first date pt.2

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Asahi's POV

Hinata came to take Annie back home about ten minutes ago. I know that they'll be okay, but I still didn't want them to go. Despite that, I kissed her head and let her go with Hinata, her adoptive brother. I walked home after they left, about a ten-minute walk.

 I threw my bag on the ground when I got inside my room and threw myself back onto my bed. I miss her already. She was so cute when she held my arm, and when she struggled to ask me to order her hot chocolate for her, and when she texted me all the questions she had for me so that I could answer them out loud for her. She's so curious, and frankly, I'm the same. I want to know everything there is to know about her. 

Today I got to see how she acts in public, she was nervous and stuck very close to me. I didn't mind that though. She ordered hot chocolate at the cafe today, but she mentioned that she gets coffee in the mornings and afternoons sometimes as a treat. She said she doesn't need the caffeine but she likes the taste. I'll memorize her coffee order for her. She told me she didn't get coffee today because she was excited to take a nap when she got home, and I quote her text, "to avoid a family interrogation". Annie might have trouble using her voice, but in no way is she a quiet person. She's bubbly and loves the people she's close to. She hates to be alone and likes listening to other people talk. She likes math and despises any language or literature classes, simply because of pronunciation or public speaking requirements. As we walked back to the school to wait, we held hands and she swung our arms back and forth. So cute. We waited at the school gate for Hinata to finish up in the gym, as he walked up to us with Kageyama, I hugged Annie and kissed her head before I nudged her in Hinata's direction. She waved goodbye so I nodded my head and gave a small smile. She's so cute.

Back with Annie -

Lillianna's POV

I sighed, Shoyo is right. I grabbed the paper again, "As Shoyo walked up to us, Asahi was preparing to say goodbye. So he hugged me and kissed my forehead before Shoyo could take me away from him." I wrote. I handed Mom the paper and glared at Shoyo. He giggled and skipped back to his chair.

"I am sorry I didn't tell you the first time around Mrs. Hinata" I signed.

Mom smiled, "That's okay, I know, Shoyo is such a snitch isn't he!" Mom laughed.

"Hey!" Shoyo shouted. Everyone is laughing, this is good. I like watching everyone be happy. I'm happy that everyone is happy, and I have my first boyfriend ever. Everyone is happy, I don't necessarily feel left out but I feel out of place. I feel unauthentic. This has been my home for years, these people are my family now and I love them. However, I still can't bring myself to call Mrs. Hinata, Mom, in front of her. She's told me before that I should call her "mom", but if I didn't want to that I don't have to. I'm allowed to call her anything. I want to call her "Mom" though, I just haven't been able to do it yet.

"Annie," Natsu tugged on my sleeve. "You're tired." Natsu is correct, I'm tired and I did want to take a nap. "Can I nap with you?" Natsu crawled up onto my lap and looked up at my face. I smiled and nodded. I looked over at Shoyo who was now chasing Mom around the kitchen, both of them screaming and yelling incoherently. Shoyo stopped for a second, he saw Natsu and me half asleep, sitting at the table, and he nodded his head to me then continued his barbaric activities. He was letting me know Natsu and I could take a break to nap. I stood up and held Natsu over my hip. I held her that way because she is getting a bit heavy for me to be holding her out in front of me, I was using my hip to hold more of her weight than my arms were. I walked to my bedroom and set Natsu down on my bed. I put my forehead to hers to tell her that I'd be gone for a second, but I'd be right back. I changed out of my uniform and into shorts and a sweatshirt. I walked back over to Natsu and laid down beside her. Natsu grabbed my hand as we laid facing each other. She closed her eyes and fell asleep almost instantly. We nap like this often, we always have. It first started when I was sick, a few weeks after I first came here. At the time I was still afraid of human contact, but Natsu was still very young and was able to push my boundaries and it felt okay. When I was sick, apparently I had grabbed her hand in the midst of my fever. I wasn't letting go, so she couldn't leave, so she lay down with me. Just like how we are now, except I'm not sick now. She never left my side while I was sick, It was like she knew I felt safe with her, and that I didn't want to be alone, just from me holding her hand that day. We've napped like this ever since. I fell asleep soon after Natsu did. 

943 words

Oh man, I am a liar! I'm sorry! So I lied and said this would be out "tomorrow" and that was like February 13th and it's now March 1st. So sorry about that. I'll try to be better. But thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Love you all!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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