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Lillianna's POV

"Annie! Get up, we have morning practice today!" Shoyo's voice echoed through the house. I jumped up, and ran to the bathroom. I got myself ready and skipped down the stairs. I smiled at Natsu as I sped past her, down the hall, and into the kitchen. "You ready?" Shoyo's smile, wide as ever, turned to me as he placed his dishes in the sink. I smiled and nodded as I skipped over to him, I grabbed the dishes and finished washing them for him. He thanked me and headed to grab Natsu. Shoyocame back into the kitchen, Natsu yawning big until he set her down at the table.
"Have a good day." Natsu managed in her tiny, sleepy voice. I dried my hands and went over to her, I gave her a pat on the head and handed her some scrambled eggs. After that Shoyo and I headed out the door.

We were the first to arrive at morning practice, Kageyama followed close behind. I left them so they could practice and I sat on the floor in a corner. I put my headphones in and began working on some math assignment.

3rd POV

Some people began gathering in the gym, and even though everyone had arrived, Annie hadn't noticed. Annie was still working diligently in the corner, on the ground.
"Asahi, go say hi." Suga elbowed Asahi's arm and gestured over to the corner where Annie sat.
"I-I... I couldn't d-do that! Sh-she's obviously b-busy. Right?" Asahi stuttered as he tried to get his words out. Daichi and Suga laughed, Suga pushed Asahi along the ground, until he arrived a few feet behind Annie. Suga ran back to Daichi before Asahi had realized that he was being bullied into talking to his...

Asahi's POV

Darn it Suga! I went out of my way, and gathered up all of my courage to tell you how I felt about Annie last night, and now you're making me do this? I thought to myself. How is she gonna react to me bothering her like this? She couldn't be happy about it? Could she? I mustered up all my strength, and leaned down over her. I tapped on her shoulder,
"EEP!" Annie had jumped at the sudden contact. Her voice. I scared her, but I heard her voice. It was kind of a screech but it was beautiful. Her hands shot up to her face to cover her mouth.
"Oh, um I'm sorry! I uh, I-I didn't mean to scare you I just came over because... well because. I uh, because I wanted to see what you were up to!" I didn't have a plan, I had stuttered. She must've thought I was an idiot.

3rd POV

Asahi's hand rested behind his head, and the other in front of him. His apology wasn't smooth, but he really wasn't trying to scare her. Annie looked up at Asahi, she slowly brought her hands down from her face and smiled brightly. Asahi kneeled down to look her in the eye, her eyes followed his as he sat down in front of her. She grabbed one of his hands and held it in both of hers, just like last time.

Lillianna's POV

I wasn't expecting him to come up behind me like that, but as soon as I knew it was him I felt okay again. I grabbed his hand again because I wanted to hold it, and because he seemed nervous. I don't know why he was nervous, but it made me smile nonetheless. He looked down to our hands and then back up at me. A smile crept up his face as he lifted his other hand up to mine, and squeezed.
"Your hands are cute, and tiny." His voice was soft and he let out a little laugh after he said it. I giggled softly. "Oh my god, did I say that out loud?" Asahi's voice was a little louder this time. I pulled my hands away and put my hands on his cheeks. I leaned over to his ear,
"Handsome" I whispered it quietly. Only Asahi could hear it. I leaned back and smiled again. When I looked back over to Asahi, his jaw had dropped and his face was tinted with a deep red. Slowly my hands dropped back down into my lap. Oh my god. I did it. I said something. I said something to someone who wasn't Shoyo or Natsu. More importantly, I said something to Asahi.

What had come over me? As I sat in class desperately trying to come up with some logical reason as to why I had exposed my voice to Asahi. Asahi, of all people. He was the last person I had wanted to find out about my accent, and how timid it is.

Asahi's POV

Just as I thought, her voice is beautiful. What she said was quiet, it was a small sound, but it resonated in my body. The first word I ever heard her say was, handsome. I will treasure that word forever. I hope she meant me when she said that. Do I have a chance?

864 words

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