girl talk

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Lillianna's POV

We got home from school ten minutes ago, Natsu is staring daggers into my back. I have no idea how she figured it out. Am I that obvious? I was trying to hide it, but I can't get anything past Natsu.

"I'm taking Annie!" Natsu screamed loud enough for everyone to hear,

"What why! Are you kidnapping her all night?" Shoyo yelled back from who knows where.

"Yes!" Natsu responded proudly as she dragged me into her room. She sat me down in front of her, she was seated in the chair she uses for tea parties. She looked down at me,

"So who is he?" she smirked. I coughed, I hadn't been drinking water but if I was it would've come out my nose. Eyes wide I looked to her in astonishment. How did this tiny person see through me and read me like a book? Natsu's eyes widened as I signed to her the letters, that belong to his name " A S A H I". Her response was squealing and jumping up and down, this lasted only a few seconds before she ran out of her room leaving me confused. She came back seconds later holding a group photo of Hinata's team. Natsu immediately pointed to Asahi's face in the photo,

"Number 3?" Natsu beamed,

"NUMBER 3!?" Shoyo screamed as he slammed Natsu's closet door open. How long had he been in there?

"Hinata get out!" Natsu exclaimed angrily. I stood up and tried to sneak out of the room, but both of them knew better and they each grabbed ahold of one of my limbs. They held me in the room and shot questions left and right. I threw my arms up in the air and shook my hands around, my signal for them to calm down and let me get a word in however I can. I sighed,

"He made me feel okay, and he made me feel safe" I signed, Hinata then translated for Natsu. Natsu knows sign language for the most part but she needs help sometimes. However, Shoyo is pretty fluent. Shoyo and Natsu smiled, they both leaned over to me and wrapped me in their arms. I liked our group hugs.

"He's okay I guess. I'll let it happen. Maybe I'll help you out. I don't know." Shoyo grumbled as we all pulled away. Natsu elbowed him in the arm and he laughed "I'm kidding, I'll be your wingman Annie. But if anyone tries anything funny, they will feel my wrath."

3rd POV

This time Annie initiated the group hug, she threw her arms around the other two and squeezed them tight. The two tangerine children were a bit surprised by this sudden advancement made by their withdrawn sister. This might've been the first time Annie had been the one to drag the other two into a group hug.

481 words

I'm so sorry this one is also really short, I promise there will be a longer chapter soon. Thank you for reading! Please leave suggestions and recommendations. Let me know if you have feedback (but be nice people are sensitive). Thank you💕💕

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