonna tell her, today. I'll tell her, and then I'll ask her out. Yeah...oh gosh what if she doesn't like me?!

I really like Annie, she's really cute and the sweetest person I've ever met. She's so bubbly and devoted, and she's always there for me when I need help or support. Annie has helped me out many times, she seems to always know when something is up. She never ran away from me, she never got scared of me. I was terrified that I'd scare her, but she looked me in the eyes.


3rd POV

*later, after school and before practice*

Asahi had asked Annie to meet him behind the school before practice started. Asahi had rushed to change into his gym clothes before he went to meet her, he didn't have enough time to change after. When he arrived, Annie wasn't there yet. Asahi chose to stay, and if he was late to practice he'd just explain himself to Daichi somehow. Asahi was facing the wall overthinking what to say to Annie when he felt a small tug on his white T-shirt.
"Oh, Annie! You made it," Asahi's voice seemed to tremble a little. "I-uh don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I-um I want to tell you..."
"I like you!" Annie's voice came out at an almost loud volume. Needless to say, Asahi was shocked, he barely had the consciousness to comprehend what was said to him before he threw his arms around the small girl and pulled her into a tight hug. Annie tensed up a bit before she melted into Asahi's arms. Annie slowly allowed herself to be engulfed into the ace before her.

"Oh thank goodness! I thought you would've rejected me..." Asahi froze, he went pale, "well you still might." Asahi gently pushed Annie away from himself and rested his hands on her shoulders. "Annie. I really like you too. Please, let me take you on a date!" Annie stood in a daze in front of him before she realized what was being said to her. When realization hit, Annie smiled wide and nodded excitedly. "Oh thank you!" Asahi exclaimed. Annie then pulled herself back into Asahi's arms.

Lillianna's POV

Asahi held me tight, I don't want to let go. Oh, shoot! Practice!

Asahi's POV

Suddenly, Annie pulled herself away from me. She looked up at me, her eyes wide and... frantic? She tugged at my t-shirt. AAAGH! My t-shirt!

"Practice!" I totally forgot, "Daichi's gonna kill me!" I grabbed Annie's hand and dragged her with me as I ran back to the gym.

3rd POV

Asahi threw the gym door open with Annie standing behind him holding a corner of Asahi's shirt in her hand. Annie poked her head to the side from behind Asahi and gave a bright smile. Asahi on the other hand was very scared. Daichi stood nearby, a small smile resting over his true intentions. However, Daichi couldn't cover his aura as it spewed angry vibes into the air around him, and struck fear into the boy's hearts. Annie looked around and analyzed the situation, she giggled silently. Annie gave Asahi a tiny shove in Daichi's direction, he turned his head to her, he's terrified. She gave him a look that said, "you'll be fine, he won't physically hurt you."

"Just tell the truth." Annie mouthed. Asahi understood. Annie proceeded to skip over to Kiyoko and Yachi, who welcomed her to their conversation.

Asahi's POV

"So, care to explain?" Suga is scary, maybe more than Daichi, but Suga isn't as angry as I would've thought. Oh no. He's up to something. Or he wants something from me. Nevermind, he's definitely the scariest.

"I-uh, I" oh no, I'm stuttering.

"You were with Annie?" Suga questioned, I nodded in response. I'm happy things went well with Annie, but I don't have time to think happy thoughts, I'll be dead before I get the chance to enjoy them.

840 words

WOAH thank you so much for 300 reads! I love you guys so much! Thank you for reading! I'm gonna try to update again soon, but then again school is dumb blegh. Anyways, thank you so much again for reading and please if you have any suggestions please let me know! Love you! 💕💕💕💕

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