finding out

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Asahi's POV

"Yes, Asahi. Please tell us, tell us where you have been. What you were doing. And why it mad you late to practice." Daichi's voice remained calm, but the irritation bled through.

"I- I'm sorry Daichi. I - uh, I was with Annie, um and I - uh." I gulped "I - I Itoldherhowireallyfeelaboutherandshelikesmetooandshesaidthaticouldtakeheronadate and, I'm sorry!" I don't even know what I just said.

"Really!?" Suga exclaimed

"How did you even understand that?" Daichi looked at Suga questioningly.

"It's true." I sighed, I didn't want them to find out like this. I just burned so much energy panicking.

"So is she your girlfriend?" Suga had calmed down when he asked that.

"I didn't confirm that. But I hope so."

"what just happened?"

(While that happened, with Annie...)

Lillianna's POV

Asahi will be fine, I think. I skipped over to Kiyoko and Yachi, they were watching me as I entered the gym with Asahi. I can only assume they have lots of questions, and I'll be happy to answer.

" So... why' you show up late, and with Asahi?" Kiyoko nudged me with her arm. I want to tell them, but how do I say it? I want to speak, use my voice. I especially want to because they don't know sign and I know they won't make fun of me. I know they won't judge me for how I sound. I think I feel safe enough to speak. I want to tell them, I don't want to hide my voice from them. My mouth is moving, but my voice won't come out. No sound is escaping. What is happening?

Oh, okay. Yachi tapped my shoulder and smiled kindly. Kiyoko smiled too, she handed me a small notepad and a purple pen,

"We know it's hard, you don't have to feel obligated to use your voice around us yet. We know we'll get to hear your voice one day, but it doesn't need to be today or tomorrow." Kiyoko's words are definitely reassuring, but I want to speak. Why won't it happen? "However, I won't make you talk, but I will make you tell us what's up with you and Asahi," Kiyoko smirked. I giggled and nodded. I grabbed the notepad and pen and sat down where we stood. I rested the notepad on my thigh as I wrote down the latest events of today.

"This morning, Asahi came up to me and asked that I meet him after school. I honestly thought he was going to tell me he wanted me to stay away from him. When I met him after classes he was lost in thought so I had to get his attention by tugging on his shirt. As he grew noticeably flustered I decided I'd tell him how I felt before he could tell me to leave him alone. When I did that he just hugged me and then he confused me a bit, he said something about how I still might reject him. Then he told me he liked me back and wished to take me on a date. I agreed, and he hugged me again. It was quite comfortable in his arms, I didn't really want him to let go, but then I'd realized he still had practice and we were there a while. Then we ran here."

I looked back up to Kiyoko and Yachi who were standing around me, they were watching as I wrote. I handed the notepad back to them and waited. Moments later Kiyoko and Yachi squealed and pulled me into a tight hug. I giggled a bit and smiled,

"You have to tell us everything that happens from now on!" Kiyoko spoke as her head leaned over my shoulder,

"Yes you need to fill us in, please!" Yachi's head rested over my other shoulder. Both of their arms entangled around me and mine stretched around the two of them. I think it'll be easy to talk to them soon, at least I hope.

"So..." Kiyoko cooed, with a smirk on her face. "Is he your boyfriend now?" I thought for a minute, he hadn't said that. Am I? I want to be. I looked up at Kiyoko, she must've been able to see I was a bit distressed. She groaned and started walking over to the other third years.

3rd POV

Asahi stood with his hand over the back of his neck and looking at the ground.

"Asahi Azumane." Kiyoko's voice was steady and stern. Asahi looked up, a bit confused. "Why was Annie left confused after today's encounter? Hmm?"

"What do you mean?" Suga looked at Kiyoko,

"Ask Asahi, she doesn't know if she's his girlfriend or not, and now she's overthinking it" Kiyoko replied, sounding a bit irritated. She then turned to Asahi and continued, "I know your jockstrap isn't empty so go confirm to her that you are actually a man."

"what." The three boys answered perfectly in sync with one another, the three of them left stunned as they watched Kiyoko huff her way back to Yachi and Annie. Suga slowly turned back to Asahi,

"Well big man, I think you have a job to do for today." Suga punched Asahi in the arm, it seemed playful but the goatee man was silently screaming in pain. Suga then glanced at Daichi with a smirk, Suga had no intention of hiding his ulterior motives. "Hey babe, do you think Asahi can skip practice for today, he's already late so he should take this time to fix his mistakes. Right?" Daichi blushed slightly at the use of his pet name in front of the team

"A-alright, that's fine, I guess." Daichi sighed.

"A-are y-you sure Daichi?" Asahi stuttered as Suga shoved him towards the girls.

"Go." Suga and Daichi stated in unison. Asahi looked back at them for a second, just to make sure he wasn't imagining things, then walked forward. Asahi knew he needed to fix things, and clear what wasn't understood the first time he confessed. Now he was going to do it again, and this time he'd be very clear about his intentions.

1019 words

Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry this didn't get out sooner but here it is, I hope you enjoyed! Please leave comments! I love reading them, and please leave suggestions or ideas too! Thank you so much for almost 500 reads! This is crazy! I'll be posting again soon so please read that too! I'm really excited for ya'll to see how this plays out! I love you all!💕💕💕

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