first date

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Lillianna's POV

"Why do you look so happy?" Mom smiled as she walked past the front door carrying the laundry, Shoyo and I had just walked in when she passed.  

"Yeah, what is that grin on your face for?" Natsu's hands rested on her hips as her face twisted into an evil grin.

"Annie went on a date~" Shoyo's voice danced around as he kicked his shoes off and ran into the house. I took my shoes off and walked over to Mom, I smiled and grabbed the laundry basket from her hand. Natsu followed close behind me, drowning me in questions as I walked out to the clothesline to hang our freshly washed clothes. I paused and looked over to her, I smiled and patted her head. I put one finger in the air to tell her to wait, she knew I couldn't answer all the questions at once.

"I will write it" I signed slowly. Natsu then sighed and went to sit impatiently on the step by our back door. I hurried to finish hanging the clothes, but when I was pulling the laundry out of the basket underneath a white sheet was a large light-grey sweatshirt. Who's sweatshirt is this? Natsu still wears children's sizes and Shoyo still wears a medium even though he doesn't like to admit it. Mom only has one sweatshirt and it's navy blue and a medium. Until today there has never been a size large sweatshirt in this house. I gasped. Natsu looked up at me,

"What happened?" Natsu ran up to me and tugged a bit on my shirt, she saw the sweatshirt I was holding, "Why'd you stop on that sweatshirt?"

"Go get brother" I signed. Natsu nodded and scurried off. This has to be Kageyama's. When did he finally give Sho his sweatshirt, and why wasn't I informed?  Natsu's gonna sleep good tonight with all this tea. 

"What did you need? Natsu looked a bit worried" Shoyo came up to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. Then I turned slowly to him and pointed at the sweatshirt in my hand. "Oh, you found it. Darn it, I wasn't gonna let you wash it!" 

"I brought all of the laundry out of the rooms this morning" I signed and then hung the sweatshirt on the clothesline. I hung the sweatshirt from the bottom and turned back to the basket to grab the next item to hang. He probably didn't want me to wash the sweatshirt so that it would still smell like Kageyama, I guess that's understandable but it was really dirty. When I picked it up off his floor this morning it had obviously been worn well, it reeked of steamy sewage and had been soaked in sweat not long ago. It desperately needed to be cleaned. My lack of communication after what he said seemed to make Shoyo uncomfortable, more than usual. I knew he was itching for me to have something to say about it, but I'm not gonna let him get what he wants until I get what I want. Soon enough Shoyo began to catch on that I was expecting more of an explanation. Shoyo sighed...

"Okay, he gave it to me. last week. I told him I missed him, because we haven't been able to practice just the two of us lately" Shoyo's voice got smaller as he finished out his sentence, a small blush creeping up his cheeks. Kageyama and Shoyo have been dating for about five months. Mom and Natsu know about it too. Shoyo normally tells me everything that happens between them. I guess he was too embarrassed this time because he initiated the situation. "But hey! You don't get to turn this on me! Today's about you and your date with Asahi!" Shoyo yelled. I jumped a little at his sudden outburst. I sighed and held my finger in the air for him so he knew that it was a promise, I just need to finish what I'm doing. 

I finished hanging the laundry. I guess I really have to tell them now. As I brought the empty basket back into the house, I was dragged to the kitchen and sat at the table across from Mom, Shoyo, and Natsu. Wow, a whole interrogation. 

"Now. tell us everything." Mom commanded. Natsu handed me some paper and a pen and nodded at me. Oh man, I really have to tell them. I set the paper on the table in front of me and began 

"We confessed, and because of it, we were late to practice. We stirred up attention, then Daichi told Asahi to take me out for the day. So he did. We walked to the coffee shop and sat for a bit. He wouldn't let me pay for the hot chocolate I ordered. He had gotten hot chocolate too. We talked for a while, I learned his favorite food is tonkotsu ramen. His birthday is January 1st which means he is a Capricorn, and he really cares about what others think of him. Asahi gets worried about how he looks, and how people don't always believe that he's still a student. After a while, we walked back to school and he waited with me until Shoyo was out of the gym and could take me home." I hesitated, I can't tell them the last part. I gave them the paper and sat silently watching them read. 

"Oh?~ Is that all Annie? I seem to recall your little story here missing some things towards the end." Shoyo stood up from his chair slowly and walked around the table, "I wonder if I should tell them for you, hmmm" He brought his finger to his chin and looked up. His finger dropped from his face to point at me, "OH goodness, if you didn't mention those things did you not mention things that even I don't know about?" 

"What are you on about Shoyo?" Mom asked,

"Yeah, what didn't she mention?" Natsu looked up

"She just didn't happen to mention that he was holding her hand almost the whole time they were together, as far as the team and I could see. She also forgot to mention a certain forehead kiss and hug whilst he said goodbye" Shoyo taunted. Gasps filled the room as all eyes fell on me. 

1058 words

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I'm gonna try to post again tomorrow, and please leave suggestions and comments! 💕💕💕

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