The team knows

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3rd POV

"Why doesn't she talk?" Suga questioned. Shoyo sighed,
"Well. She's never really found it easy to talk. She transferred to Karasuno because some girls made fun of her and her voice. I don't think she'd want me telling you much more. She knows sign language though, but even that is really difficult." Shoyo looked back up from the ground to Suga and the rest of the team staring blankly at him.

Asahi's POV

While the team just stood there looking at Hinata, I found myself thinking,
Then why are we leaving her alone right now? As I walked myself to the storage closet where she had run off to,
"Annie?" She looked up at me from the corner by the spare net, her eyes were big and blue. She's been crying I thought. I wanted to run over to her and hoist her up into my arms, but I didn't want to scare her. I don't like it when girls are scared of me, although Annie hadn't seemed scared of me or the others when she walked into the gym. "Annie, we're sorry for asking so many questions. You don't have to answer, it's okay." I tried to reassure her, she seemed less tense as I walked closer to her and sat down in front of her. She reached out and grabbed my hand. She held my hand in both of hers. Oh G-d, thank you. She's so cute, her hands are so tiny holding my one hand. I look from our hands back to her face, and she's looking at me with a huge smile on her face.

Lillianna's POV

I grabbed his hand because I was scared of being alone, but when our hands met I truly felt safe. Not just because he's another human, but because of him. I'd only known him for a couple hours, but he made me feel okay. I looked up at him, and I felt happy so I smiled. I wanted to thank him and to let him know that I'm okay now, he made me okay. I never know if people completely understand my messages but he seemed to get it because he held my hand and helped me up. He then walked us out of the storage closet, I trailed behind him still holding his hand.

3rd POV

The team didn't notice Asahi holding Annie's hand. But as they separated so that Asahi could continue practice, they were both sad to let go.

Practice ran normally for the rest of it, and when it was time to go back home Annie waved to everyone and provided a small smile as she left the gym behind Shoyo. On the walk home Shoyo grumbled about not getting to stay and practice more because he had to walk home with Annie. He talked the whole way home, which made Annie's day.

When they arrived back home Natsu ran to Annie and Shoyo, she jumped up and down and shot questions every which way until Annie placed her hand on Natsu's cheek and leaned their foreheads together.
"It was a good day" Annie said softly. Shoyo and Natsu beamed at Annie. They both knew that too much acknowledgment would make Annie uncomfortable. But, they were still overjoyed to know that Annie was confident enough in herself and how the day went to be able to say at least something about it. Shoyo and Natsu threw themselves at Annie, knocking them all over in the middle of the entryway. Annie couldn't have been happier than she was at that moment. She had a really good day, and she had two of her favorite people at her side.

615 words

Sorry this one was a lot shorter. I just wanted to finish out the first day, the next update might come out tonight or tomorrow I'm not sure. Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know if you have any recommendations or if you have any changes you think I should make (but please be nice some people will get sad). Thank you for reading!

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