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3rd POV

"I can't believe that actually happened!" Shoyo's voice echoed through the street as he walked backward, facing Annie's still blushing face. Annie nodded lightly in agreement. "The way he just held you like that was so funny. He'll never live that down." Shoyo laughed.

"Why did he do that?" Annie signed.

"Well he obviously likes you back, and you kinda jumped onto him. He couldn't let you fall." Shoyo smirked.

"Well, it just happened. I don't believe I was thinking." Annie signed a small smile on her face.

"Just wait, when Natsu finds out you'll have to tell her every little detail. Everything you were thinking, and what Asahi was thinking."

"But I'm not aware of what he was thinking."

"I don't think that she'll let that slide. You'll have to figure something out." Shoyo sighed, "I don't think I can help you once she gets started."

Lillianna's POV

Natsu could smell it. When Shoyo opened the front door, she was already standing there. She stared me down, her eyes shooting daggers through my soul.

"Oh, Annie dear. I believe you have something to tell me now don't you." Her tiny face twisted into a terrifying grin. Natsu's glare sucked the air from my lungs. I nodded, she doesn't have to interrogate me I was gonna tell her anyway.
"I braided his hair, and he held me." I signed.

"Oho! That's not it, he was holding her in the air out in front of him! It was so awkward!" Shoyo's laugh was enthusiastic as ever. He went on, and explained everything that happened at practice. I stood there smiling slightly, today was a really good day.

"Annie." Natsu turned to me and took a sip out of the juice box in her hand. "Are you happy? Can I approve of him? Will he hurt you?"

"He's only made me happy so far." I signed, smiling. I was so excited today, I got to braid Asahi's hair. His hair was clean, and he himself was clean. He doesn't smell. Then, I got to be held in his arms, I had meant to just hug him, but I ended up jumping onto him. My arms and legs were wrapped around him, and his large hands held me at my waist. I spoke to him again. He heard my voice again. His arms are so built, and they held me up so easily. He seemed to understand me when I was trying to tell him something, even though I never said anything. Even when he got my message, he also knew I didn't want people to see my face. So he hid me, by pulling me closer. "I really like him." I signed, my smile grew bigger. I wonder what he's thinking about right now because all I can think about is him.

Asahi's POV

As I walked home from practice, all I could think about was Annie. I held her in my arms, her arms and legs were wrapped around me, and I held her, her tiny waist fit so perfectly in my hands. I want to hold her again. The roller coaster of facial expressions she gave me, I want to see more of them. Her voice, I heard it again. All she said was 'yes' but the way she said it was different, even her voice is cute. I want to monopolize her. When I put her down and pulled her close to me, it was because the face she was making gave me butterflies, and I wanted to keep that all for myself. I didn't want anyone else to see it. Oh my gosh, what am I thinking? I know I like her, but I can't just keep her to myself. What was I thinking? Was I gonna lock her in my basement? However, something really important happened today. As I stared down at my phone screen, watching Annie's name still on the screen. She gave me her number. Can I text her?

Hey, this is Asahi. This is Annie, right?

Yes, this is Annie.

Did you get home okay?

Yes I did thank you, I trust Hinata got you home safely

lol he did, he hasn't failed at that yet.

Very good, I don't want to have to scold him for losing one of my special kohais

I'm special?

Of course you are! To me, you are very special.

Did I just say that? Can I unsend? Damn it she's already read it.

You are special to me as well.

3rd POV

The two clueless children continued talking through the night. They both fell asleep while talking to each other and in the morning both were extremely embarrassed at what they had said to the other.

At morning practice,
"Oh hey." Asahi saw Annie as she walked in, hiding behind Shoyo. She responded with a shy wave and glanced around the gym. All eyes were on them. Shoyo stepped out of the way and ran to Kageyama. Annie was too busy looking up at Asahi to notice that Shoyo had left. Annie's blush crept up her face, as Asahi's did the same. They both were embarrassed, but they also knew that the other probably felt the same way that they did. They each speculated and analyzed the conversation they had the previous night. Do they like me back?

Word count 901

Oh my Asahi I am so sorry it took me so long to update, things were crazy these past few days. My family was running around and everything. Nothing serious though, but I couldn't get a chance to write! This chapter wasn't a little bit short but it's what I've got for now. Sorry if it feels rushed, but besides that, thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! I hope everyone had a great holiday, and I wish everyone a happy new year! Please leave any suggestions or comments you might have!

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